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NEWSPAPER UNKNOWN, 31 October 1931
William Henry BOLE, the third son of Isaac and Maria BOLE was born at Johnson, Pennsylvania, Nov. 11, 1842 and he passed away at the age of 88 years, 11 months, and twenty days.

When a small child he came with his parents to Blackhawk Co, Iowa. There he grew to manhood and at the age of nineteen he answered his country's call, enlisting in Company 'A', fifthteenth Iowa Infantry as a drum major and served nearly the full four years of the war.

On Dec 30, 1896 (this year has to be wrong possibly 1869??), he was married to Melissa LEWIS. They made their home near Jessup, Iowa until the year of 1879 when they took their little family and like so many, anxious to find what the west had in store for them, they pushed forward as did all the pioneers and settled on a homestead near Cambridge, NE. The spring of 1882 they settled near Pawnee City, NE and there during the terrible diphtheria epidemic of 1885, they gave up three of the children to the dread disease.

In 1889 he moved his family to Washington County, KS where they lived on a farm near Haddam until 1917 at which time he left the farm moving to Haddam which was his home until the passing away on Sept 23, 1919.

Since he made his home with children, who are William I, who passed away on May 11, 1931, Addie BERRY of Haddam, Chars. L of Reynolds, NE and Edwin H. of Topeka.

He leaves seventeen grandchildren and nine great grandchildren. He was raised under the stern belief of Lutheran parents under which faith he was baptized and which made him an honorable, trustworthy citizen, a thoughtful husband and father, and always a friend to all in need.

Funeral services were held at the M.P. Church at Haddam, Tuesday afternoon. Conducted by Rev. LATIMER, assisted by Rev. DIXON.

The American Legion Post lead the march to the
cemetery, bearing the grand old colors. After firing a salute the bugler sounded taps, which marked the closing of the life of another of our Civil wars Veterans.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:47:46

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