Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

A. J. Marks Obituary


OBITUARY IN THE HAVEN ITEM   June 28, 1895   Haven, Reno Co., KS   Vol II, #16, pg 1
  A. J. Marks was born at Zanesville, Ohio, July 31, 1836; was married to Mrs. Martha H. Evans at Little Rock; Arkansas, December 25, 1871, and died at his residence south of Haven, June 23, 1895, aged 58 years, 10 months and 22 days, of inflammation of the bowels.
  Thursday of last week Mr. marks was hoeing in his garden or field; and getting heated went to the well and drank three tumblers of cold water.  In a short time he complained of a bloated feeling, and later on of considerable pain in the bowels.  Friday and Saturday he was much better; but Sunday he became worse, and expired about 6 o'clock that evening.  His funeral was attended by perhaps 300 people.  Thirty-seven vehicles were in the procession that started for the burying ground southwest of Mount Hope, where the mortal remains were laid to rest.  Rev. Father Davis, the aged Universalist minister, preached the funeral discourse.  The deceased was a member of the Masonic order and the body was laid away according to their fraternal ritual.  As a neighbor Mr. Marks was held in high esteem by all who knew him, and they were greatly shocked by the report of his sudden death.  We understand that his family consisted of a wife and four children, and he also leaves a brother, in this vicinity, all of whom we assure of the sympathy of the numerous friends.
(A Sale of 10 head of horses, 8 head of cattle and farm implements were put up for sale September 24, 1895, by Martha from the estate.  A free lunch was provided at noon.  Her home is listed as 1/2 mile west and 4 miles south of Haven, KS.)

Submitted by
Joleen Marks Streit on March 2, 2006.

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