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John Ochiltree MCCLURE

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MCCLURE, John O. (John Ochiltree MCCLURE)
The Reveille�New Era - Hill City -- Thursday, August 17, 1911
The Hill City Republican - Hill City -- Thursday, August 17, 1911

John O. (Ochiltree) MCCLURE was born in Sullivan County, [Indiana], July 28, 1824, died at his home August 7, 1911, aged 87 years and 10 days. On November 14, 1850, he was married to Susan E. MEANS, and they have lived happily together nearly sixty-one years. To this union were born seven children, three sons and four daughters, one son and one daughter have gone on before. Brother MCCLURE was converted when a young man, and united with the Presbyterian church, and lived a Christian life until his death. When he took sick two weeks ago he felt that his end was drawing near and he was ready and willing to go.

He came here with his family in the year 1879, and has lived the rest of his days on his homestead just south of the Leland school house. He was the oldest settler in this vicinity. To know him was to love him. Nearly all called him Uncle Johnnie. Fifteen years ago he had a stroke of paralysis, and was not expected to live. He was cared for by loving friends and neighbors for nearly six months. He recovered so completely that he enjoyed good health with the exception of a few spells. The cause of his death was paralysis. He was a man with a strong mind, which did not fail him in his old age. It was always a great pleasure to us to visit with Grandpa and Grandma MCCLURE.

He has one sister living in Rocky Ford, Colorado, and she is nearly ninety years old. He received a letter from this sister and read it the day before he took sick. His two sons, S.M., and A.L. MCCLURE and one daughter, Mrs. Nellie HEISEL were permitted to be continually at his bedside during his last sickness. He leaves his aged and invalid companion, two sons and three daughters, grand children and a host of friends to mourn their great loss. Brother MCCLURE died at 6 p.m. August 7th, and on the 8th the remains were laid to rest in the Leland Cemetery.
Submitted by Cheryl McClure

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