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The Colby Tribune
"Rexford Items"
(Gleanings from
The Colby Tribune)

Gold Bar


The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of July 4, 1895 
through December 26, 1895. During this time, several small towns corresponded their 
local news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford, Thomas 
County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and quality 
of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years. You may find 
several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that these have been typed 
perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many appear to be the same but are 
spelled differently in the original type.

This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information. 
I hope you find what you are looking for. 

Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan Henderson (DaveSu1611@cs.com) 23 October 1999

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July 4, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

July 11, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

July 18, 1895 (page 10)

Wm Curry and wife and Mrs. Markham who have been in Colorado all summer returned 
Monday evening.
Mr. Gilchrist, who has been irrigating east of Hoxie, is at home fixing his wind 
pump to pump water out of his garden.
Mr. Manley moved into west Sheridan county last Tuesday from Osage county.
Mr. Dogget has returned to Thomas again.
Geo. Kinkle has returned from Pueblo, Colo.
Joe Christian moved away to Osage county last fall and he has moved back.
Jim Hook and family, who have been living in Nebraska for some time, returned last 
Harry Dibble has bought a threshing machine and engine and will be ready for business 
in a few days.
A little son of Mr. Drake was ran over by a wagon a few days ago and hurt.
A little child of Mr. Swayne's is at present dangerously sick.
We shall in a short time call on Bro Dart for roasting ears.
Everybody is so busy that it is next to impossible to get news.
~ signed Vox Populi

July 25, 1895 (page 8)

Wm. Harstine and wife came from Norton county last Friday and will remain on their farm.
John Larkin returned Saturday morning from Norton.
Jack Williams received six mowing machines, three sulky rakes and one wagon Thursday 
and sold all but two mowers by Friday morn.
J. L. Zeigler and wife of Hoxie came Saturday to visit his son Ike.
Joe Pierson left Wednesday for San Diego, Cal.
John Bruns is at present working for Mun Patterson.
~ signed Vox Populi

August 1, 1895 (page 8) 

Harper & Co and Roller received a large supply of goods last Saturday.
Clint McPherson and wife of Belleville, are on a visit to her parents.
Ed Stone returned from Nebraska last Thursday. He is of the opinion that he made a 
gross mistake in leaving.
Pete Jansen returned home a few days ago. He has been in Texas since last fall.
Jake Schroth was in town Monday. He has been working near Wichita since last fall.
Harry Dibble brought his engine from Oberlin last Monday.
Dan Bruce of Rawlins county was in town Monday.
A large amount of wheat will be harvested this week.
~ signed Vox Populi

August 8, 1895 (page 8)

The most of the grain in this locality will be cut this week.
Robt McGonigal and Chas McKillip were visitors in our town Monday.
Fred Bruns is up from Norton visiting relatives and friends and attending Normal.
Among the sick this week is Mrs. Larkin, a son of Mr. Corder's and a little child of 
Mr. Barrett.
The hop at Mr. Naber's Saturday night was a success.
The soldier's reunion of Northwest Kansas will be held at Oberlin Sept 3, 4, 5 and 6th 
with Captain J. W. Allen as commander. As Oberlin is not in the habit of doing things 
by halves she will extend to the "boys in blue" a most generous welcome.
We notice two machines cutting wheat on the J. B. Morrison farm near town.
About the busiest man in town is J. Williams.
Our merchants say trade is picking up.

August 15, 1895 (page 8)

S.C. Barrett of Republic and Ed Marsh of Jewell are at present visiting relatives 
and friends here.
G. E. Couchman of Republic county, is at present visiting his son Ezra.
Philo Wallsworth of Gem was in our town Monday.
Ed and Jake Eastman and D. F. Hancock of Republic county are visiting here.
Marion Johnson of Belleville, is in town this week.
Services were held in the new church Sunday evening by Rev. Hal. Quite a large attendance.
W. S. Quissenberry of Hoxie was in town Sunday and Monday.
Mr. Claar sold a load of oats Saturday the first on the market for 20c per bushel.
John Schroth and wife are the parents of a baby girl.
Frank Houston came in on the train Thursday to visit his parents and returned 
Thursday to Topeka.
O. P. Kelsey of Belleville came in last Saturday.
Frank Baum and wife are visiting in this locality.

August 22, 1895 (page 8)

Mr. Johnson of Belleville is at present looking after his wheat and broom corn here.
Frank Roller of Halford was in town Monday.
C. M. Havice made a trip to Colby Monday.
Ike Crumly of Colby was in town Tuesday.
A little son of Joe Harrison's is very sick.
We notice quite a number of grain merchants from the east.
A new Dry goods firm is starting up in town. Some of the goods are already here.
~ signed Vox Populi

August 29, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

September 5, 1895 (page 8)

Mr. Twidwill of Illinois was on our streets Saturday last. He has been proving up on 
his timber claim.
Abe Stofer came from Jewell county last Saturday and will remain a short time.
S. G. Glenn and wife left for a visit to Columbus and Portsmouth, Ohio.
Mr. Bessie of Almena takes Mr. Glenn place during his absence.
J. B. Morrison of Colby is at present in town looking after his wheat. J. B. has 
quite an amount of grain in this neighborhood.
Ira Thompson left Monday evening for Houston Texas. He will probably remain a month. 
Jas Harper has purchased his interest in the store.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Harper a son on Aug 22. Saul Whalen says he can hear Chas 
singing Rock a bye baby.
Married at the residence of M Goss, Frank Bray and Allie English, Sept. 1.
Quite a number from this place will attend the reunion at Oberlin.

September 12, 1895 (page 8)

C. M. Havice left Saturday evening for Louisville, Ky and from there to Farmville, Va.
Mr. Pratt of Limon, Colo formerly of this place has been on the street several days. 
We are always glad to see old time friends.
Wheat is coming in quite rapidly. Jack Williams has up to date bought 10,000 bushels.
The new clothing store is a success and is doing a big business.
Chas Tilden of Oberlin was in town Monday.
W. S. Quissenberry of Hoxie Sundayed in our town.
Mr. Pratt and family will shortly leave shortly leave for Limon.
Mrs. Denison is teaching a very good school. School and parents are well pleased with her.
Born on Sept 9 to D Jones and wife a daughter and on Sept 10 to Robt Love and wife, 
a daughter.

September 19, 1895 (page 8)

Wm. Preston of Iowa but formerly of this place is in this vicinity looking after his grain.
Vinc Nicol of Colby was in town Thursday.
Born to Jeptha Bacon a son on Sept12 and to Wm Connelly and wife a daughter, on 
Sept 13 to Theodore Roll and wife a son. To Jas Bixler and wife a daughter on Sept 16th.
We notice quite a number from adjoining counties looking for work and they are 
invariably supplied.
Virgie Latimer is on the sick list this week.
~ signed Vox Populi

September 26, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

October 3, 1895 (page 8)

The first load of corn brought to market this season was by S. Murphy.
S. G. Glen and lady returned Tuesday from their eastern trip.
Mr. Bessie and lady left for their home Monday evening.
On Tuesday Mr. Tilden's son was driving home when a passing train frightened the 
horse and it took a short spin around town. There will be some walking done as the 
buggy is on the "dry dock."
Jack Williams has up to date bought over 23,000 bushels of wheat.
The show Friday and Saturday nights will be well attended.
Harper & Co. have just received a ton of sugar.
People in this vicinity are too busy to come to town.
~ signed Vox Populi

October 10, 1895 (page 8)

W.W. Smith and Joe Alcott of Colby were in our town Thursday and Friday.
An infant child of Theo Rall's died Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Clark and Mrs. Badgley of Menly was in town Saturday.
Mr. Handy of Phillipsburg came in Saturday morning and sold the hotel property to 
C. M. Havice who will take possession the 10th.
A little daughter of Mr. Gilchrist had her arm broken last Saturday.
Jack Williams and wife are the happy parents of a new daughter, which arrived the 3rd.
Mrs. B. J. Patterson left for Lecompton Thursday in answer to a telegram to see her 
aunt who is not expected to live.
Bert Havice had a runaway Sunday with his pony.
Cora Pratt and grandpa Shafer came in on Monday's train.
John Crawford of Gem, hauled wheat to Rexford this week.
~ signed Vox Populi

October 17, 1895 (page 8)

H. C. Miller of Lacey township left the 11 for Republic county Kansas to remain all winter.
Chas Tilden of Oberlin arrived in our town Friday.
Ralph Fitsimons who has been in this county for a month looking after his property 
returned to Iowa Friday.
On Wednesday night some one took a quilt and check line from Jas Chenney.
Burt Havice and a young man by the name of Hatfield "hit the high places" 
Wednesday night. We predict that before spring time Burt will write to his father 
to kill the prodigal son for the fatted calf will return.
Mrs. J. A. Fike of Los Angles Cal. is at present visiting her parents 
Mr. and Mrs. E. Couchman.
Mr. Rydgmist of Lund was in town Friday.
John Cardon of Sherman county will teach school south west of town. John give us your hand.
Wm Curry has an 8X12 grin on his face. It's a girl.
George Couchman of Belleville came in Monday and is visiting his brother Ezra.
Mr. Chapman the horse buyer was in town Saturday and bought a number of horses and 
paid fair prices.

October 24, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

October 30, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

November 7, 1895 (page 8)

Dick Cheney and Aldolph Ogier of Menlo and D. Bruns were in town the past week.
C. M. Havice takes charge of the hotel Wednesday.
Quite a large amount of wheat is being sown in this locality.
Attorney Chambers was in town Tuesday on legal business.
Graham Crawford of Gem and C. B. Dakin of Colby were on the street last Tuesday.
Mun Patterson and wife and Edna and Bruce Patterson started for Pueblo Sunday.
A little grandson of Mr. Suter's is afflicted with Necrosis of the bone. A bone 
was taken from the limb by Dr. Patterson.
Ira Thompson bought a horse from an emigrant Tuesday. Ira is going into the stock business.
~ signed Vox Populi

November 14, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

November 21, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

November 28, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

December 5, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted

December 12, 1895 (page 8)
Mr. Manly has moved into town.
Miss Sadie Tilden is on the sick list.
A little son of J. Bacon is seriously ill.
C. M. Bavis blows the base drum vice Jake Reed.
Miss Annie Anderson is living with Dr. Patterson.
The band boys are to give a dance and oyster supper Christmas eve.
N.W. Handy of Philipsburg is at present in this vicinity buying broomcorn.
The Columbus clothing store has moved to parts unknown. Possibly to discover new fields.
W. S. Quisinbury of Hoxie came up Saturday and sold the Drug Store to Dr. Miller 
and son of Selden. The genial face of Chester can be seen behind the counter. 
We notice quite an amount of Holiday goods in stock.
Not long since a little son of Mr. Westworths fell from a horse and broke his arm. 
The fracture was reduced by Dr. M.A. Patterson we learn the little fellow is doing ????, 
the Dr. informs us that not many men would have stood the operation as little Rena, 
as he was as stoacal as a Pawnee warrior.

December 19, 1895 (page 8) **note - "Rexford News" changed to "Rexford Chips"**

Wm. Curry and wife left Thursday evening for Iowa. They will probably remain permanently. 
We regret to lose them.
Jas Jennings of Des Moines Iowa is visiting his son in law Rick Williams. He has 
purchased the Geo Fitzsimons farm.
Dr. Shively the magnetic tooth extractor was in town Tuesday and done a vast amount of 
dental work.
Quite a number are on the sick list this week.
Wm Barrett is at present buying corn.
Court convened Monday before judge Barrett. The case was S.K. Roller vs. C.C. Cousin, 
a continuance to the 27th was granted.
Quite an amount of broom corn is being shipped from here.
We notice quite an amount of holiday goods in the drug store.
~ signed Vox Populi

December 26, 1895 (page 8)

C. A. Gentry and family arrived here from Morrisville, Ill Tuesday night and will reside 
north of town.
The late snow will greatly benefit the wheat.
Chas Tilden of Oberlin was in town Thursday.
D.C. Harper of Sedgwick county is at present visiting his brother Jim.
Born on Dec 20 to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Claar a son.
A little son of C. M. Havice is seriously sick.
Mrs. Jessup of Long Island is visiting with her father and mother 
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harstine.
Ida Pucket returned Saturday night from Marion county where she has been visiting.
Uncle W. Williams is treating his house to a fresh coat of paint.
On last Saturday night some sneak stole a valuable set of harness from J. Williams. 
As the party is suspected and well known, our advice would be to return the property 
and save the sheriff a trip.
Clifford Lutgen is at home during the holidays.
Wayne Munn of Colby was in town Monday.
~ signed Vox Populi

Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:45:14


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