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Trego County Location

Western Kansas World 4/8/1920

OBITUARY of Marie D. Ebeling

Marie Lindi was born in Statiem, Germany, August; 7, 1842, and died April 1.. 1920; at 8:00 o'clock p.m. She came to America when a young woman and was married to John, Ebleling in Chicago, Ill.; August 14, 1867. For the last 41 years she has been a resident of Trego County. There were eight children, three sons and five daughters. Two sons, 'one daughter and the husband have passed Across the latter about two years ago. Mrs. Eberling was 77 years old and a member of the Lutheran church which she joined when a child. For a number of years she was an invalid and about six weeks ago was taken with the final sickness that caused her death. The largely attended funeral service was conducted by Rev. J" E. Naylor in the Baptist church in ColIyer, on the afternoon of Easter Sunday, the local choir rendering appropriate music. At the close of the service the body was laid to rest in Collyer Cemetery. The family, relatives and many friends morn this aged pilgrim who left the home here for eternal home above.
For they rest from their labors and their works do follow them.

Submitted by Gayle M. Garrett

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