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Amelia (Roemer) Yust Obituary

Obituary from Sylvia Sun, Sylvia, Kansas, Friday, March 18, 1904:
   “Amelia (Roemer) Yust was born December 29, 1817, in Germany, and departed this life March 14, 1904 at the home of Fred Yust.  She was married to Frederic Yust Sr. Jan. 2, 1891.  To this union was born 8 children, 5 sons and 3 daughters.  Her husband, two sons and one daughter preceded her Home.
   “She was a member of the German M.E. Church for 48 years; she had a longing to depart and be at rest.  Her last was like the setting of the sun.  She died in the faith.  The funeral services were held in the German church Tuesday by the pastor, assisted by U.S. Benson, pastor of U.B. Church of Turon.”

Submitted by
Robert Richardson on January 23, 2005.

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