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Captain Elisha Hedden Obituary

Elisha Hedden
CAPTAIN HEDDEN DEAD-Well Known Hutchinson Man passed Away This Morning-Captain Heddin died at 7:50 o'clock this morning at his home, 313 East Fourth Avenue. The cause of his death was a complication of diseases. For several years he had suffered from kidney trouble and during the past year his health had been much poorer. A partial paralysis set in two days befroe his death, but he retained consciousness until two hours before the end came.
Captain Heddin was one of the best known men in Hutchinson ( Reno CO., KS) He came here in the boom times and had made this his home until his death. He was twice elected city marshall of Hutchinson and before that, had served several years as assistant city marshall. He was known everywhere as "Capt" Heddin and was well liked and respected by all who knew him.
Elisha Heddin was born March 25, 1834, in Shelby County, Ky., that state being his home until he was 52 years of age. When a young man he was captain of the national guards company in his home county. At the opening of the civil war, he was 26 years old, his militia company disbanded and immediately enlisted in the Union army as Company E, Sixth Kentucky infantry.
Mr. Heddin was captain of the new company and held this commission throughout the war. He was in many battles and was wounded in the head at the battle of Shiloh. His wounds caused him to ask for an honorable discharge, near the close of the war.
He was married in 1854 to Mrs (Miss) Maranda HARRISON who died in 1892. He was again married in 1894 to Mrs. Susan CARRIS, who survives her husband. By his first wife he had six children, all of whom are living. They are: Chas N. Heddin, El Paso, Tex.; Ben C. Heddin, Nevada, Mo.; Mrs. Mary J. SNYDER, Lake Charles, La.; Mrs. Sally B. CONNOLLY, New York City; Gutherie H. Heddin, New York City; and E. (Elisha) V. Hedden who lives in Kentucky.
Just after the war and before coming here, Captain Heddin was in the United States internal revenue service for sixteen years. He came to Hutchinson in October, 1886, and became the proprietor of a hotel here. Here was afterwards in the police service. He was a member of Joe Hooker post G. A. R. He was also a Mason but did not have his membership here.
The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock from the home. Dr. BEAVER of the First Avenue Baptist church officiating. Burial will be in the Eastside cemetery.

Obit #2
The Daily Independent, Wednesday, November 28, 1906-CAPTAIN HEDDEN DEAD-He Passes Away This Morning After A Long Illness-Captain Elisha Hedden died this morning at his home on Fourth East. He had been in poor health for some time and has been confined to his room for the past six months. Mr. Hedden was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, March 25, 1834. He was married October 5, 1854, to Miss Miranda HARRISON, also of Shelby County. When the was broke out Mr. Hedden organized a company for service in the Union cause. His company was mustered in as Co., E. 6th Kentucky infantry. Mr. Hedden was elected captain and served through the war. He was wounded at the battle of Shiloh and Stone River. He was in the revenue service of the government after the war for sixteen years. He moved to Hutchinson in January, 1886 in March 1894, his wife having died he was married to Mrs. Susan CARRIS, who survives him. He has six children by his first wife, who are all living. They are Chas. M. Hedden of El Paso, Texas, Ben. C. Hedden, of Nevada, MO., Mrs. Mary J. SNYDER of Lake Charles, LA, E. V. Hedden of Shelby County, Kentucky, Mrs. Sarah B. CONNELLY of New York City and G. H. Hedden also of New York City. He also leaves three step-children; Mrs. Lena TURNER and Geo. CARRIS of Shelby County, Kentucky and Miss. Lillie CARRIS of this city. Captain Hedden was assistant marshal and also marshal of this city. He was well known and well liked. He was a man of kindly disposition and his friends were numbered by the score. He was a member of the Joe Hooker Post of the Grand Army and they will attend his funeral, which will be held from his late home, tomorrow afternoon. The services will be conducted By Rev. BEAVER of the Baptist Church of which Mr. Hedden was a life long member. The relatives have the sincerest sympathy of the community in their loss. Source: Copy of the original newspaper clippings.

Submitted by Hallie on April 26, 2002.


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