Welcome To Reno County, Kansas

Jennie M. Armstrong Obituary

Mrs. W. Y. Armstrong Passes Away Suddenly

Lutheran church Member Busy in church Up to Time of Death.

Mr. Jennie M. Armstrong, wife of W. Y. Armstrong, passed away very suddenly at her home yesterday afternoon.  Up to within an hour of her death she was apparently as well as usual and had been busy in the work of the Missionary Society of Zion church that morning.  Her sudden death came as a great shock to her many friends.

Mrs. Armstrong live in Hutchinson for the past seventeen years and during that time had been very active in the work of the Zion Lutheran church, serving for more than twelve years ass president of the Missionary Society also having been active as president of the Ladies Aid Society and superintendent of the Sunday school.  The local W. C. T. U. also claimed her active interest and support and in her Missionary work she had besides her local activity served as corresponding secretary of the Kansas Synodical Society.

The funeral service will be held in Zion Lutheran church, Fifth avenue and Main at 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon, the services being in charge of Rev. C. Wilbur Nelson, pastor of the church.  Interment will be in the Eastside Cemetery.

Rev. H. L. Yarger, D.D., of Chicago, a brother of Mrs. Armstrong is expected to arrive from Chicago early tomorrow.  Other relatives here for the funeral are: three sisters, Mrs. Wm. Flanders, Mrs. Mary Church and Mrs. Harry Work all of Ellsworth, also two brothers, James Yarger of Russell and Warren Yarker of Griswold, Iowa are expected.  A brother Wm. Yarker of Cleveland, Ohio and a sister, Mrs. H. Tomlinson of Johnstown, Pa, will perhaps be unable to come.

Mrs. Armstrong will be sorely missed in all the circles of the church but she has gone to a blessed reward after a life of faithful witnessing for the Master.


The Hutchinson News
Hutchinson, Reno County, Kansas
Thursday, March 21, 1918
page – 9 *** column – 2

Submitted by
Rose Stout on January 22, 2006.

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