ELISHA SCOTT                  GRAVESTONE PHOTO    2nd image

The Fall River News, Friday, Jan. 11, 1901, Pg. 1

Vol. III, No. 14


Elisha Scott

  Was born in Boone county, Indiana, July 20th, 1840, emigrated with his parents to Laclede county, Mo., in the fall of 1850, united to the Christian church in 1858 or 59, being baptized in the Dry Blaze, volunteered in the Union army in June 1861; was mustered out November 20th, 1865, at Benton Barracks, Mo.  Was married March 24th, 1864, to Miss Mary H. Wood, and moved to Greenwood county, Kansas, in April, 1883.  “The first vote I ever cast was for Abraham Lincoln for his second term for president.”

  The above was written by Mr. Scott some time prior to his death, and in anticipation of that event, as he had been in very poor health for several years past.  In fact more than a year ago it was not thought possible that he could live but a very short time.  Consumption was the dreaded disease with which he had to contend.  He died January 6th, 1901.  His wife survives him.

  No man in our town was held in higher esteem then was Elisha Scott.  In his death the community loses a good citizen.