The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of January 2, 1896
through June 25, 1896. During this time, several small towns corresponded their local
news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford,
Thomas County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and
quality of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years.
You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that these
have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many appear to be the
same but are spelled differently in the original type.
This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan
Henderson ( 23 October 1999
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January 2, 1896 (page 8)
Jack Reynols was shaking hands with old friends on Christmas but left on the 25th.
Born on Dec 25 to Sam Roller and wife a son.
A. Harper, of Gove City is spending the holidays with his uncle Thos. Harper.
Munn Patterson left Saturday for Marion county where he will remain for a few weeks.
Miss Carrie Harper, who has been in Atchison for some time, returned on the 24th to visit.
J. Harper & Co., sold their stock of goods Saturday to Wm. Smith. Possibly the public
could not have been suited better. We predict a large trade for them.
Mr. Crook of Salem, Neb and Mrs. D. Martin were married Dec 30. Rev. Hall officiating.
G. W. Dart left for Jewell county on a flying trip.
Mr. Loomis will leave in a few days for Cripple Creek.
Attorney Willcoxon has been in town several days on legal business.
Brady Dud was in town Tuesday hauling his father's household goods out to the farm.
Mr. Dud is returning after a ten years' absence.
Grandpa Puckett and Ed Wentworth are on the sick list.
~signed Vox Populi
January 9, 1896 - No "Rexford Chips" reported
January 16, 1896 (page 8)
A child of Mr. Rollers has been very sick, but we are glad to say that he is improving.
We notice Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Tibbles in town Monday; they bought a car load of hogs.
Wm. Harstine purchased the curry house north of Mr. Rollers and Saturday he moved it
on out on his farm.
Among the sick this week are Mrs. J. B. Patterson, a little son of Mr. Rollers,
Mr. J. T. Patterson and a child of John Harstine.
We notice our new merchant Wm. Smith is getting quite a trade.
January 23, 1896 (page 8)
Elijah and Elisher Latimer left for Mo Monday.
M. Tibbels of Shibboleth, was in town Tuesday.
Joe Hamilton, of Selden, was in town Tuesday and shipped a car load of hogs.
George Dart has gone to Jewell county for a short time. He thinks seriously of moving there.
Wm. Smith moved into town last Tuesday.
Franc Rall, brother of Theodore, got thrown from a horse Tuesday morning and broke his arm.
We understand that George Snab and Dr. Patterson are making an almanac.
~ signed Vox Populi
January 30, 1896 (page 8)
Peter Jensen and Jep Bacon, of Rawlins county, was in town Wednesday with a load of hogs.
Solon Weston and wife of Decatur county, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Maynes.
Mr. Johnson of Menlo, was in town Saturday to buy corn.
Mr. Richards, of Gem, was in the village Saturday and bought some corn.
Quite a number of farmers are still sowing winter wheat.
Those desiring horses broke should call on Chas. McAfoos.
Dr. Patterson was in Selden Saturday evening.
D. Clark and wife of Menlo, left Saturday for a two week's visit in Ill.
Geo Latimer left Friday for Elgin, Mo., to attend the bedside of his sick daughter.
Dave Council, mother and son of Kingery tp., visited in town Saturday.
~ signed Vox Populi
February 5, 1896 - No "Rexford Chips" reported
February 13, 1896 (page 8)**note - "Rexford Chips" changed to "Rexford News"**
Dave Burtlette who has been visiting near Cleveland Ohio returned a few days since.
Sol Whalen loaded a car of stock and household goods Tuesday and will leave for
Illinois where he will make his future home.
Ira Thompson left Thursday last for corning Iowa in response to a telegram that his
mother is seriously sick.
Those on the sick list are Dr. Patterson, Edward Drew, Emmet Barrett and two children
of M. Kerns.
W. Tilden and wife, J. Williams, J. Harper and Wm. Smith of town were in Colby Monday.
A son of E. Kerns was thrown from a horse Sunday and seriously hurt. He remained in
an unconscious state for several hours but is now better.
Attorneys Chambers and Gill was in our town Tuesday on legal business.
February 20, 1896 (page 8)
Mrs. Della Fike who has been visiting her parents, Ezra Couchman, for some time,
started Thursday morning for her home at Los Angels Cal.
D. Clark and wife, of Menlo, who have been visiting in Illinois, returned on Saturday.
Geo. Latimer and Mr. Barrett came in Monday from Shelby county Mo. Mr. Barrett is the
father of Emmett.
On Tuesday there was a prairie-fire east of town but did not learn the damage.
J. Redman and J. Murphy are putting up a blacksmith shop on Main Street.
Emmett Barrett, who has been having an abscess on his neck for some time finally
ferminated in his death. Emmett was a general favorite in this locality. The skill of
physicians, and more than all a kind and loving wife's nursing could not baffle the
purpose of the stern destroyer.
~signed Vox Populi
February 27, 1896 (page 8)
Ira Thompson returned Saturday from Iowa.
Literary was organized in our city Tuesday eve with grand success a
large number was present.
Wayne Munn and John Ackard of Colby was on our streets Thursday.
Harry Van Valkenburg who has been visiting in Iowa for some time, came in Wednesday
night. And to day is shaking hands with the boys.
Jack Williams is at present buying hogs.
R. T. Latimer, of Selden is at present visiting friends and relatives in this locality.
Mr. Barrett left for his home in Mo. Wednesday night.
A. G. Doggett started Thursday for Iowa, where he will remain for an indefinite time.
An emmigrant car was unloaded in our town Monday, and the parties will locate north of town.
~signed Vox Populi
March 5, 1896 (page 8)**note - "Rexford News" changed to "Rexford Chips"**
Ira Thompson who has been visiting his mother in Iowa returned home the night of the 22.
He has since learned the sad news of his mothers death.
Mrs. McPhillin, of Bellville, Kan came in Wednesday.
During the spring of the year when high winds are prevalent, farmers should be careful
in regard to fires as much damage can be done in a short while.
Feb 27th to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore a daughter.
We note ?????? parties from Nebraska in our town Friday, buying grain. Four wagon
loads left for the locality the same day.
One day last week Mrs. Jonas Milliner fell from the doorstep and she and her ??? were
badly injured in the fall.
We notice Agent Glenn carrying his right optic in a sling.
Some parties from Trenton, Neb., were in town Tuesday, trading at Smith & Thompson's store.
Possibly ere this paragraph is in print, the wedding bells will be ringing in the
Prairie Dog Valley. We promised not to mention it, but Neal, old boy, people will
find it out.
Dr. Patterson was called east of Grainfield last Sunday.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Turner, who live near Menlo, was taken with spasms and
died Sunday, and was buried near place Monday. Every effort possible was made to save
baby - the ministrations of kind friends, the watchful care of loving parents, the
skill of a physician - but of no avail.
Samuel Todd, of Shelby county, Mo., came in on the vestibule Tuesday night and will
possibly remain in this locality for his health.
Ira Puckett and wife are at present visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity.
Among the sick this week are Mrs. Jonas Milliner, a little child of Ira Puckett's,
Miss Strand, D. Fouler and Miss Neva Patterson. The two last named have inflammatory
Miss Cassie Moreland is working at the hotel.
March 12, 1896 (page 8)
Frank Duel, of Washington Co. Kansas came in Monday and is at present staying with
Braddy Duel.
Mr. Handy, of Philipsburg has been in this locality for several days buying broom corn.
He shipped a car load Saturday.
James Fleming who has been at Kansas City returned Friday.
F. M. Wisdom was visiting our town last Friday and reports the snow knee deep in Colby.
Last Friday James Harper was out driving and the team ran off. Jim was not hurt but the
buggy was badly demolished.
Mr. Martin who has been visiting in Lineville Iowa returned Saturday.
Geo Dart left Saturday for Wichita to the Republican State Convention.
On last Saturday as Mr. McAfooss was leaving town his team scared at the train and
left his buggy in a wreck. Happily no one was hurt.
Jas. Harper left Saturday for Jewell county.
Dr. Patterson was called to Lund Monday.
~ signed Vox Populi
March 19, 1896 - No "Rexford Chips" reported
March 26, 1896 (page 8)
C. M. Havice was out on "dress parade" Thursday night with his new buggy.
Henry Menge was in town a few days since and took home some new furniture in the
shape of a range.
J. R. McFillen has bought and is living on the Jonas Miller farm. He is the step father
of E. Couchman and came from Republic county.
Rev. Hall of Selden is holding a series of meeting at the Methodist church.
James Harper and lady were recently visiting near Hoxie.
Quite a number are on the sick list this week. A little child of Jack Williams, Bruce
Patterson, John Candy, Wm. Blincow and Mr. Connelly.
The G. A. R. Post meets in Rexford every 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month.
A. Loomis has purchased a new horse, buggy and harness.
Alfred Anderson has hired out to Dr. Patterson.
Max Geise was in town Saturday buying corn.
John and James Hook received a dispatch from eastern Ohio that their father was dead.
Major Hook was a member of the 77 O. V. I. and served a little over 4 years in the
service of his country, and was in all the long and weary marches, and in every battle
in which his regiment was engaged, Thus one by one the G. A. R. are being depleted.
Jack Williams is at present dealing in mules.
The members of the cornet band are required to meet Saturday evening.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 2, 1896 (page 8)
Wolford Haden and family with Harry Dibble left Monday for Oklahoma but we predict
they will be back before snow flies this coming fall.
The winter wheat is looking fine.
Farmers are very busy sowing spring grain.
Mr. Marvin, a merchant of Achilles was on our streets Tuesday.
Among the sick this week are Miss Vincent, Miss Blakely, Mrs. Jim Connelly, and
Mr. Turner.
W. P. Smith will have a large assortment of dry goods this week.
Brown the agent for the A. C. Davis grain company was in town Tuesday.
Charles Harper and lady are at present visiting relatives near Winona.
George Dart writes from Smith Co. that the wind was blowing at the rate of 80 miles
per hour. George old boy that sounds fishy.
George Dart and family have moved to Jewell county, we are sorry to loose so
enterprising a citizen.
The snow that is now falling will be a great benefit to the wheat.
Mr Robbinhous and family of Iowa arrived Monday and will locate in Thomas County.
Dr. Shively is having a serious attact of LaOripp.
Mr Jenning, of Des Moins Iowa came in Friday night and will locate in Thomas.
April 9, 1896 - no "Rexford Chips" reported
April 16, 1896 (page 8)
On last Wednesday evening some parties were coming from Hawkeye in a buggy and the
houses became unmanageable, ran away and threw the two occupants out slightly injuring
the young man.
The dance Thursday night was well attended and all enjoyed themselves.
L. L. Shively was in Menlo the 9th.
W. S. Quisenberry, of Hoxie was in our town Saturday.
Just a few days since we saw the almanac man in town. He and his partner were holding
a council of war and when they said they were going to have it rain we thought they lied.
W. S. Quisenberry has purchased the barn of C. M. Havice.
Eva Markham wife of W. H. Markham died April 13 in Creslo Nebr. when she was visiting
her parents. Her remain will be shipped to his point and will be buried Wednesday.
Mrs. Markham has for years been afflicted with tuberculosis. She had many friend in
this locality.
Miss McClellan, of Selden, was visiting friends in Menlo Saturday and Sunday.
(too late for last week)
Thuel Munn and Mr. Chelf of Colby, were on our streets Thursday.
One of our farmers is making garden and his wife does the plowing.
On last Friday a train set fire to the prairie 3 or 4 miles west of town and did lots
of damage.
A. A. Engstrom, Gus Anderson and Annie Anderson, of Lund, was visiting Dr. Patterson
and family over Sunday.
Farmers are so busy that they rarely come to town except nights so we are obliged to
confine our news to the town.
Jim Harper is at present engaged in inventing a new kind of hose for irrigating purposes.
The other day he was declaiming it merits. One thing he said was it is warranted not to
rip, ravel nor run down at the heel. Jim must of thought he was behind the counter
selling a customer some kind of footwear.
One of our blacksmiths after a hard days work was called out at 10 o'clock to do some
work. We thought at first there was being rendered a supreme court decision but the
language used conveyed a different idea.
We were amused the other night at our coal merchant. A man came in late at night to get
some coal and after the coal was weighed the man mounted the wagon and told the merchant
that he would pay him after harvest. Then great chunks of oratory were tossed up in the
atmosphere and came floating across the night air in all directions.
Wm. Smith after being called the third time to light up the store we thought we
detected a cuss word on his lips. If we would have had an X ray to have photographed
his mind we think our conjectures would have been correct.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 23, 1986 (page 8)
Rev. Armstrong had a horse bitten by a rattlesnake. This is the first snake bite this
season in this vicinity.
Frank O'Leary, of Kimball Post G. A. R. started Monday evening for Beloit to attend he
G. A. R. encampment.
Born April 16 to E. Middleton and wife a son, and to James Sturtevant and wife a son.
C. M. Havice was in Achilles Tuesday.
Planting corn appears to be the order of the day.
Geo. Snab who it is said was the cause of the late rain says the people are like the
Israelites who Moses led through the wilderness, they don't know when they have a good
John Crawford, of Gem, was in town Monday buying a lister. Uncle John is a practical
farmer and knows a good thing when he sees it.
Wm. Barrett and Chet Miller were in Colby Tuesday.
C. M. Havice and W. Tilden was on the sappa a few days ago hunting ducks and like Grover
they killed tame ducks.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 30, 1895 (page 8)
Born, April 24 to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Valkenberg a son.
O. P. Baugh, Ed Roger and others were in town a few days since.
Dr. Patterson was called to Selden Sunday to see Dr. Miller who is at present
seriously ill. Complications arising from disease contracted while in the army.
Frank O'Leary returned from the G. A. R. encampment Friday and reports a good time.
Tuesday the wind attained a great velocity possibly the highest of the year.
The livery barn is in bad shape and had it not been full of hay it would have been
unroofed but as it is it is badly sunken and if the wind increases it will probably go.
The town pump is a total wreck, out houses were blown over, windows broken and quite a
number of telegraph poles are down.
Later - Dr. Miller's case is growing more serious with decided septicemic indications.
~ signed Vox Populi
May 7, 1896 (page 8)
Jim Harper who has been on the road selling medicine arrived at home Monday night.
Minnie Chapman is at present visiting Mrs. Wm. Smith of this city.
Jack Williams was putting up a windmill for John Houston Tuesday, and Wednesday for
Mr. Teal.
A new town pump has been put in place of the one which blew down. Now the thirsty can
drink providing they work the pump.
The dance at Wm. Barretts was well attended. But the next day Wm was heard quoting
language not to the statutes but something about being kept awake all night.
~ signed Vox Populi
May 14, 1896 (page 8)
The wind on Thursday evening lifted a section of the roof on the livery barn and
planted it in the street.
Dave Mitchel, of Salina was in town Friday morning looking up the damage done by the wind.
Born, May 5th to Ike Zeiger and wife a son.
Geo Bonling, Geo. Wilkinson and Wm. Summers came to our town Saturday to repair the
livery barn as the agent Mitchel thought he could repair it cheaper than to pay the cost.
Wayne Munn was in town Saturday.
Fred Barns, of Norton came in this morning.
Tuesday we learned that Dr. Miller had taken a slight cold and passed a bad night.
Mrs. Dennison's school closed this week.
Harry Barrett's team ran away a few days since and left the buggy in a bad wreck and
Harry to walk to town.
Brown, the grain man was in town Monday.
Mr. McPherson of Gem was in town Monday for a load of corn.
The G. A. R. Post at this place will observe Memorial Day and have began making
arrangements. The following committees have been appointed.
On arrangements, Patterson, Lucus and O'Leary. On decoration, Houston, Lucus, Couchman,
Knapp, Wentworth and Bacon, Mrs. O'Leary, Lucus, Patterson, Scott, Latimer and Thompson.
On music, Lucus, Patterson and Couchman. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
~ signed Vox Populi
May 21, 1896 (page 8)
Frank Houston, of Topeka was a few days since visiting relatives in this locality.
Selden is anticipating a grand time on July 4th as near as we can learn. The band from
this place is engaged.
Jack Williams and C. M. Havice went hunting Tuesday, and from the game they brought home
we think they were perforating the atmosphere.
The band has bought some new cornets.
Among the sick this week are Mrs. Jennings, Geo. Latimer, a son of Mr. Rollers. We are
glad to note that Dr. Miller is growing better.
Rev. Summers and wife were in our town Tuesday.
Jack Williams has sold 12 set of harness, 6 cultivators, and 2 windmills this week.
Jerry Murphey has been papering the drug store at this place.
Dr. Patterson's wife has been sick for the past few days.
Mr. Robbinhouse and lady, of Halford was in town Tuesday.
The heavy rain Tuesday was a thing needfull. Geo Snab says the rain not is not over
and he predicts a frost the 20th.
~ signed Vox Populi
June 4, 1896 (page 2)
Jack Williams, Mrs. Roller, Mrs. Redmond and Chant Miller went to Colby Friday.
Mr. McKillip was in town Friday.
August Teach, of Chicago is at present working at Barrett's shop.
Born, May 24th to B. J. Patterson and wife a daughter.
Quite a number of the boys went to Selden Saturday.
Mr. Carlson and Mr. Peterson was in town Tuesday.
A certain young man in this locality is afraid to go to see his best girl because the
old man carries his stick.
Corn is growing rapidly.
Geo Snab will prove upon his tree claim Wednesday.
June 4, 1896 (page 8)
R. F. Latimer, of Edson, is at present visiting friends and relatives in this locality.
May 30th there was seen a large crowd in town. By actual count there was 650 people at
the cemetery. Good speaking and good music was had. The cloud which came up in the
evening, caused an uneasy feeling to pervade and the people began to disperse feeling
they had been paid for coming.
Jim Harpers started for Colorado Springs Tuesday.
A hail storm a few miles north of town on the 30th, about 2 miles wide, swept nearly
everything in its path. Mr. Huber lost a valuable horse during the storm by being cut
in the wire.
W. Tilden is at present sporting a top buggy. Jim Harper is driving a rig minus a top.
They both got cheated hence they are "mum."
Geo Snab, on the evening of the 30th had his buggy upset by the wind and had to send it
to the "dry dock" for repairs.
Did anyone who attended the show see "the ducks"?
Harry Dible, W. Hayden and family returned from O. T. June 1st. We presume they came back
to cut their wheat but the hail preceeded them.
~ signed Vox Populi
June 11, 1896 (page 8) **note - "Rexford Chips" changed to "Rexford News"**
Tuesday morning Mr. Blood an aged man living a few miles west of town was seriously
injured by a bull a few of his ribs were broken and he sustained severe injuries
Jim Harper returned from Colorado Springs Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Feaster who have been visiting their father Mr. Rob Connelly, returned to
Sherman county Tuesday.
Mr. Rich, of Quinten who has dropsy has been to see Dr. Patterson.
George Peterson started for Lund Tuesday. He has been under the doctors care for some time.
Mr. McAfosse returned Sunday evening, he has been in O. T. for about two months and
reports things in fine shape.
Chas Reed, of Selden, was on our streets Tuesday.
S. K. Wine and wife returned home from Quinten Monday and reports that the crops in that
locality are fine.
Mr. Meeks received a telegram from Iowa Sunday informing him of the serious illness
of his brother he started immediately and upon his arrival he found his brother dead.
Mrs. Henry Miller is still on the sick list.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson has been very sick for two weeks.
Geo Snab has purchased a new cultivator and will in the future plow corn.
Jim Harper since his return is raising "garden sass".
~ signed Vox Populi
June 18, 1896 (page 8)
Mrs. Peterson, Samuelson and Miss Strayer were in town Saturday.
Miss Ada Flint left for Denver Saturday morning.
A heavy rain fell in this locality Sunday evening.
Frank Roller, of Verner, was in town Monday to have a tooth extracted.
Born, on June 11, to Frank Bray and wife, a son.
W. Horner of Selden, was in town Sunday "on business".
Mrs. Blanche Gabus, of Brock, Nebr. is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Patterson.
Albert Harstine and family of Indiana, are visiting their parents, Henry Harstine and wife.
Mrs. Dolan of Almena, is visiting friends in this locality.
Uncle Henry Miller and Mr. Bowman were in town Tuesday.
Grain of all kinds is looking fine in this locality.
The sick list this week is Mrs. Dr. Patterson, Mrs. Frazier, Mrs. Kerns and an
infant child of Mr. Middleton's.
~ signed Vox Populi
June 25, 1896 (page 8)
John Burns left for Norton last Sunday, and will probably remain during harvest.
Rev. Clines young folks, of Sherman county visited S. K. Wine and family Sunday.
Chas. Nye and wife of South Randall Sundayed at Mr. Brays.
The weather has been intensely hot the past week and we are having rain regular
every evening.
Quite a number are on the sick list this week. Among the number are
Mrs. Dr. Patterson, Mrs. Jack Williams, a little child of Wm. Barrett, a child of
Wm. Davis, a son of Jas Hook and Mrs. Jennings.
~ signed Vox Populi
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