The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of July 2, 1896
through December 31, 1896. During this time, several small towns corresponded their
local news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford,
Thomas County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and
quality of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years.
You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that these
have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many appear to be the
same but are spelled differently in the original type.
This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan
Henderson ( 23 October 1999
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July 2, 1896 (page 8)
Jim Bixler and Dick Cheynee, of Menlo was in town Wednesday getting repairs for a
harvester, and reports the grain in fine condition.
Jonas Miller and son returned from Republic county Saturday.
Dave Mitchel, of Salina was in town Wednesday.
Thos. Puliston and Wm. Armstrong arrived from O. T. Monday and report the crops as
damaged some.
John Crawford of Gem was in town last Friday.
Walt Jackson received his new header Saturday.
John Maxwell of South Solomon was in town Saturday.
Dr. Patterson was called to Lund Saturday.
Wm. Morris is visiting his sister Mrs. B. E. Patterson.
W. Tilden sports a bran new lawn mower.
Four binders started to cutting wheat Tuesday.
Mr. McPhillen of Menlo cam in Tuesday and purchased a new binder.
Dick Fitzsimons came in Tuesday from Thayer county Nebraska.
Walter Sears who lives north of town in attempting to board a train at Flagler, Colo.,
made a misstep and the car passed over his foot, which necessitates an amputation.
The lesson to him will be one for life and should be heeded by others, as all should
know it is dangerous to attempt to get on and off from trains while in motion.
~ signed Vox Populi
July 9, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
July 16, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
July 23, 1896 (page 8)
A. Dogget came in a few nights since and has been shaking hands with old time friends.
He has been in Valencia Iowa since last fall.
Quite a number of counties as well as Neb, are well represented in this locality
looking for work.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Sears died Friday night and was buried Sunday morning.
Quite a number of farms are complaining of grasshoppers.
W. B. Ham visited our city last week and was pleased with his visit.
Farmers are at present busy with their grain.
Jim Hook a 16 to 1 man left very suddenly leaving many debts unpaid he left between
two days.
Corn is looking fine but is needing rain badly.
Mr. Counter, of Oberlin was on our streets Saturday.
Miss Lee Sturtevant has been quite sick for some time but is better now.
Two of Mr. Flints girls are sick.
Dr. Patterson went to Quinter the 22nd.
Chet Miller visited his parents in Selden Sunday.
Mr. Aliberge was in town Monday for treatment.
~signed Vox Populi
July 30, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
August 6, 1896 (page 8) **note - "Rexford News" changed to "Rexford Chips"**
George Sear's wife died Thursday morning and was buried Friday at this place.
Attorney Wilcoxon, of Colby was in our town last Saturday.
Editor Turner and Wayne Munn called at our den Saturday.
S.W. Roller shipped a car of wheat Tuesday he got 40 cents.
Daniel Brace, Mrs. McPhillin and a child of Bixlers are on the sick list.
Quite a number are hauling their grain to market.
Dave Mitchell was on our streets Monday.
Rev Stolz, of Colby was in attendance at the quarterly meeting at the M. E. church.
We notice several old veterans in Tuesday filling up their $6 vouchers.
Mr. McKillip was in town Tuesday.
Elmer Hutchinson and wife of Kansas City who have been visiting here started home Tuesday.
~signed Vox Populi
** Also reported August 6, 1896 (page 8)**
J. H. Williams, of Rexford, was in the city Saturday last and paid the Tribune
for one year's subscription. Jack is one of the kind of people who never let their
newspaper accounts get in arrears. He is paid up to January 1st, 1898.
August 13, 1896 (page 8) **note - "Rexford Chips" changed to "Rexford News"**
Geo Goodsoe was on our streets Tuesday. He went on to Selden.
Jack Williams left Monday for Topeka. He is a delegate to the convention.
John Brans had his arm broken Tuesday.
Ed McKinney was on our streets Tuesday.
Born Aug 7th to Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Andrews a daughter and Aug. 9th to
Mr. and Mrs. Puliston a son.
Dr. Taylor, of Colby was called to our town Monday night.
Mrs. Emma Tilden wife of Wm. Tilden died Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. She had been
in bad health for some time yet the reaper death came a little unexpected to all.
Mrs. Tilden was a loving wife and kind mother. She bore her sufferings with great
fortitude and when told by her physician that she could not live she was calm and
composed and when death was fast approaching she was undismayed and said she was
ready to go. She was buried Wednesday at this place.
A little son of Mr. Suitors had his heel torn off with some machinery Tuesday.
~signed Vox Populi
August 20, 1896 - No "Rexford News" reported
August 27, 1896 (page 10)
The rain Friday night put the ground in fine condition for plowing and farmers are
rapidly preparing their ground for fall wheat.
A. Dogget started Friday evening for Valesca Iowa.
Born on Aug. 24 to Rick Williams and wife a daughter.
Jack Williams lost a cow Monday.
Geo Winchell of Grainfield was in our town Saturday and Sunday.
A pop came in a few days since and tackeled a man well versed on politics and the
pop asserted that France was a free silver country and when told that France had a
gold standard the pop asked what ratio France had and another pop come in and was
sanguine of Bryan's election and offered to bet heavily. A man standing near said he
could name a city in the United States in which Bryan would not receive a vote the pop
bet his farm and the man named Washington D.C. but the pop did not believe it.
Mrs. Scott and daughter will leave for Saline where they will remain in the future.
~signed Vox Populi
September 3, 1896 (page 10)
Miss Katy O'Leary of Brown County is at present visiting her father. But will return
home Wednesday.
Jack Williams and wife Mrs. Blue and W. Tilden left Monday night for Omaha Nebraska
to attend the state fair.
Wm. Smith and Mr. Berry of Lyle Kansas passed through our town Monday. They are
visiting friends in this locality.
Mrs. Robbinhouse of Halford was visiting Mrs. S. Roller Tuesday.
Noah Roick and Harvy Ray, his new brother-in-law was in our town Wednesday.
Miss Edna Patterson who has been visiting her sister in Nebraska returned home Monday night.
September 10, 1896 (page 10)
Mr. Wm. Yager and children left Thursday evening for Syracus Neb. To visit friends
and relatives and Wm. will wash dishes until her return.
Mrs. Blue returned from the Omaha fair Friday night.
Rexford school commenced Monday with Geo Taylor as teacher.
September 17, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
September 24, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
October 1, 1896 (page 1)
Mr. Jennings bought and moved from Menlo, the old hotel, onto his farm South of town.
Quite a number from this locality attended the republican rally at Oberlin and heard
the far famed and brilliant oritor John Ingalls.
Frank O'Leary left for Topeka Tuesday evening and will remain during the reunion.
Chet Miller Sundayed at Selden.
Quite a number of friends, assembled at Jack Williams on the evening of the 28th,
to remind him and his lady that it was their 15th wedding anniversary. The time was
spent pleasantly in conversation and music. A valuable present was given them by their
friends. The parties were royally entertained and all home well pleased with their
visit, and wishing their host and lady many enjoyable years.
Dr. Patterson and wife started East Wednesday on a French Furlough. The Dr. will be
gone about 10 days. Dr. Taylor of Colby will attend his cases during his absence.
Dr. Taylor of Colby was in town Tuesday.
Tuesday wheat was selling on our streets for 47c, showing an upward tendency yet
"silver" remains almost stationary.
~signed Vox Populi
October 8, 1896 (page 3)
W. P. Smith and wife were in Colby last Thursday.
Wheat still continues to rise, and the farmers are taking advantage of it by bringing
their surplus to market.
B. J. Patterson played with the Colby Cornet Band at the Denver Carnival this week.
Miss Sylvia Thompson began her school in the Denison district this week.
Clyde Thompson arrived from Colby where he is attending school last Friday evening and
stayed over Sunday with his parents. He announced his intention of attending the
Denver Carnival with the Colby Cornet Band.
Politics are the order of the day.
Jerry Murphy sent his picture home some time ago and it looks like well we don't
care to express ourselves for fear of using profane language.
~signed Vox Populi
October 15, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
October 22, 1896 (page 8)
Clare Marsh is improving rapidly from his attack of Typhoid Fever.
Dr. Eddy was called to see Guy Marsh last week he is very low with Typhoid Fever.
Miss Lena Oberquille is visiting friends in this vicinity. She will return to
Colorado Springs in a short time.
The scenes of the opening of the Cherokee Strip is being enacted again down on the
Union Pacific Branch, in the mad rush for "old ties" as many as fifteen teams making
the run for probably as many ties, it's equal to a circus.
The ladies' aid society gave an entertainment and sack supper at the school house
last Friday night and netted something like $12.00. Every one voted it a grand success,
and it reflects credit upon the ladies in charge.
There was a social hop at Will Davis' last Saturday night.
~signed Vox Populi
October 29, 1896 (page 6)
Dr. Patterson returned home Tuesday evening.
Born Oct 25th to Mr. and Mrs. Havice a daughter.
Born Oct 24th to Mr. and Mrs. Redman a daughter.
The drug store will move into the Columbus building across the street. Wm. Smith
having bought the building now occupied by it.
W. Tilden will soon put in a general stock of goods.
~signed Vox Populi
November 5, 1896 - No "Rexford News" posted
November 12, 1896 (page 8)
Chas Harper and wife returned from Brock Nebraska on November 4th, one day to late for
Chas to vote.
Born - Nov 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rall a daughter.
W. Tilden, J. Williams and C. M. Havice left for Kansas City Thursday evening.
C. M. Tilden will possibly put in a new stock of goods on the corner.
A little child of S.W. Rollers died Friday night and was buried Sunday.
Clyde Tompson is home attending school.
~signed Vox Populi
November 19, 1896 (page 8)
W. Tilden and Mr. Maulsby are repainting the old store on the inside and at present
it has a rather neat appearance. They have received part of their goods and next week
they will open up a full line of dry goods, groceries and boots and shoes. Possibly
the largest stock in the northwest and they informed us that their motto was "quick
sales and little profit."
Farmers very busy and with one accord say that the ground was never in a more
favorable condition than at present.
We are no prophet but we predict that the coming winter will be a severe one with
plenty of snow.
We notice within the past week gold is in circulation again.
A farmer in this vicinity says he will give Mr. Bryan a job of herding next summer
at $8 per month.
We learn that the band will hold a special meeting Sat. Nov 28th for the purpose of
increasing their membership.
~ signed Vox Populi
November 26, 1896 (page 8)
Sheriff Marshall of Colby, was on our streets Tuesday.
Geo. Latimer who lives a few miles north of here is having serious luck with his horses.
Mr. Latimer prides himself in keeping good horses, up to Tuesday noon six of
Mr. Latimer's horses have died. They were mostly young horses.
A little child of Mell Munkres' died last Saturday evening and was buried Monday.
E. Couchman and Jack Williams are at present buying horses.
Len Miller of Selden was in this locality a few days since "To see his best girl."
Quite a number in this locality are making preparations for Thanksgiving.
Mrs. Barnett, of Mo., who has been visiting her son John, returned home Monday evening.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 3, 1896 (page 8)
We notice quite a number of farmers are bringing in hogs to the market.
On last Saturday night the band boys in Serenading the town called at the store of
W.P. Smith and Jake Reed the one that "blows the Bass Drum" in executing a difficult
piece of music put forth a mighty effort and jarred the plaster from the ceiling. Wm.
is rather a mild mannered man, but he says Jake shall pay the damage. Jake should
remember that he days of Jerico has passed.
Mr. Daily and Lorenz of Colby was in our town Tuesday.
Our merchants are doing a fair business this week.
Jack Williams has shipped too carloads of wheat this season.
Miss May and Laura Grinnell are at present down with the fever the latter is in a
critical condition.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 10, 1896 (page 1)
Jack Williams hipped a car load of hogs last week.
Maxwell & Constable shipped two car of cattle last Friday.
On last Friday Mrs. Wescott Williams started for Oakley in answer to a telegram from her
sister who is seriously sick there.
Smith & Thompson are papering and painting their store. It presents a tidy appearance.
W. Tilden & Co. are fixing up their store in a tasteful style.
Wm. Gruell of Burlington, Colorado was in our town Monday.
Mr. Karns and family who have been visiting in Missouri returned home Saturday evening.
Their oldest boy is quite sick.
Mrs. Glen, wife of agent Glen, left Saturday evening for Jennings to visit her parents.
S. G. is russleing the dishes in her absence.
S. M. Havice is at present on the sick list.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 17, 1896 (page 1)
Chas Tilden of Oberlin was in town Friday.
Mr. Huntly of Colby was on our streets Friday.
Mr. A. Williams and Miss Franle Harper was in Colby last Thursday.
Mr. Benton, of Oberlin, was in town Thursday for a short time and left on the train
for Colby.
Clarence, son of Peter Zeiglemier who lives north west of town, was thrown from a horse
while on his way to school and received a broken leg.
Wm. Barrett is doing a thrilling business with his feed mill.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Patterson is very sick with pneumonia.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 24, 1896 (page 1)
W. S. Quisenberry and Dr. "Beggs," of Hoxie, was in town Sunday and Monday shaking hands
with old time friends.
Crosby Bros of Sherman Co have been shelling corn for Jack William for several days.
Mrs. Havice has been on the sick list for the past few days.
Tilden and Co., are carrying the largest assortment of hats in the Northwest.
Mr. Giese was in town Tuesday and called at our den.
Christmas will be celebrated in grand style at this town so says the program and
the present indications point that way.
Quite a number are at present on the sick list.
Wheat is still coming in.
On last Saturday Jack Williams shipped one car of hogs.
Laura and May Grinnel are still sick.
Geo. Morris of Edgerton is working for Dr. Patterson at present.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 31, 1896 (page 1)
Mr. Maulsby returned Monday from Oberlin where he was called to see Chas Tilden who
was seriously sick.
Joe Alcott of Colby was on our street a few days ago.
Mrs. Turner is at present on the sick list. We understand she had a slight attack of
Four of Jake Reeds children are at present on the sick list.
Mrs. Frank Duel died Sunday morning and was burried Monday at Oberlin. We did not
learn the cause of death.
Mrs. Joe Alcott, of Colby, was in town Monday and Tuesday.
We regret to note the death of Hon. Geo. Goodsoe, of Colby. Geo had many warm friends
and admirers in this locality. Though not an old man, he falls before the reaper.
The world is better because he lived in it.
Tilden and Co have a fine canary in their store. Its color is whith.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is still on the sick list.
~ signed Vox Populi
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