Chase County Cemeteries

Chase County, Kansas Civil War Veterans as listed in a 1928 edition of the Chase County Leader presumably about Memorial Day.

But Few Civil War Veterans Are Left With The Living It will not be many years until the last veteran of the Civil War residing in the county will have answered the last call and joined the ranks of the city of the dead. In recent years the ranks of the boys who wore the blue have thinned rapidly. The graves of the dead have increased correspondingly and there are now buried in this county more than one-hundred and thirty-five veterans of the Civil War.

Prairie Grove Cemetery

of this city contains most of the graves of the veterans. More than seventy veterans are interred here.

In the list here are: E. R. Arnold, Joseph Arnold, Frank Allison, Peter Anderson, Charles Aldrich, L. E. Bahr, A. Bandelin, F. J. Beck, E. W. Brace, S. A. Breese, A.M. Breese, J. B. Campbell, W. H. Cartter, F. R. Cochran, H. P. Coe, William Craft, E. B. Crocker, John Cooper, Zack Campbell, A. J. Davis, L. B. Davis, J. C. Davis, J. H. Doolittle, J. B. Dancer, S. J. Evans, Ebon Forbes, John Feetes, Joseph Gray, Thomas H. Grisham, William Heskett, J. Hollingsworth, Warner Hayden, Henry Howard, Jacob Howard, Peter Harder, John Hulse, Clark Hunt, William Hunter, Jabon Johnson, G. W. Kilgore, J. M. Kerr, J. P. Kuhl. N. R. Lee, C. Lamer, E. A. Kinney, B. F. Mealey, J. W. McWilliams, W. A. Morgan, M. C. Newton, Jacob North, S. C. Palmer, Robert Race, Henry Reeve, Jacob Schimpff, I. B. Sharp, E. Sedoris, W. S. Smith, M. P. Stail, John Shofe, William Strickland, J. M. Tuttle, C. C. Witson, Fred Willey, A. B. Watson, John Woodman, S. N. Wood, Edward Williams, John Zimmerman.

Among the Veterans in the Elmdale Cemetery are:

Alexander S. Cunningham, Andreas Schneider, Stephen M. Wood, Peter B. Kennedy, Frank Frey, James C. Stogsdill, James M. Rose, A. S. Bailey, James Eades, George Whitney, William H. Triplett, J. J. Kennison, Edward Oldenburg, Jacob R. Critten, William McIntosh, William Stenzel, John Cooper, Joseph Faris, Dexter May, Dr. T. F. Johnson.

In the Clements Cemetery are:

B. H. Chadwick, Joseph Hartley, Stephen Watson, John Holland, Alvin Taggart, Varnum. Ice Cemetery: Milton Brown.

In the Matfield Green Cemetery the Veterans are:

Jeremiah Bansbury, Barney Houser, Elihu Thompson, H. R. Milliner, John Bansbury, Langdon Hubbard, Robert Madden, John Johnson, James Fent, Geo. W. Bray, William Connelly, William Fent, Chas Johnson, Chas. W. Rogler, Wm. Robinet, John C. Nichols, David McKee, T. J. Banks, W. M. C. Hix, Jerome Hull, A. T. Johnson, Joseph Herring, Jeremiah Winsor, Jonathan Minnix, James M. Shaw.

Captain Henry Brandley is buried on the Brandley home near Matfield Green.

In the Strong City Cemeteries the veterans buried are:

Michael Bradburn, David S. Cox, David Cox, Geo. Cox, P. W. Cunningham, Charles F. Filson, William Harvey, H. C. Snyder, Phillip Spencer, Joseph Woodring, Barney Catlin, Christopher Gerardy, Joseph Livery, John Madden Sr. , John Quinn, Sr., C. I. Maule, G. W. Newman, Nels Pennington.

In the Cedar Point cemetery among the veterans are

P. D, Montgomery, P.P. Schriver, Warren Peck, O. H. Drinkwater.

Bazaar Cemetery:

Wm. Norton, P. B. McCabe, John Sharp

In the Saffordville Cemetery is:

Aaron Jones.

Two other Chase County veterans who are buried outside of the county are:

A. B. Emerson at Florence and Jonathan Wood at Herrington.

Among the veterans of the Civil War now living in the County are: W. W. Sanders, G. W. Bruce, W. J. Freeman, and Wm. James of this city. G. W. Bocook and Chas. Golden of Matfield Green. W. W. Wilson and Sylvester Miller of Strong City, J. H. Frey of Elmdale.

Respectfully submitted by Judy Lutt

Cedar Point, KS June 20, 1997.

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