Jefferson County, Kentucky

Will Book 4

(1844 - 1854)

Page 133
I make this my last will and Testament, In the first place my son Thomas Brawner was my agent and received money for me and I lived in his house and performed what work for the family that was in my power and he had the use of some of my negroes and no settlement was made between us.  I now direct that the accounts be considered settled and I give him whatever balance shall be coming to me as his full share of my property.

In the second place, I direct my Executor to sell my two black boys, Jim and Allen and the money to be equally divided between my two sons Franklin and Henry and that is to be their share of my property.
In the third place, I have given my son John Mitchell Brawner a bill of sale for the negro boys Jim and Preston and have sold him the mother Hannah for which I hold his note.  I intend said two negro boys Jim and Preston as his part of my estate and as I am living with him. After paying my debts and funeral expenses out of the debt he owes me first applying what other debts shall be due to me, I give him the balance of what he shall own me.
In the fourth place, I devise to Parmelia Brawner, wife of John Mitchell Brawner, for her separate use, free from her husband and his debts, a negro girl called Harriet about sixteen months old as an evidence of my gratitude for her kindness and attention to me and she is also to have what little personal property I know have, except the two quilts - one for Franklin and one for Henry.
I make my son John Mitchell Brawner my Executor and direct the little personal effects left by me at my son Thomas shall not be claimed, but remain with him.  In witness whereof I have set my hand this 12th day of August 1848.

Anna Brawner

James Guthrie
H. M. Wakefield

State of Kentucky
At a county Court filed for Jefferson County at the courthouse in the city of Louisville on the 12th day of March 1849.
The foregoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Anna Brawner, decd.. late of this county was produced in Court and proved by the oath of James Guthrie and H. M. Wakefield the subscribing witnesses thereto whereupon was established the same by the court to be the last will and testament of said Anna Brawner and ordered to be recorded and is recorded in my office as clerk of the said court.
Arron Pope, Clk

Submitted by:  Sue Rhody


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