Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Claud Holliday Obituary

Death of Claud Holliday


Last Monday about 5 o’clock death came to Claud Holliday, who was cut in the arms about two weeks ago, by Ellison.  Last Friday and Saturday he was up town and it was thought he was getting along nicely, until Saturday night, the left arm broke where it commenced to heal, after wards his nerves would draw, and he suffered great agony until death relieved him from this world.

Every thing was done to save his life, but death came, at last.  Blood poison set in which caused lockjaw.

His brother Milton, who lives in the Strip was sent for, but did not get here before his brother passed away.

The funeral services were held at his sisters house, Mrs. Tom Astle, by Rev. Buck.  The remains were laid to rest in the Laurel cemetery.


Haven Weekly Journal
Haven, Reno County, Kansas
Saturday, August 11, 1900
page – 5 *** column – 2

Submitted by
Rose Stout on August 6, 2007.

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