Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Mrs. Carrie Fleming Obituary

Mrs. Carrie Fleming Dead
Mrs. Carrie L. Fleming, 62 years of age, wife of L. M. Fleming, road-master at the Santa Fe, died last evening at 9:30 at the home, 15 East 13th street.  The funeral arrangements are awaiting word from the children.
Mrs. Fleming died from the after effects of the flu which she suffered a year ago.  She was a native of Missouri and came to Hutchinson to make her home.  She is survived by her husband and twelve children.
The Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, February 18, 1926
page  2 *** column  4
Services for Mrs. Fleming
Funeral services for Mrs. L. M. Fleming, who died Wednesday at her home here, will be held from the Johnson Funeral Parlors at 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon.  Rev. A. E. Henry will be in charge.  Burial is to be at Fairlawn cemetery.
The Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Friday, February 19, 1926
page  2 *** column  4
Mrs. Carrie L. Fleming
The funeral services of Mrs. Carrie L. Fleming, 62 years, wife of L. M. Fleming, Santa Fe road-master, 15 East 13th street, will be held sometime Saturday.  the definite arrangements will be announced later.  Her death, which occurred at 9:30 oclock Wednesday night, came as the after effect of a case of Influenza which she suffered.
Mrs. Fleming was born and raised in Macon county, Missouri.  She is survived by her husband and twelve children.
The Hutchinson Herald (Daily)
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Friday Morning, February 19, 1926
page  3 *** column  2
Mrs. L. M. Fleming
The funeral service of Mrs. L. M. Fleming, wife of the Santa Fe yardmaster, will be held at 2 oclock this afternoon at the Johnson Funeral parlors, with Rev. A. E. Henry, pastor of Trinity Methodist church in charge.  Interment will be in Fairlawn cemetery.
The Hutchinson Herald (Daily)
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Saturday Morning, February 20, 1926
page  3 *** column  3

Submitted by
Rose Stout on June 4, 2006.

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