The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for the time period of
September 4, 1894 through December 27, 1894. During this time, several small
towns corresponded their local news to THE COLBY TRIBUNE. Below are news items
that pertained to Rexford, Thomas County, Kansas only. They have been transcribed
to the best of my ability and quality of the copied microfilm that has preserved
these words for over 100 years. You may find several surnames that appear mistyped.
While I am not saying that these have been typed perfectly, I have checked several
surnames and many appear to be the same but are spelled differently in the original type.
This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan
Henderson ( 23 October 1999
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September 4, 1894 (page 8)
A few days ago Theodore Rall lost a valuable horse that was bitten by a snake.
Quite a number of "old vets" from this vicinity will attend the reunion at Sharon Springs.
Ed Stone left a few days ago for Nebraska where he will remain for the winter.
About fifty neighbors and friends of Mr. Arthur Connelly gathered at his residence
the 16th to remind him that he was on that day passing his sixtieth milestone.
Mr. Connelly received some valuable presents. The band was present and discussed
music by the "cord." The time was pleasantly spent in conversation, vocal and
instrumental music. At 1 p.m. a sumptuous dinner was served to which all did ample
justice and as the evening shades began to gather the people departed for their
homes feeling that they were better by being present.
Mr. and Mrs. John Carden of Sherman county are visiting Mrs. Carden's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Connelly.
We learn that Mr. Maynard has at last had his pension granted.
Miss Alice Markham is at present visiting her sister in Iowa. Mrs. Markham is
visiting friends in Nebraska.
Our genial section boss, O'Leary is getting his section in fine condition for winter.
Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Wine are visiting their daughter at Quinter.
~ signed Vox Populi
September 27, 1894 (page 8)
Mr. Havice has sold his drug store and will leave for Wisconsin in the near future.
The Rexford Cornet band were up at Colby Tuesday evening for the Pop rally.
Mr. Corder lost a valuable race horse one day last week by lightning.
The Rexford baseball nine are going to Colby Saturday to scoop the "byes" out there.
Republican rally Saturday. Everyone be sure and come.
The Menlo cornet band were at Sharon Springs last week playing for the soldiers reunion.
They all report a splendid time and some of the boys are thinking seriously of going
back in the near future. From reports it seems that several did not leave until
Saturday. B. J. and Clifford say that their "stars" have just risen and Thomas county
has charms for them no more.
October 4, 1894 (page 8)
Henry Connelly of Illinois is visiting his father Robert Connelly. He has not seen
his father for twelve years.
Mr. Rall has a horse that will likely die from the effect of snake bite.
Mr. J. F. Croft is on the sick list.
Oct 1st to Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Roller a son.
Mrs. Curry of Humiston, Ia. is visiting her daughter Mrs. Roller.
Wm. Wade and family will soon leave for Missouri. We are sorry to lose them from our midst.
The late rains have put the ground in excellent condition for plowing and seeding
and the farms are improving the time.
J. W. Moore of Marion county addressed a fine large audience in this city last
Saturday. It was a splendid address and told the Populists present some truths,
which opened their eyes. It was a successful meeting throughout and will be of
vast benefit on election day. Both Populists and Republicans were pleased with it.
~ signed Vox Populi
October 11, 1894 - No "Rexford News" Reported
October 18, 1894 (page 8)
Mrs. Parker died the 13th at 1 p.m. For many months she had been a great sufferer.
The funeral occurred at a late hour possibly 9 p.m. as they were waiting the
arrival of her brother from Nebraska.
Wm. Wade and family left Monday for Missouri.
Mrs. Mell Baum and her sister Miss Carrie Harper came in on the evening train
Saturday from Colorado where they have been for some time.
Quite a number from this locality was in Colby Tuesday to hear Mr. Overmire.
~ signed Vox Populi
October 25, 1894 (page 8)
Harry Dible who has been gone for some time down in Oklahoma territory and
southeastern Kansas threshing returned home again.
Mr. Maynes and Mr. Leister of Randall were on our streets Saturday.
Mr. Deuell our old time friend was in town Saturday. He is at present living in
Washington county but expects to return in the spring.
Jim Hook left for his wife's folks in Nebraska a few days since.
A little daughter of John Schroth's was kicked by a horse on her knee a few days
since and severely hurt.
Mr. Barrett, a very mild mannered man, and not disposed to bet on the election,
was heard to make a singular offer to some of the Populistic brethren that he
would sell his house, shop and lots and take his pay when Major Morrill was elected
Jim Connelly and C. M. Havice are talking of getting team, harness and wagon on the election.
If they do Havice will have one more team to winter.
On the 17th of October quite a number of friends and neighbors gathered in the
evening at the residence of Dr. Patterson to remind Mrs. Patterson that it was her birthday.
The time was pleasantly spent in conversation and music. Supper was served at 12.
The guests departed at a late hour. Ed Gilbert says they were all full.
November 1, 1894 (page 8)
Owing to the high wind that prevailed last Thursday the republican meeting at this
point was postponed, as it was next to impossible for the speakers to travel.
The meeting at Menlo in the evening was well attended. Hon K. E. Wilcocksoe spoke
in regard to the legislative trouble. His views are at variance with those of
Mr. Bucklin's. J. A. Gill and G. W. Goodsoe made short speeches.
The Rexford band was present and furnished the music for the occasion.
The band of late is coming to the front and if they continue in their practice
they will be in demand on all occasions. While we have attended quite a number
of republican meetings during the campaign we have failed to be present without
the speaker being interrupted. Why is this? It is certainly not manly to interrupt
a speaker.
We understand C. M. Havice has sold his drug store to Mr. Quissenberry of Hoxie.
"They say" Havice is singing "Oh carry me back to old Virginia."
On last Sunday a young man by the name of Wm. Higgenberger was thrown from a horse
and had his arm broken. He lives near Herndon, Rawlins county.
Quite a number of people from this vicinity attended the pop meeting at Colby.
They arrived home Sunday sadder but not wiser.
Chas Woodard and family left for Belvidere, Nebraska on last Friday.
One week from today Tuesday every man in Kansas who is of sound mind and over
twenty one years of age will have an opportunity to say whether he wishes the
populists to make any more experiments with their theories or whether he has
had enough experimenting and is willing to go back to the practical ideas of the
~ signed Vox Populi
November 8, 1894 (page 8)
Mr. Quissenberry of Hoxie and Mr. Havice are done invoicing drugs. The former
taking charge of the store. C. M. will leave for Farmville, Va. to engage in peeling
Tan Bark.
Frank Wiseman came Sunday morning on the Vestibule from Colo. in time to vote.
We presume he got that pass.
Robert Harper is having ill luck with his horses. They are taken sick and die in a
short time. He has lost two already and three more are down.
Mr. Karns lost a valuable horse a few days ago.
Born Nov 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis, a son.
Wm. Simington & Co., of Randall township began loading a car at this point Monday
for Alberta, Can.
~ signed Vox Populi
November 15, 1894 - No "Rexford News" Reported
November 21, 1894 - No "Rexford News" Reported
November 28, 1894 - No "Rexford News" Reported
December 6, 1894 (page 3)
Enoch Baum is quite sick.
Mrs. M. Goss and her mother are visiting relatives in Iowa.
Born Nov 18 to Mr. and Mrs. E. Kerns a son.
John Maxwell of South Solomon was in town Saturday.
My Broyler and family returned from Iowa. They have been gone one year.
Mrs. Jarvis of Iowa is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dennison.
G. M. Baum was visiting Sunday at his parents.
Our friend Max Geise was on our street Wednesday. Call again Max.
Mrs. Markham came home Wednesday night. She has been visiting relatives and
friends in Iowa for several months.
The band at this place is progressing finely. We learn that it is their intention
to give a musical entertainment in the near future.
George Harper has lost five horses. The state veterinary was in attendance.
He diagnosed the complaint Cerebra Spinal Meningitis. Our local talent beg leave
to differ with him.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 13, 18994 (page 3)
Wm. Barrett has erected a new windmill at his shop.
Ira Thompson made a flying visit to Belleville a few days since.
Jonas Millner of Menlo is talking of trading his farm for one in Republic county.
Postmaster Boughman of Lund was on our street last Friday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Cousin on Dec 4th a son.
Wm. Curry and Alice Markham were married in Norton Wednesday the 5th.
The band of this place gave them a serenade. We congratulate the young couple.
Marion Marsh, who has been working Nebraska for some time came in on the train
Saturday morning.
A little daughter of Jas Harper fell down the cellar Saturday eve and cut her face badly.
Mr. Baum is still on the sick list.
Mrs. Cousin is seriously ill at this writing.
Monday we had a fine snow which makes the wheat prospect much better.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 20, 1894 (page 8)
A daughter of Geo Flint died very suddenly Friday and was buried at Rexford Sunday.
Mr. Thomas of Neb. came in answer to a telegram to see his daughter
Mrs. Cousin who was very ill but is now improving.
Ira Thompson and Jack Williams are building additions to their homes.
Jack is the possessor of the finest brick building in the city.
C. M. Havice has traded the Wm. Harper farm for land in Tennessee.
Geo Schwab is in Neb. for the holidays.
David Council was visiting here a few days since.
Curt Harper who has been on the sick list is well.
Jack Williams left with a car of hogs Tuesday.
Mrs. Cardwell of Republic county is visiting relatives here.
~ signed Vox Populi
December 27, 1894 (page 3)
Mrs. M. Goss and her mother came in on the vestibule Wednesday night.
They have been visiting relatives in Iowa for some time.
A son and daughter of F. O. Leary arrived Thursday from Brown county to visit
their father and his family.
L. B. Thomas of Ellwood, Neb. who has been visiting his daughter during her
illness returned home Thursday.
Ed Welch and family left for eastern Kansas last Wednesday. Mr. Welch has been a
resident of our county for a long time. We are sorry to see him leave but wish
him success in his future home.
Born Dec 22 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harrison a daughter. We think William will live.
Lark Clave came from Denver Saturday evening.
~ signed Vox Populi
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