Transcribed from History of Wyandotte County Kansas and its people ed. and comp. by Perl W. Morgan. Chicago, The Lewis publishing company, 1911. 2 v. front., illus., plates, ports., fold. map. 28 cm. [Vol. 2 contains biographical data. Paged continuously.] p. 901-902 transcribed on May 8, 2001.

Justus N. Baird

JUSTUS N. BAIRD. - The bar of Wyandotte county is generically one of strong representative order, and thus it is no slight thing to state that any certain person is one of its successful members. Among the lawyers of the younger generation in the metropolis and judicial center of the county Mr. Baird has gained noteworthy prestige and here he has proved in no uncertain terms the wisdom of his choice of vocation. He has been a specially close and appreciative student of the science of jurisprudence, was afforded the advantages of one of the greatest law schools in the Union, and has shown marked facility in the practical application of his technical knowledge, with the result that his cumulative success in his profession is assured.

Justus Nathan Baird, like many another who has become a disciple of Blackstone and Kent, was born and reared under the invigorating discipline of the great basic industry of agriculture. He was born on the homestead farm of his parents in Van Buren township, Van Buren county, Iowa, on the 17th of March, 1882, and is a son of Nathan and Lucinda (Jones) Baird, both natives of Ohio and representatives of old and honored families of that commonwealth, within whose gracious borders they were reared and educated. Nathan Baird was one of the pioneer settlers of Van Buren county, Iowa, where he secured government land and improved a valuable farm, becoming one of the prominent and influential citizens of the county and ever commanding the high regard of all who knew him. There he continued to maintain his home until his death, at the age of sixty years. He was a man of strong mentality and mature judgment and was well fortified in his opinions as to matters of public polity. His political support was given to the Republican party and his religious faith was indicated by his membership in the Presbyterian church, with which the family, of staunch Scotch lineage, has long been identified. His wife, who still resides in Van Buren county, on the old homestead, holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church. Of their children nine attained to years of maturity, and the eight sons and one daughter are now living.

The boyhood and youthful experiences of Justus N. Baird were those gained in connection with the work of the home farm, and after completing the curriculm[sic] of the district schools he entered the Iowa Wesleyan University, at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he continued higher academic studies for three years. He left this institution to enter the literary department of the University of Iowa, at Iowa City, and here completed the classical course, in which he was graduated as a member of the class of 1906, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. In the meanwhile he had determined to enter the legal profession, and with this end in view he entered the law department of the great University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, in which he completed the prescribed technical course and was graduated as a member of the class of 1908, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws. He was simultaneously admitted to the Michigan bar and in February of the following year, upon examination, he secured admission to the bar of Kansas. He established his residence in Kansas City, this state, in the autumn of 1908, and here he has been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession since his admission to the bar.

Subordinating all other interests to the work of his profession, Mr. Baird has manifested no predilection for the turmoil of so called practical politics, but he is aligned as a staunch supporter of the principles and policies for which the Republican party stands sponsor and is admirably reinforced in his convictions relative to public matters. He holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and holds membership in the Mercantile Club, one of the representative civic organizations of his home city, where his personal popularity is of unequivocal order. He still clings to a life of celibacy, and it is certain that this fact does not militate against his favorable reception in social circles.

Biographical Index