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Hill City New Era -- Hill City, Thursday, September 10, 1908
In Colorado, Saturday last, Neal GODDARD. Mr. GODDARD had been ailing for a long time and this summer was taken to the mountains with the hope that a change of climate might help him. He grew worse and was being brought back when his demise occured. A wife and two young children are left. Burial took place Sunday.
The Hill City New Era -- Hill City, Thursday, September 10, 1908
Died: Friday morning September 4th, 1908, C. H. GODDARD, age 35 years, 2 months and 4 days. At Burlington, Colorado, where he had gone last June, in hopes of benefitting his health, having been a sufferer from that dread disease, consumption, for several months. But to no avail as he steadily seclined til he fell asleep as peacefully as a tired child on his mother's arm, to sleep til the resurrection morning. The body was brought back to Morland Saturday morning, accompanied by the stricken wife and his brother, Eddie. Sunday afternoon Rev. HARPER delivered a comforting and touching sermon at the deceased's residence and a very large concourse of sympathizing friends followed the remains to the place of interment in the Anderson Cemetery. The relatives, wife and children, mother, brothers and sisters have the sypathy of a large circle of friends in this sad hour of bereavement. The deceased was one of those men, that possessed those sterling virtues that endered him to all with whom he came in contact, in the daily walks of life being generous to a fault, quick to extend a helping had, where needed and a kindly smile and pleasant word for all. A model husband and father, and a dutiful son. During his illness he seemed to envince no thought for himself, but was deeply concerned for the young wife and two babies, a little girl of 3 and a little boy of one...

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