Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

A. F. Cross Obituary

"An Old Citizen Passes Away"
 Thursday morning, September 15, A. F. Cross died suddenly at his home in the eastern part of the city.  He had been in poor health for some time, although the evening before his death he seemed rather better than usual, and had done his accustomed work.  He had gotten up about 4 o-clock Thursday morning and dressed himself.  Shortly afterward his daughters heard an unusual sound in the kitchen, as of someone breathing hard, and going out they found their father lying on the floor gasping for breath.  Dr. Wilson was summoned, but before he arrived Mr. Cross had breathed his last.

The funeral took place Saturday morning at the Dunkard church south of town and the body was laid to rest in the Dunkard cemetery there.  A very large number of friends attended the services to pay their last tribute of respect to the departed one.

Mr. Cross was one of the old citizens of this community, having settled near the Dunkard church in 1884, where he lived until he moved into Nickerson a few years ago.  He was an influential and honored member of the Dunkard church.  Mr. Cross was an all round good and progressive citizen, furthering the interests of the community to the best of his ability.  At
the time of his death he was a member of the Nickerson Board of Education, where he was respected by his associates on the board and honored by the teachers.

Submitted by
Thomas Austin Morgan
on September 14, 2003.

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