The pictures were taken in 1953. We were on a photo jaunt through
Wyandotte County at the time, taking pics of the fall foliage. I lived within 6 blocks of it and used to play cops and robbers
there when I was quite younger in age. I was there about 15 years ago and
there was nothing left of the place except a few stones. All else had
disappeared. The foundations were still visible. Quindaro Twp. was one of the
slave hiding and dispersal sites in the slave railroad coming into free
territory. The Wyandotte County Museum used to have a lot of data on the
site. They are located at 112 th and State ave. K.C.K.
Dick Ristow
 Front View
 Rear View

Side View
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Tom & Carolyn Ward
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©2000 by Tom & Carolyn Ward