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County Page

There are a few basic requirements that every county page must meet in order to be associated with our project and be included on the KSGenWeb State Page. The requirements are:

  1. You will need to join our mailing list. This is where volunteers discuss all matters having to do with the project. This list is not a list for posting family queries.

    To subscribe, send an e-mail to ks@rootsquest.com

    In the subject of your email put SUBSCRIBE KSGEN-L . Please include 1) what county you would be interested in hosting and/or 2) if the county already has a host, other assistance you might be able to provide such as lookups, transcribing primary reference material, etc. We would also appreciate it if you would include your snail mail address and a phone number in case we need to contact you and can't make contact by e-mail, this will be kept confidential.

    We are in the process of working with a state university to obtain space for KSGenWeb pages. It is not mandatory that you use this free space but it is certainly recommended and we hope you will. If you choose to host your page elsewhere, a basic county page will be placed in the KSGenWeb directory linking to your pages. This should also simplify linking to adjacent KSGenWeb county pages.

  2. The main county page must have a pointer to the KSGenWeb State Page.
    The URL is: ../index.html (This of course assumes that you will be keeping your page in the KSGenWeb.org directory), or index.html

    index.html = your main county page
    queries.html = your queries page (optional, however, see USGenWeb requirements for other options)
    lookups.html = your lookup page (optional)
    Please note... all lower case letters and html extention. Any other pages you put up can be named whatever you want to name them and with either the htm or html extention in lower case letters.
    This will make it easy for all of us wanting to point to another county page to do so without having to look up the URL... for instance...

    Note: County names are a maximum of 8 letters and always lower case...

  4. Originally, every page was required to provide a query page, this is optional.

  5. Originally, every page was required to provide for reference lookups, however, due to copyright infringement concerns, this requirement has been suspended. You may have a lookup page if you or your lookup volunteer have received permission from the author or publisher of the book to do so, or if the book is in the public domain and permission is not needed. An alternative to a lookup page is a county bibliography page, showing what is available and where it can be found.

    The official USGenWeb policy concerning these lookups and the copyright law can be found at https://www.usgenweb.org/volunteers/copyright.html

  6. Your main page must display the KSGenWeb and the USGenWeb logos. The KSGenWeb logo and background were designed and are copyrighted by Tom and Carolyn Ward. They may be used only by an official KSGenWeb page. These images are available in the images folder. See the IMAGES section below for URLs and linking information. Note:Please include a statement stating that the KSGenWeb logo and, if used, the wheat background are copyrighted and for use exclusively on official KSGenWeb pages.

  7. A link to Kansas Interactive Genealogy Surname page is also highly recommended. The URL is:
    http://www.rootsweb.com/~kssurnam/index.html -- Kansas Interactive Genealogy
    be sure to include a disclaimer (This service is NOT part of The KSGenWeb Project. Please do not ask them about the queries posted on these pages)
    You may also have your own surname page is you wish.

  8. Contact information for the coordinator must be on their USGenWeb Project site. The coordinator's name and contact information (email address) must either be on the main/index page of the site, or there must be a link to a "Contact Info" page. If using a "Contact Info" page, the coordinator's name must still be on the main/index page of the site.

  9. USGenWeb requirements

Beyond these few "bare essentials", your page is yours to do with as you please. Should there be any changes made in the basic requirements, you will be notified on the mailing list and this message will be updated.

We have established an image directory at our root level and have placed the logo and background and several other image files in it for you to use. If you have any images you would like to use on your pages and they are not specific to your county, send them to ks@rootsquest.com and we'll upload them for you to the image dir. This way they will be available for others as well and we won't be wasting space by having the same image in 105 different directories. If the image is specific to your page (for instance a map of your county) then the image can either be placed in the image dir, your county directory or you can establish your own image dir for your county.

To see what images are available at this time click here

The html code for your pages in the KSGenWeb.org county directory is:
< img src="../images/xxxxx.gif" >

The county maps used on our pages are available for your use whether your page is on the KSGenWeb.org server or not. The name for each is: mxxxxxx.gif
To access it from your county page, once the page is on Skyways, you may use the coding:
< img src="../map/mxxxxxx.gif" >
Note: first six letters of your county's name, all lower case.
If you need a map, you should still be able to access it with:
< img src="www.KSGenWeb.org/map/mxxxxxx.gif" >
Replace the x's with the first six letters of your county's name. This is a map similar to the one in the logo, but the individual county has been emphasized with a deep blue.

As new county pages are put up on the web, they are checked by someone on the evaluation committee for the required elements and to be sure your links work. Your evaluator will let you know when they have visited your page. If there are any problems with links or any required elements missing, they will let you know so you may make any changes or corrections. Post a message to ksgen-l when you are ready for your page to be checked. Your page evaluator will visit your page and if all required elements are present they will inform us so the link to your new page can be updated on the State Page.

It is the policy of the KSGenWeb Project to obtain permission from the creator of the code, graphics, and backgrounds before using them on our pages.

If you find yourself having used someone's code without their permission, please either obtain that permission or remove that feature from your pages. Of course this is not necessary if you have obtained them for a site that has put them up for you to use. You also have permission to use the wheat background found on the state pages if you wish on official KSGenWeb pages. It was created for our use by Tom and Carolyn Ward. Please include a statement stating that the KSGenWeb logo and, if used, the wheat background are copyrighted and for use exclusively on official KSGenWeb pages.

Do not lift a bunch of links from someone elses page unless you ask them for permission, or change the descriptions of them and mix them up.

A Kansas Links page has been established for Kansas Links of general interest. To avoid duplication we would encourage you to link to this page. Also, send additional state wide link suggestions to tcward@columbus-ks.com.

Helpful Web Sites & Personnel

We look forward to hearing from you!

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Tom & Carolyn Ward
Columbus, KS

Background and KSGenWeb logo were designed and are copyrighted by
Tom & Carolyn Ward
for the limited use of the KSGenWeb Project.
Permission is granted for use only on an official KSGenWeb page.
The USGenWeb Logo was designed by Linda Cole.