Henry C. Hays, M.D
HENRY C. HAYS, M. D. - A man of broad mind and generous culture, endowed by
nature with a high order of talent, Henry C. Hays, M. D., of Bonner Springs,
Kansas, is actively identified with one of the most exacting of all the
professions to which a man may devote his time and energies, and in which he has
met with remarkable success, being known as one of the foremost physicians of
Wyandotte county. Beginning his career with some special advantages as regards
heredity and environment, being the son of Rev. George P. Hays, D. D., for some
years the pastor of the Second Presbyterian church of Kansas City, Missouri, he
has sturdily and systematically applied his abilities to his chosen work, and
the success which he has attained brings vividly to mind the truth of the
statement recently made by Dr. Newell Dwight Hillis, of Brooklyn, who says: "Men
rise to greatness by their opportunities, but there are thousands of
opportunities and only a few men who are ready to take advantage of them.
Whenever a chance suddenly throws upon a man the spotlight of success it is
because he, while his companions were idling, had prepared himself for the
chance that he knew would some day come."
In January, 1891, on the very first day of the year, the Bonner Springs Sanitarium was organized, the object being to found an institution in which nervous diseases of all forms could be specially treated. A high elevation of land near Bonner Springs, overlooking the Kaw river, was selected as a favorable site for the beautiful stone structure which has since been erected for the purpose, a location which has proved satisfactory in every respect, the freedom from the city's dust, heat and bustle, with the pure, invigorating air and abundance of sunshine everywhere about, bringing rest, health and strength to the numerous patients here treated.
In June, 1905, Dr. Henry C. Hays, the special subject of this brief sketch, assumed the management of the Bonner Springs Sanitarium, and under his efficient control it has become one of the useful and successful institutions of the kind in the country. Early realizing that an individual can reach a much higher degree of perfection in one special branch of industry rather than dissipate one's energies over an entire field of endeavor, Dr. Hays made a close study of the nervous system, the cause of its diseases and their treatment, and his practice along these lines has so constantly increased that it now demands almost his entire attention. In the management of the Sanitarium the Doctor has the assistance of a fine corps of skilled physicians, trained nurses and an efficient matron.
Near the Sanitarium, Dr. Hays has one of the most beautiful and elegantly furnished homes in the county, and one of the largest and best libraries to be found in the state. Mrs. Hays, the presiding genius of the household, is a woman of rare culture and intellectuality, and is a most charming hostess in their pleasant home, which is a center of hospitality.
Transcribed from History of Wyandotte County Kansas and its people ed. and comp. by Perl W. Morgan. Chicago, The Lewis publishing company, 1911. 2 v. front., illus., plates, ports., fold. map. 28 cm. [Vol. 2 contains biographical data. Paged continuously.]