The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of
January 3, 1895 through June 27, 1895. During this time, several small towns
corresponded their local news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items that
pertained to Rexford, Thomas County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed to
the best of my ability and quality of the copied microfilm that has preserved these
words for over 100 years. You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While
I am not saying that these have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames
and many appear to be the same but are spelled differently in the original type.
This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan
Henderson ( 23 October 1999
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January 3, 1895 (page 8)
James Harper of Canon City Colo. came in Tuesday to visit friends and relatives.
C.D. Manly of Overbrook Kansas was on our streets for several days looking at the
country. He bought the Barber farm and is calculating to buy more.
G. M. Baum was down from Colby last week.
Ira Thompson will soon go to putting up ice.
The band boys gave a concert Saturday evening to a crowded house. The parts were
well rendered. As we were compelled to purchase our ticket we shall decline to give
them any "taffy."
~ signed Vox Populi
January 10, 1895 (page 3)
Mr. Lovitt of Colby was on our streets a few days since buying hogs.
Jas Harper has put up a wind pump at his house.
Ira Thompson was in the eastern part of the state this week on business.
Wm Harstine and wife are visiting relatives in this vicinity
Mr. Curry and lady have gone to house keeping.
Mr. Brown of Topeka was at our town Monday offering to furnish seed wheat. In our
opinion it is too late to sow tall wheat. If the gentleman will agree to furnish
spring wheat on the same terms, he can dispose of a few car loads.
January 17, 1895 (page 3)
On last Thursday evening the ladies of this place gave a fair for the benefit of the
M. E. church and received about $9.50.
The band boys gave an entertainment at Selden on last Saturday night. All who went
from here report a way up time.
As Rob Harper and his sister Mrs. Baum, were returning from Selden Saturday night
in a cart. Some of the harness broke and threw the parties out. The horse ran away
and up to this writing has not been round.
Fred Williams of Des Moines is visiting his brother.
Mr. Baum from Indiana is visiting is brother Enoch who is very sick.
Mrs. John Badgley of Sedgwick county is visiting her father Mr. Clark near Menlo.
~ signed Vox Populi
**Also reported January 17, 1895 (page 8)**
Thursday evening Jan. 9 the Ladies Sewing Society gave a literary entertainment and
sack supper at this place. The house was well filled and the exercises seemed to give
pleasure to those present. The band was in attendance and played as the Rexford band
is capable of playing. A sack supper followed in which many participated. The
receipts of the evening amounted to $9.16 and will be used to further the completion
of the M. E. Church.
At the next meeting of the Society the ladies voted a resolution of thanks to the
band and ordered the publication of the same in the Colby Paper. This was done in
order to advertise our band which we consider first class and parties wishing the
service of a band will do well to patronize the same.
~ signed By order of Pres. Of Society, Sec'y.
January 24, 1895 (page 8)
Dave Kinley and Mr. Cressler of Sheridan county was in town Saturday.
The Marsh boys and Bert Johnson were in town Saturday.
B. J. Patterson started for Houston Texas, Tuesday. Boys get your "bells" ready.
Wm. Woodcock who has been sick for some time, died Saturday evening and was buried at
Gem Sunday at 2 p.m. Rev. Cheney conducting the funeral. A goodly number paid their
last respects to one who was of the earliest citizens of the county. Thus one by one
they go.
There has been plenty of moisture during this month and the indications for a wheat
crop are good.
A protracted effort is being condacted by Mrs. Boyce, at Menlo.
~ signed Vox Populi
February 7, 1895 (page 3)
Born on Jan 28th to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Tilden a daughter.
Saturday evening a little son of Eugene Middleton while playing fell and cut its tongue.
Mr. and Mrs. John Larkin who removed from here to Louisiana returned Saturday night
and Eva says there is no place like home. I think we predicted their return before
one year.
Mr. Cheney of Menlo was on our streets Tuesday.
The wheat planted in this vicinity is in fine condition and should we get a few good
shows next month we will have a good crop of wheat and then people will be breaking
their necks to get back to Thomas.
~signed Vox Populi
February 14, 1895 (page 3)
Mr. Enoch Baum who lived three miles south of town died the evening of Jan 30.
His remains were taken to Republic county for burial.
John Larkin has bought the Murphy farm. We did not learn the consideration.
Mrs. Icy Connelly received a telegram Tuesday morning to go to Central Kansas to
see her sister Mrs. Cannell who is not expected to live. Mrs. Connelly was obliged
to close her school for a while.
John Small arrived Tuesday night. He has been to Germany on business.
B. J. Patterson leader of the cornet band of this place and Miss Rena Morris of
Houston, Texas were married Jan 31st at the residence of Col. Bullers,
Houston Heights, Texas. The young couple arrived Saturday night and were given a
warm reception by the Dr. and family and many friends. On Monday night the band
boys gave them a serenade.
Our sick list this week is Mrs. Chas Harper, three of Mr. Tilden's children, three of
Mr. Havice's children, two of Mr. Redmond's, one of Mr. Fouler's and one of Mr. Cheney's.
There is nothing special this week except a number of our townsmen concluded that as
Smith twp had never asked for aid that she was justly entitled to some and that a
dozen stove pipe hats would be the very thing to impart warmth and vigor to the body
and hence this township makes application to a large number of them.
~ signed Vox Populi
February 21, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
February 28, 1895 (page 3)
The band boys of this place gave an entertainment at Hoxie the evening of the 22nd.
They were given a good reception by the people of Hoxie, which will long be remembered
by the band boys. In the language of Dr. Patterson "No people on earth are more
generous and hospitable than the people of Hoxie."
Moses Goss and wife were made the happy recipients of a ten pound boy the 18th.
Mose is the happiest man in the country.
Will Ferris, John Ackard and Wayne Munn of Colby were in our town Thursday.
Among the sick this week is J. Williams, Ira Thompson, Mrs. Dennison and a little
child of Mrs. Barrett.
The late rain has put new impulse into the farms. Every one we meet wears a broad
smile as they feel satisfied that the wheat crop is assured.
F. E. Stakebake of Topeka has bought the drug store. Mr. Quisenberry retiring.
~ signed Vox Populi
March 7, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
March 14, 1895 (page 8)
Mr. and Mrs. Williams relatives of Jack are at present visiting in town.
Among the sick this week are Mrs. Dr. Patterson and a little child of Geo. Harper's.
A series of meeting are being held here by Rev. Hall and Cramlet. We hope they will
"beat the devil."
Mr. Harris of South Solomon was in town Monday. His son left for Neb. on the evening train.
The Dunkards are holding a protracted meeting at Menlo conducted by Rev. Cline of
Goodland and Bingaman of Ill.
The farmers are all busy sowing spring grain and preparing for an abundant harvest.
~ signed Vox Populi
March 21, 1895 (page 6)
Rev. Wilkinson is holding a series of meetings at McRae school house.
Go to Harper & Thompson's for your sugar, oranges and lemons.
Jack Williams butchered some hogs a few days since.
Rev. Hall and Crandell are still holding meetings. Several have asked for prayer.
Ted Pratt who has been working in Colorado since last fall came home Saturday.
Sherman Houston was out a few days ago with his greyhounds and caught a wolf.
Mr. Winslow and wife of Otterbourne are at Mr. Wines where their children are sick.
The baby is seriously sick with but slight hopes of its recovery.
The German Baptists closed their meeting at Menlo Sunday night. Quite a number
joined the church and we think a number more will follow. Rev. Bingaman left for
his home in Decatur, Ill Monday night.
~ signed Vox Populi
March 28, 1895 (page 6)
Walt Connelly fell from a wagon a few days ago dislocating his shoulder. Boys had
better quit racing.
Mrs. Fred Williams arrived a few days ago from Des Moines Iowa. They have moved
onto the Enoch Jewell farm two miles east of town.
W. A. Bradbury of Norcatur was on our streets Saturday last.
M. Gallogly of Selden was doing business in town last Saturday.
Oscar Peterson and R. Johnson was in the city Monday to get medicine.
Mr. G. I. Sears of Thomas county succeeded in getting the people of Everett in
Brown County to send a carload of seed oats to Rexford.
Jack Williams will soon have a carload of agricultural implements.
Mr. Winslow's children are some better.
We are glad to note that Mrs. Tilden is able to be out.
The exhibition at Bray's school house was a grand success and the pieces were well
Last Saturday a car of grain and provisions came to this point. It was shipped by
Rev. Armstrong who is engaged in the ministerial work in Indian territory but is just
at present visiting relatives here. He knew the needs and wants of the people and he
asked the people he was preaching to give as God had prospered them and they gave.
Mr. Armstrong had an eye to business and he and the donors should always be held in
kindly remembrance.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 4, 1895 (page 6)
A.H. Moss of Pawnee, Nebr., came with a car last Friday evening and moved onto his
place in western Sheridan county.
Mr. Quessenberry of Hoxie was in town shaking hands with friends.
Tom Upchurch started for Topeka last Saturday evening and will be gone for an
indefinite period.
Births - March 26, to Frank Parker and wife a daughter and March 29 to Geo Flint and
wife a daughter.
Ira Pucket and wife arrived Friday in response to a telegram to visit Mrs. Puckett
who was so seriously ill that it was thought impossible for her to recover. She has
paralysis and is now better.
Frank Stakebake our druggist left Sunday night for Junction City to see his mother
who is in a precarious condition.
A car of corn and oats arrived Saturday evening sent by Mr. Sears. Possibly the one
mentioned by the K. C. Star.
April first was generally observed in our town.
W. S. Quissenberry left for Burlington, Colo Tuesday to look after some property he
has there.
T. W. Patmon of Hoxie has been hauling oats from our town to his home.
John Blue began listing corn the 2nd. John is taking time by the forelock.
Dave Mitchell of Colby was on our street Tuesday.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 11, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
April 18, 1895 (page 6)
Born on April 11 to Geo W. Cullison and wife a daughter.
The Nebuhr Bros. are drilling a well for Mr. Emahizer northeast of town.
The wheat in this locality is in good condition and bids fair to be a good crop.
Chas Harrison and wife, who moved to Missouri last summer, returned Monday morning.
Mrs. Kate Boganwite of Denver is at present visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harper.
Among the sick list this week is John Harstine, Miss Havice, Mrs. B. J. Patterson,
Mrs. Tilden, Mrs. Puckett, Mrs. Frank O'Leary and a little child of Mr. Redmond's.
On last Friday Mr. Handy of Phillipsburg was at our town and loaded a car of broom
corn to ship to the factory at Phillipsburg.
W. Tilden has moved his office, scales etc from Main to 2nd Street.
F. E. Stakebake returned from Junction city a few days since.
Mrs. Fisher arrived from Denver Friday and on Saturday evening left for Illinois to
transact some business.
Braddy Duel and wife have moved from Washington County and intends to live at his old
home now.
Mr. H. Williams has purchased the George Eckert house and is building an addition to
the same, and as soon as possible he will move into the property. We are glad to
welcome such citizens as he and his estimable lady.
The Rexford band "From Hoxie" gave an entertainment in Colby Saturday evening.
Notwithstanding there was an entertainment the night before at the same place there
was an appreciative audience and the boys were well pleased with the reception given them.
James Barrett of Wallace county is visiting his brothers of this place. Mr. Barrett
enlisted in the 38th Ind at the age of 16 and passed through the Atlanta campaign
went with Sherman to the sea was taken prisoner and boarded at the "Hotel Saulsbury"
but Hoke Smith a few days since informed him that he did not think he needed so many
"ducats" and he must furnish additional evidence. Does Smith think he can fill the
depleted treasure by taking pensions away from those who saved the nation.
~ signed Vox Populi
April 25, 1895 (page 6)
Albert Compston of Sheridan county was in town Tuesday.
Eugene Middleton of South Solomon was doing business in town Tuesday.
Judge Fouler of Rawlins was in our town Saturday.
Graham Crawford and Wiley Mitchell were on our streets Saturday.
Mr. Grinnell's son is at present visiting them.
Dr. Eddy of Colby was called in council to see Mrs. Swayne.
Wm. Vernon and wife of Norcatur came Friday in response to a telegram to see their
daughter Mrs. Swayne who is so seriously ill.
Mrs. Braddy Duel of Hawkeye was a visitor to our city Monday.
Wm. Curry and wife and Mrs. Markham left for the Rockies Monday and will possibly
be gone all summer.
An aid car was unloaded at this point on Tuesday. The most of it went to Rawlins county.
Among the sick this week are Neal O'Leary, John Harper, Miss Mitchel and Mrs. Suayne.
The last one was peculiarly complicated and one that all had given up but the case
was handled with skill and at this writing is said to be slowly convalescing and all
are pleased with the result.
Our popular agent received a sprained ankle a few days since and at present is using a cane.
Mun Patterson has moved onto his place in Randall Tp.
On Tuesday Mr. W. Williams and lady moved into their new house.
Mrs. Frank O'Leary is able to be out again.
Mr. Pucket who has been a sufferer for several years is able to be on a visit to neighbors.
Farmers are at present very busy planting corn of which a large acreage will be
blanketed this season.
~ signed Vox Populi
May 2, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
May 9, 1895 (page 4)
Mrs. Etta Johnson of Jewell county who has been visiting her parents returned home Saturday.
Agent Glenn played a game of baseball and we notice his left optic is dressed in mourning.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson was called to Colby Monday on professional business.
Mr. Hines of Washington county traded mules and two wagons to Lew Barrett for his
timber claim.
Len McClellan of Selden came to our town Monday. He is looking up a location for a
barber shop. We think our town would be a very good location.
Among the sick list this week is Dr. Patterson, a little child of Bud Jackson's and
a number of others quite a distance from town.
The G. A. R. Post is contemplating a big time May 30 and a rousing camp fire at night.
Everybody is invited.
The Rexford nine went to Colby and we understand done 'em a few.
Dr. Eddy, of Colby, was in town Monday evening in consultation in a case a short
distance from town.
Corn that is up is looking fine and many are still planting.
~ signed Vox Populi
May 16, 1895 (page 10)
O. T. Page of Onattana, Minnesota was in our town with his phonograph. He had some
very fine selections.
A short time since a man in our vicinity took up and advertised some stray horses.
A man came and said that they were his property and when asked to pay the damages
said he was not after the horses but wanted the halters that were on them.
On last Thursday an infant child of Mr. Mahana died and was buried in the Menlo
cemetery Friday.
Winter wheat in this locality is doing fairly well. Much better than could be expected.
In a court room a lawyer may call a man a liar, a scoundrel, a villain or a thief
and no one makes complaint. But if a newspaper man prints such reflections there is
a libel suit or a dead editor. Great world this.
On Monday, Sherman Houston was kicked in the face by a vicious horse badly
lacerating the flesh. It will possibly leave a bad scar.
At the post meeting last Saturday the following committees were appointed for
Decoration day: Arrangements, H. G. Patterson, R. G. Lucus and F. O. Leary. Flags,
J. Clawson and J. W. Bacon. Speakers, E. Couchman, L. D. Wentworth and H.
Patterson. Music, H. G. Patterson, F. O. Leary and E. Couchman. Decoration, E. Couchman,
F. O. Leary, and R. G. Lucus; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Barrett, Mrs. E. A. Lucus, Mrs. Frank O'Leary,
Mrs. Ira Thompson, Mrs. E. Couchman, the Misses Lattimer, Patterson, Munkres,
Lutgen, Leach, Havice and Blue; Mrs. Lettie Zeigler, Mrs. B. J. Patterson.
The chairmen of these committees may ask such assistance from others as they may
deem necessary.
All are invited to come and bring flowers to strew on the graves of those who
died that our nation might live. Good music and good speakers will be in attendance.
~ signed Vox Pouli
**Also in the May 16, 1895 edition (page 10)**
At the home of the brides parents, on mile north of Colby, on Wednesday evening
May 15th, Miss Jennie Mable Passell to George E. Troutfetter. Rev. J. N. Clark
officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only the immediate relatives witnessing
the nuptial ceremony which bound together for life this popular young couple.
The bride is the daughter of D. H. Passell and a most estimable young lady of many
accomplishments of heart and mind. Well known and popular in church and social circles
she is universally esteemed by her associates and friends everywhere. The groom is
also well known by everybody as a young man of sterling worth and enterprise and has
provided a pleasant home for himself and bride 4 miles north of town which they now
occupy. Mr. and Mrs. George Troutfetter start out in life with a bright prospect for
the future and their hosts of friends have only the best wishes for their future
happiness and prosperity.
May 23, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
May 30, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
June 6, 1895 - No "Rexford News" posted
June 13, 1895 (page 8)
The farming community are busy as possible working their corn and making preparation
for harvest.
The rain of Monday was a help to young crops.
Dr. Patterson and John Hook were in Hoxie Tuesday.
A horse belonging to Ed Patterson fell in an old well Monday night.
L. D. Wentworth is plastering the Methodist church here.
C. B. Dakin of Colby was in our town Monday on business.
Quite a number from town and vicinity were out of the Sappa fishing Sunday which
caused a rapid decline in the fish market.
W.W. Warner and Chas Reed were in town Saturday exchanging lies with the boys.
Jack Williams has 280 acres of wheat which he thinks will make 15 bushels per acre.
Nick Arndt was in town Wednesday for the first time since he had his leg broken.
~ signed Vox Populi
June 20, 1895 (page 8)
On Wednesday evening a heavy rain storm occurred. North of town a few miles there
was quite an amount of hail, doing some damage to growing crops.
M.D. Gallogly of Selden was in town Thursday he informed us that owing to the late
rains everybody in Selden was happy.
D. F. Jones editor of Decalb County Herald of Mo., and son passed through town Friday
on their way to the mountains.
Not many "snaiks" being killed lately as we are not having rain as usual.
Pass Bray and John Larkin who have been in Nebraska looking for work returned home.
Mrs. Dr. Patterson is at present on the sick list.
~ signed Vox Populi
June 27, 1895 (page 8)
Ike Crumly of Colby was on our street Tuesday.
John Crawford of Gem was doing business in town Tuesday.
The "Oxfords" will give an entertainment next Saturday evening.
Bert Reed returned from Colorado Tuesday.
The 2nd nine of Atwood failed to meet our boys as per agreement. Boys this is not
Jerry Murphy is working at the M. E. Church.
On Wednesday a few of the parties who went to Colorado for work began to arrive.
Those in the advance were J. B. Nooner, Lew Davis, Harry Dibble, Grant Latimer and
Harry Barrett. The rest will return in a few days.
Mrs. Conrad Wagner is on the sick list.
~ signed Vox Populi
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