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NEWSPAPER UNKNOWN, 18 December 1942
Obituary of  RACHEL B. FETROW
Death again has claimed one of the community's pioneer ladies, when Mrs. G.S. FETROW suddenly passed away Friday.

Just shortly before Thanksgiving she fell and fractured her hip. On Thursday she was taken in an ambulance to Hutchinson to be in the home of her daughter, Mrs.
Roy STEINHIMER. She stood the trip very well and seemed to enjoy it. Friday morning she passed into a coma from which she did not rally.

Grandma FETROW, as she was known to her family and friends, came to Kansas when the country was just the wide rolling prairies, which were broken only here and there by a trail.

Bands of Indians still roved over the prairies and the fears of prairie fires was a part of her early life. She knew the joys and the sorrows of the early day.

Three small daughters of the FETROW's died at one time with diphtheria. Mrs. FETROW was one of those fine old ladies who had devoted her life to her
family and was so willing to be of service to her neighbors and friends.

Throughout her declining years, she possessed a humor that radiated to those who came in contact with her.

The story of her life is similar to that of other good wives and mothers, who live, love and fulfill a true mission in their allotted span. Rachel B. THRONBURG, was born in Farmland, IN, July 18, 1885 (this has to be 1855), and passed away in the Grace Hospital at Hutchinson, KS, Dec 18, at the age
of 87 years, 5 months.

On Jan 13, 1875 she married George S. FETROW at
Rockford, NE. In the spring of 1883 they moved to the farm east of Haddam, KS, the home where she has lived for the past sixty years.

Six children were born to this union, three daughters, May, Kathern and Alma, having died in childhood; a son Ward FETROW of Germantown, MD, another son, E.A. FETROW of Haddam, KS and a daughter, Mrs. R.L. STEINHEIMER of Hutchinson, KS; also and adopted son, W.F. FETROW of Charles City, Iowa.

She was born and reared in the Friend's Church.
Soon after her marriage, she united with the Methodist church at Rockford, NE, and has held her membership suring all these years. Her husband preceded her in death. He passed away Jan 20, 1940, just one week after they had celebrated their 65th anniversary.

Besides her children, Mrs. FETROW leaves to mourn her departure fourteen grand children and five great grand children, and many friends.

Funeral services were held at the Haddam Methodist church, Sunday, Dec 20, 1942, at 2:00pm and were conducted by J.P.SNARE, assisted by the Pastor
Willie YOUNG. Interment was made in the Haddam cemetery.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:47:41

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