Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Alexander McGown Obituary

Death of Mr. McGown


Rev. B. F. Buck conducted the funeral services of Mr. McGown at the home of the deceased Tuesday Aug. 24.

A large number of his friends and neighbors, some of whom have known him for the past quarter of a century were gathered under the trees on the east side of the house.  The services were conducted from the porch where the mourners and choir were seated.

Several of those sweet songs that Mr. McGown had loved so well were sung by the congregational church choir.  The scripture lesson was taken from the prayer of Moses as found in the 90th psalm “Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations,” and from the words of Christ “Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

After the following tribute of esteem was paid to the memory of the deceased “Mr. Alexander McGown was born near Perth Scotland July 24, 1835 and this is the anniversary of his birthday.

When he was eleven years old his parents came to the United State and settled near Avon Fulton County Illinois.  Their industry, faith and habits of life did much to civilize the west and make their community what it is today.  July 1st 1855 he was married to Miss Clarissa Woods of Avon.  To them were born four children three of whom survive him.  When Lincoln called for men at the beginning of the civil war Mr. McGown enlisted with the 50th Regular Illinois Volunteers as a musician.  It was the soul stirring music from his instrument that helped grant win his victories at Ft. Donelson and Shilo.  He came to Kansas in 1872 and settled on the farm where he died.  He spent a number of years in railroad service first on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy and the with the Hanibal and St. Jo. and lastly as superintendent of water service on the Atchinson, Topeka and Santa Fe.  He was brought up as a Presbyterian but there not being a church of that denomination in Avon his family united with a Universalist church.  At the time of his death he was a member of the Haven Uneversalist church.

For the past twenty years he has been a member of the A. O. W. and the members of the Haven lodge performed the sad rite of consigning his remains to the silent city of the dead.


Haven Weekly Journal
Haven, Reno County, Kansas
Saturday, August 11, 1900
page – 5 *** column – 2


Submitted by
Rose Stout on August 5, 2007.

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