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Just at the close of the day, Tuesday, a pioneer resident passed from this life. Milton Asbury BRICK, son of William and Margaret BRICK, was born in Putnam Co, IN, June 30, 1847 and died at his home in Haddam, KS, Jan 20,1931 at the advanced age of 83 years, 6 months and 20 days.

Bereft of his mother when but four years old, he was raised by a stepmother, to whom he paid tribute for her loving kindness and maternal care.

He was married to Emma R. JONES of the same community in Indiana, Nov 4, 1868. There were born to this union four children, Frank M. BRICK, Mrs. ANNA L. LARABEE and John C. BRICK, all of Haddam, the second child Louie E. dying when four years old.

Leaving Indiana, Mr. BRICK, came to Iowa, where Mr. BRICK operated a general store for a time, finally coming to Kansas, arriving in a covered wagon, popular mode of travel at that time on Nov. 27, 1878.

Some three weeks after their arrival and while they were still vesting at the home of their Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. REEVES on the farm now occupied by Chas. FAGER family, the little daughter died after a short illness of membranous croup.

They then moved to the BACON farm, now owned by
John SKUPA, then on the Dan BLOCKER farm and a year at Enosdale, and they removed to the Theodore LARABEE farm where the youngest son,

 John was born. Mr. BRICK again became a storekeeper for a short time, but abandoned this to later on establish a freight line form Waterville and
Washington to Haddam. With wagon train and horses he freighted all the supplies used by this community.

In 1884 the railroad having arrived he established a dray line in Haddam which lucrative business he
conducted for a number of years, his home being the place now occupied by George SKIPTON.

After disposing of the dray he farmed for a time,
the CARLSON farm south of town. About eighteen years ago he removed to the present home, where he has since lived and where Mrs. BRICK died Nov 26, 1920. Mr. BRICK was a charter member of the Modern Woodmen of America, local camp.

Besides his children, he leaves four granddaughters and a host of friends to mourn the passing of a good
neighbor and kind friend. One grandson, Harlan N. BRICK preceded him. He has finished the course and kept faith and earned the great reward.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:47:34

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