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Comrade D. M. Wright Obituary

Death of D. M. Wright
Another of the Old Veterans Has Been Called to His Final Home.
Comrade D. M. Wright, a veteran soldier and a member of Joe Hooker Post No. 17, G. A. R., died from heart trouble, at his home on Avenue B east, at 3:15 Tuesday morning.  As truly as did any of the matyrs who fell defending the flag in battle, Comrade Wright gave his life for his countrys weal.  Although he lingered many years before his final passing, they were but years of suffering, making his martyrdom more complete, the gift to his country the greater that it was given more slowly.  His fortitude and patience during the years of helplessness, while a hopeless invalid was something wonderful.  The fatality whose slow approach began while he was in service, claimed his life there and then, but was many years in freeing him from his suffering.  Ever ready to go, he was still patient to suffer until called by Him who doeth all things well.  And the greatest, most courageous thing which may be said of any man, may be said of him, he found no fault.
Comrade Wright was 69 years of age.  He was a man of strong convictions and was intensely loyal.  His humble spirit was only proud in the feeling that he had done his whole duty as a soldier and a citizen.  He always commanded the respect of his neighbors and acquaintances.  As a soldier he served as a private in Company C of the 115th regiment of Illinois volunteers, and his record there was spotless.  He was a devoted Christian and a member of the Christian church.
The citizens of Hutchinson had the tenderest feeling for the old veteran, and his passing will be marked with many a tear from the comrades of the Joe Hooker post.
The funeral was held Wednesday, afternoon at 230 o'clock from the home at the corner of Plum street and Avenue B east.  It was conducted by Joe Hooker post, G. A. R.
Hutchinson News  Weekly Edition
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, May 5, 1898
page  3 *** column  6

Submitted by
Rose Stout on September 24, 2006.

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