The Kansas Pioneers List (KPL) is a collection of information identifying early Kansas settlers (on or before 1885). These names were submitted by individuals who are doing genealogical and historical research. These individuals are willing to share their works with others who may be researching specific families and/or individuals. To use this site, click on the KPL below based on the pioneer's last name. The last column will be a contact name of the researcher who reported the particular pioneer information. Use the contact ID to search for the researcher's contact information using the KPK Contacts listing (from this page). Researchers should regularly check their contact ID information and report any changes to maloneys7193@gmail.com

Please READ "How to submit names to the Kansas Pioneers Project" prior to submitting your request.

Send your request to Rebecca Maloney

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Listing created before 27 Mar 1994. This page is © for the KSGenWeb Project