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NEWSPAPER UNKNOWN, 4 February 1942
Anniversary of MR. & MRS. E. C. AILOR
On Feb 4, 1892, Olive M. CURTIS, dau of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. CURTIS, and E.C. AILOR of Stella, NE, were united in marriage at the home of her parents.

After the ceremony the young couple left for their new
home at Haddam, KS. They lived on a farm near Haddam for many years, but in later years they have maintained their home in town where Wednesday, they received the congratulations and best wishes from their
many friends. The couple has been identified as prosperous farmers of this community and also as business leaders, having for several years owned and operated the City Hotel of Haddam.

Mrs. AILOR is the eldest of her family having been born in Hartford City, IN, and came with her parents to southeastern Nebraska, where her aged mother, Mrs. A.J. CURTIS still resides. However, due to inclement weather, her mother was unable to be present at the celebration.

Mr. AILOR came from his birthplace in Anamosa, Iowa and is the only surviving member of a pioneer family of southeastern, Nebraska, also. Mr. and Mrs. AILOR are the parents of an only daughter, Hazel, who is the wife of Dr. Vernon DAVIS of Oklahoma City, OK, also the grandparents of Virginia DAVIS
MILLS, the wife of Lieut. Francis B. MILLS of Fort Sill, OK.

The fifth generation on the maternal side is represented by Cynthia Ann MILLS, the baby daughter of Lieut. and Mrs. MILLS. Open house was held at the
AILOR home, Wednesday.

Mrs. Vernon DAVIS received the guest at the door. Mrs. John C. PATTERSON and Mrs. Caroline B. SMITH of Clay Center, poured in the dining room. Mrs. E.R. MARTS, Nebraska City, presided at the guestbook.

Mrs. E.C. AILOR wore a gold broach that adorned her wedding gown fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. AILOR received many lovely gifts, flowers, letters, cards and telegrams congratulating them on this
memorable event.

In the evening a lovely six o'clock dinner was served to the immediate members of the family. The guests from out of town who called at the AILOR home during the day included Mrs. T.E. JACKSON, Tucson, AZ, Mr. and Mrs. Vern THROOP, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. TURNER, Mrs. J.M. FOSTER and Mrs. W.W. WILLIAMS, Clifton, Wm. A. ANDERSON and Mr. and Mrs. J.P. SNARE, Washington, Mrs. E.R. MARTS, Nebraska City, NE, Mrs. Vernon DAVIS, Oklahoma City, OK, Mrs. Frances MILLS and Cynthia Ann, Ft. Sill, OK, Mrs. Caroline B. SMITH, Clay Center , KS and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. PATTERSON, Morrowville.

Guests from Haddam included Mr. and Mrs. Jim SIMON, Miss Florence COGLETON, Mr. and Mrs.
John FEFFER, Mr. and Mrs. John PATTERSON, E.L. HARTGRAVE, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. HARRIS, Mrs. Edith ELLIOT, Mrs. Jay A. WELCH, Mrs. Norman LULL, Mrs. Elmer LULL and Mrs. Alice SHEA. Mr. and Mrs. W.T. ROONEY, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward R. FENCL, Mrs. John BRICK, Mrs. E.A. DRIPS, Mrs. Alveria TOTTEN, Mrs. Ellen WHIPKEY, Mrs. Earl ATBUTHNOT, Mrs. W.E. PORTER, Henry BICHEL, and George LISHER. Mr. and Mrs. Fred SEYMOUR, Freddie, Bob and Ann, Mrs. R.C. TOTTEN, Betta and Marilyn, Mrs. Chalmer DEVORE, Mr. and Mrs. A.J. UNRUH, Mrs. Elizabeth SCHOCKE, Mr. and Mrs. Hermon REA, Mr. and Mrs. Ray MC KENZIE, Mrs. Lloyd SPRENKEL, Mrs. Frank GIBBONEY, and Mrs. Lenora ALABAUGH. Miss Mary Ellen LUTZ, Miss Mabel MUTH, J.J. MUTH, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. HYNEK and sons, Mrs. Annie BURT, Dr. R.K. HOOVER, Dr. Ladd E. HOOVER, Mr. and Mrs. Marion WILKINSON and children and Mrs. Walter HAMBLIN. Mr. and Mrs. John BOSWELL, Phyllis
PATTERSON, Nora Opal BERTRAM, Mrs. Iva G. TEDRO, Mrs. Ethel O. BISHOP, Mrs. Ida ODGERS, Janice SIMITT, Mrs. Harry TEETER and U.S. LULL.

Transcribed and Contributed by Delores Raines

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:46:23

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