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John D. Yoder Obituary

per Gospel Herald Obituary - June 1932:
YODER, John D., son of Daniel J. and Susanna (Miller) Yoder, was born May 10, 1864, near Millerburg, O; died May 22, 1932, at his home in Yoder, KS; aged 68 years 12 days.  When 21 years old he came to Indiana, where he spent about six months.  He then came to McPherson Co., KS, where he was married to Amanda Kuhns.  To this union were born 4 children.  In 1894 he with his family moved to Jet, OK, where he lived until about 4 years ago, when he moved to Yoder, KS.  He united with the Mennonite Church when a young man and remained faithful until the end.  He had been in failing health for the past few years, and often expressed himself as willing and ready to meet his Lord.  He was loved and respected by all who knew him, and will be missed in the community.  He leaves his wife, 1 daughter (Lovina), 3 sons (Alvin, Emmon, and Daniel), 24 grandchildren, 3 half-brothers, and a host of relatives and friends.  The funeral was at the Yoder Mennonite Church, conducted by S. C. Miller of Jet, OK, and L. O. King of the home congregation.  Texts, Job 14:14; Psa. 23:4.

Submitted by
Thomas Austin Morgan
on September 14, 2003.

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