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Coyville, Wilson County, Kansas


This material was taken from the Coyville school annual, Pioneer published in 1926, and submitted by Sharon Kisley.



To Consolidation of Schools, for what it has done for education, the advantages it has brought to many boys and girls of the rural sections, and the equal opportunity it has given to rural and city children,

We, the Senior Class, respectfully dedicate the first volume of THE PIONEER.

School History

The Coyville school district was organized July 7, 1866. It was one of the first eleven school districts to be organized by G.W. Williams, the first superintendent of schools in Wilson County.

Jonathan Keys as director, and James Stallings as clerk, were elected to serve on the first school board. Mr. Stallings was the grandfather of Joe Stallings, a present member of the school district. In 1867, Mr. Coy, after whom the town was named, was elected treasurer to complete the school board.

The first school building was erected in 1868 near the place where the D.E. Willoughby house now stands. The school was in progress in 1869, but there is no existing record of the first teacher. The first ones mentioned in the records are J.F. Maxwell, who in 1870 taught for three months, and F. M. Robertson.

In 1874 a new building was erected and the old one used for a dwelling house. The school site was changed to the present location and a schoolhouse built. This was a one-room building, constructed by Tom Sherlock, a present resident in the district. Some years later it was enlarged and made into a two-room school. This served until the construction of the existing brick building in 1915, when the former was destroyed.

In 1922 the Coyville and Grandview districts united to form the Coyville Consolidated School. The Bethel district was annexed in 1924. In the summer of 1924 the Primary building was erected, thus completing the school system.

The High School is a comparatively recent development of the Coyville school. The first efforts were in 1920 when one teacher managed all the subjects of a two-year high school course. The following year it became an approved two-year high school. In the fall of 1924 a second teacher was added and a four-year course offered. The following year the school was placed on the four-year high school accredited list by the State Board of Education. At present three teachers are employed in the high school and three in the grades.

Members of the Board of Education:

H. J. Anderson, Director. Hops Willoughby, Clerk. A.E. Ewing, Treasurer.


Lee Corder - Mathematics - Science
Evelyn Cline - History - Music
Hazel Mae Johnson - English - Home Economics

Everett W. Hull - Grammar Grades
Alta B. Hull - Intermediate Grades
Mona Spearman - Primary Grades

Anna Schaller -President
Ruth McGraw - Secretary
Gerald Gromer - Vice President
Ralph Trimmell

Wanda Anderson - President
Ruth Duckworth - Vice President
Pat Fitzmorris - Secretary-Treasurer
George Brown -

Garold Fitzmorris - President
Mildred Toothman - Vice President
Ethel Findley - Secretary-Treasurer
Clarence Marr
Pearl Shannon
Jennie Hime
Ruth Devilbiss
Vernice Callahan
Zetta Shannon
Genevieve Gromer
Mamie Lawrence
Harry Jackson
Norman McGraw
Gladys Lawrence
Alice Callahan
Thelma Ware
Virgie Cain
Cecil Morgan

Bernice Brown - President
Alice Nelson - Vice President
Jessie Row - Secretary-Treasurer
Elsie Row
Raymond Wright
Florence Frederick

Grammar Grades:
Dorothy Meriwether, Frank Powers, Luther Hoffman, Doris Oshel, Winton Anderson, Harold Wright, Verma Faulkner, May Lawrence, Roy Findley, Mary Alice Trimmell, Juanita Stanley, Wayne Anderson, Marcelle Wade, Donald Morgan, Bonnie Saar, Glenna Gromer and Vesta Marr.

Intermediate Grades:
Thelma Mederis, Ethel Caley, Gladys Sherlock, Dorothy Johnson, Hazel Circle, Ida Garrett, Alice Row, Mildred Row, Lois Powers, Gladys Garrett, Dorothy Ewing, Rex Greathouse, Russell Mederis, Emmett Miller, Marjory Gromer, Earl Marr, Florence Sherlock, Gene Greathouse, Alan Gillett, Howard Anderson, Orval Papon, Filbert Faulkner, Lysle Anderson, Floyd Lewis, Herbert Morgan, Marvin Hunter, Hollis Willoughby, Donald Frederick, Paul Lawrence and Kenneth Ally.

Primary Grades:
Junior Dixon, Billy Marr, Carl Lawrence, Millard Stanley, Wayne Miller, Charles Stephens, Elva Johnson, Neola Wilson, Willard Johnson, Medaris, Joyce Gable, Gay Wilson, Morgan, Raymond Walker, Mary Alice Schaller, Winona Hamilton, Cora Lee Faulkner, Ruth Ellis, Virginia Circle, Faye Willoughby, David Young, June Garrett, Frances Lawrence, Berneta Knox, Billy Gillett, Ruby Faye Frederick, Nathan Greathouse, Keith Gromer, Douglas Ally, Junior Mugg, Eugene Stanley, Bob Hamilton and Dwight Gable.


Raymond Knox and Herbert Cooley were the first students to graduate from the Coyville High School. They did all their work in the Coyville High School, with the exception of the Junior year, since Coyville had only a two-year course until 1924. In the fall of 1924 both re-entered the Coyville High School and graduated in the spring of 1925.

I Am - - -

I am not a stranger to anyone here. I am a friend to the poor and needy. I am bitterly fought by many narrow-minded people, who have no good interest for the betterment of their community or the future welfare of the children. I am truly a friend to the farmers, as I create better roads.

I am the cornerstone of our great colleges. I am here to help children of all ages and classes. I am giving our children a complete education and still allowing them to live at home.

I am reaching far out into the country to bring little children to school. I am able to solve the great problem for the transportation of little children as well as the large, who live a great distance from school. I am solving the present educational problems, since I am the most economical.

I am the life of the community. I am a means by which good ideas may be carried from one community to another. I am modern in all respects. I am intellectually and morally clean in all my undertakings. I am also in favor of the noble teachings of our great leaders, Lincoln and Washington. I am the means of promoting social as well as educational enterprises. I am the beacon light to remote people of the rural districts. I am busy carrying on my good work in the rough, wintry days as well as in the fall and spring. I am a social center. I am a more helpful enterprise, since I have better facilities than the several scattered districts.

I am encouraged by Kansas, one of the best states of the Union. I am always striving for better ways of teachings. I am here and here to stay. I am the Consolidated School.

-----ANNA SCHALLER - President of the Senior Class

The 1925-26 basketball season opened with only one last year man on the team. All the other boys were inexperienced. But from the start of the season the boys showed fight and speed. Clarence Marr, their captain, proved to be a valuable leader. Practically the entire team will be back next year.

Team Members - Harry Jackson, George Brown, Ralph Trimmell, Gerald Gromer, Garold Fitzmorris, Clarence Marr and Pat Fitzmorris. Coach - Everett W. Hull

Baseball in the Coyville High School has progressed very rapidly, considering the inexperience of the players before they entered school. They developed team work and played good, consistent baseball. By the natural ability of the players with the help of their coach, Mr.Corder, a smooth working team was developed which won eleven out of fourteen games. These games were in the season of '24 and '25'; four with Toronto, four with Vilas, four with Quincy and two with Benedict. The games lost were two to Quincy and one to Toronto, all by close scores.

Baseball Team: Garold Fitzmorris, Bill Frederick, Gerald Gromer, Norman McGraw, Harry Jackson, Pat Fitzmorris, Ralph Trimmell, Clarence Marr, George Brown and Lee Corder.

During this year an effort has been made to create in the High School pupils a love and appreciation for worth-while music. Nearly everyone in school was enrolled in one of the two music classes. This spring a commendable effort of the High School was the presenting of the operetta, "The Gypsy Rover." Additional interest was aroused in music by the organization of a High School orchestra. Some credit must be give to Mr. Wright for his help in this organization. This is a good beginning in music and the High school expects to continue giving it an important place in its curriculum.

The orchestra was organized this year through the demand for more music in the school. The interest in this work was very great from the start and continued throughout the year. Only a few members of the orchestra had any musical experience previous to the organization of the orchestra; however, steady progress was made during the year.


At the Annual Carnival last winter a full page in the Annual was offered as a prize in a popularity contest. For each cent spent one vote was given to be cast for any young lady in the school. Miss Wanda Anderson, a Junior, was the winner of the contest.


Genevieve: How dare you swear before me?
Clarence: How did I know you wanted to swear first?

Clarence: You look cold, shall I take my coat off and put it around you?
Ethel: Why take it off?

Mr. Corder (excitedly): Hello! Hello! I want to speak to my wife.
Operator: Number, please.
Mr. Corder (Indignantly): Number? Ain't got but one!

Miss Cline: George, do you know what 'affirm' means?
George: It means a business house.

Miss Johnson: When was Tennyson born?
Jennie: About 600 years before Christ.

Ralph: What' s the difference between Poland China and other hogs?
Mrs. Trimmell: Ask your Dad.
Ralph: He doesn't know anything about pigs, except the old models.

Wanda: The man I have must be bold, upright and grand.
Clarence: You don't want a man, you want a piano.

Miss Cline: What is the presidents cabinet?
Chub: A place where he keeps his vanilla extract.

Jennie: How long is it until our general science quiz?
Miss Cline: About twenty-five minutes.
Jennie: This is like waiting for the Judgment Day.

At a game we were playing one night, Mr. Hull said, "Garold, say, 'Who do you love best!'"
Garold not knowing the trick, blushed and said, "Ah, oh er - well Jennie."

Clarence: Who was Harry Lauder?
Miss Johnson: A great singer.
Clarence: Was he a Scotchman?
Miss J: Yes he still is.

Virgie: (studying biology): Mr. Corder, do I resemble a fish?
Mr. Corder: I don't know. I've often heard you folks call one another poor fish.


This is the first attempt to publish an annual in the Coyville High School. This was a great feat for so small a school, but to create the proper spirit and to show the progress of the school, the effort was made.

We hereby wish to express our deep appreciation to all who have made this book possible, and trust that it will fulfill its mission.