The following excerpts are from THE COLBY TRIBUNE for 1889. During this time,
THE COLBY TRIBUNE begged for smaller communities to send news about their areas.
There was not a lot of news from these smaller communities, but enough to be of
great interest. Below are news items that pertained to Rexford, Thomas County,
Kansas only. They have been transcribed to the best of my ability and quality
of the copied microfilm that has preserved these words for over 100 years.
You may find several surnames that appear mistyped. While I am not saying that
these have been typed perfectly, I have checked several surnames and many
appear to be the same but are spelled differently in the original type.
This is a true labor of love for the continual search of historical information.
I hope you find what you are looking for.
Graciously transcribed and contributed by Susan
Henderson ( 23 October 1999
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February 21, 1889 (page 8)
J.D. Baum has gone to Mankato on business.
Mrs. Scott, of Hawkeye, is moving her dwelling to Rexford.
Sam Hunt's child, who has been very sick, is now convalescent.
W. L. Williams is in Republic county. He will return in a few days.
Mr. Tilden's building when done will be by far the best store in town.
Bill Barritt has moved his blacksmith shop to this place and is now hammering away.
Mr. Markham of Hawkeye is about to become a citizen of this place. His building now being on the road. Welcome all.
Mr. Glenn and Mr. E. Jewell of Strang, Nebraska and families are going to make this their home in the future.
Their goods now being on the road. And still there is room for more.
Mr. James Harper while coming home from Selden Tuesday night, was thrown from his wagon and suffered
the breaking of a rib which caused unconsciousness.
Ed Lucus who it was reported had skipped out with the Eureka literary funds has returned bringing with him a bride.
Well Ed under the circumstance we will excuse you this time, as we do not think it will happen soon again.
~ signed Blue Stem
March 14, 1889 (page 1)
Wm. Barrett has moved his family to town.
Miss Lizzie Baum has been visiting friends at Smith Center.
Wayland Williams and wife of Goodland are visiting friends here.
Everybody is plowing and sowing wheat. This will be a very large acreage sown here.
Mr. Moody of Old Sheridan has rented the Mrs. Newton farm east of town for this season.
Enoch Jewell of this place steps high. It's a boy and weighs 16 pounds. Enoch, we smoke.
Elmer Turner who returned from Denver lately has taken a piece of land adjoining his father's homestead.
Mr. Beman has returned from Rice county. His brother and family come with him. His brother will farm
John Thompson's place this season.
Married at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Chas. Smith to Miss Alice Moody, both of Rexford. We wish the young couple a happy and prosperous life. Chas, don't forget, we smoke on such occasions.
The farmers of this part have organized a Farmer's Mutual Benefit society. It is expected to be beneficial to all persons engaged in farming. Farmers see to it and see if we cannot be benefited as well by organizing as the tradesmen.
~ signed Blue Stem
March 21, 1889 (page 1)
Rake up the back yards.
Jack Butterfield has returned to the farm again.
Miss Tillie Wiser is the guest of Mrs. W. Tilden.
Our school, which is being taught by Mrs. Minna Cumpson, is doing fine.
There is a good prospect of having a lumber yard in Rexford at once.
The eldest daughter of Ira Thompson is very sick at present writing.
Elmer Lumus was taken into the Farmer's Mutual Benefit Society, Friday night last.
Willard Tilden has moved his stock of goods into his new store, and is doing a very good business.
The Eureka literary society closed last Thursday evening with an exhibition, which was certainly a grand success.
Mr. Gilber the Rock Island telegraph agent has purchased a new photograph camera.
Now you can get your pretty selves in a picture at Rexford.
W. H. Foskett of Goodland made a flying visit to H. B. French's and others the first of this week.
Mr. Foskett is carpentering in Goodland.
The heavy rain of Sunday was something uncommon for this time of year but it will insure us a crop of small grain which is looking fine at the present time and should not be bothered with chinch bugs will be very heavy. There is a good acreage sown.
~ signed Blue Stem
May 23, 1889 (page 8)
Mrs. Fisher and son have moved to Rexford.
Lookout for a big fall at Rexford in the near future.
What has become of the chintz bug in western Kansas?
Miss Lizzie Baum is clerking for Baum & Tilden in Norton.
Three new members at the Farmers Mutual Benefit Association at this place the last meeting.
Mr. G. Hancock of Hancock & Co. has purchased a covered carriage to ride to and from the store.
W. L. Williams has ordered a header to use this season. That's the way to down the binding twine trust.
The farmers of this part with but few exceptions will not use binding twine this harvest unless it is sold cheaper than now offered.
~ signed Blue Stem
June 13, 1889 (page 8)
Corn is doing fine.
Mr. Gilbert's party was spoiled by the storm Friday evening.
McLellan Beman and Mother started for Nevada one day last week.
The Hunt boys and Mr. Gillchrist have purchased a new Deering Binder.
Mr. McKibbon of Rawlins county is re-setting Mr. P. Venton's timber claim in black locus.
The late rains have made the heaviest crop of small grain Thomas county ever had now assured.
Rexford is to have a new hardware and furniture store in the future. Now we want a restaurant and drug store.
D. O. Grice and W. H. Markham have purchased the Tilden and Barn stock of goods and store and will
continue business at the old stand. We wish the new firm success.
FOR SALE - Two of the nicest tree claims in Sheridan county, adjoining each other, smooth, 2 miles from Rexford. For particulars inquire of
H. B. French.
~ signed Blue Stem
June 27, 1889 (page 1)
Harvest is on hand.
Noah Beman is tending 160 acres of corn this season.
The F.M.B.A. is in full blast in the neighborhood of Rexford.
Emmahzier Bros have their stock of hardware and furniture and have opened their store.
Mssrs. E. Baum, I.E. Gilbert and J. W. Gilbert have purchased a Wood's binder of W. Barret & Co.
J. W. Williams, George Fitzsimonds and J. W. McPharson have purchased a new Deering binder.
Mrs. Laura Hancock's school closed last Friday with a fine picnic. The patrons all seemed to be well pleased with the school.
For Sale Cheap - Two of the nicest timber claims in northwestern Kansas, adjoining each other, smooth and close to Rexford. For particulars inquire of
H. B. French.
~ signed Blue Stem
August 8, 1889 (page 1)
Mr. Theo Rahl is the proud father of a son.
A number of the farmers have threshed in this vicinity.
Mr. M. Wirtz has the heaviest wheat. It goes 26 bushels to the acre.
D. D. Spade and Chas Miles of Hastings, Neb are visiting friends in this vicinity.
Mrs. J. S. Clark is quite poorly and expects to start for the west soon to regain her health.
The people are glad to hear Colby is to have a mill. Colby knows how to get there, Eli.
O. Fuller and W.W. Smith are buying a large amount of grain at Rexford paying 25 cents for rye. 54 and 55 for wheat.
Will Harper made proof last week at Oberlin, and will soon leave for his wife's folks in Nemaha county, Nebraska.
~ signed Rexford Observer
October 31, 1889 (page 6) **note - "Rexford Items" changed to "Rexford Rumblings"**
Rexford is on the boom.
There is a large acreage of wheat being sown this fall.
Frank U. Grice is in Colorado plowing on his fathers tree claim.
Ira Thompson and G. Hancock are building a nice store building 20X48.
The sale at L. F. Odel's was an entire failure on account of there being no people out.
Eugene S. Jewell and B. C. F. Moody each took a fine claim last Tuesday and are now happy.
G. N. Hunter has bought his partner W. H. Markham out and is now running the business alone.
Mrs. Geo Fitsimonds, J. W. McPherson and Mrs. H. B. French are visiting relatives in the east.
Miss Sophia Hubbell has recently commenced teaching school in the southern part of the county.
Mr. Pratt has bought the W. L. William's place. He and his father-in-law will build on the same soon.
Our bachelor friend Ralph Fitsimonds has returned to sojourn with his friends for a while once again.
L. D. Sutherland is building a sod barn and house on this timer claim, and so one by one the sodys fall.
W. J. Markham the new postmaster at Rexford is as happy as a little boy with his first pair of red topped boots.
Rexford now has a lumber yard, Foster & Son being the proprietors; Pratt the carpenter and builder is the manager.
Our friend J. W. Gilert has purchased the John Thompson farm and will move on to it soon. We welcome Jake in our midst.
Dr. H. G. Patterson, who has been visiting his father in Ohio is expected home in time to vote. Doc is one of the boys that vote right, if Smith township goes mugwump as usual it will not be on the account of Doc he will do his part and no mistake.
~ signed Observer
November 21, 1889 (page 3)
Dr. Patterson, of this county, has but recently returned from a trip to Ohio. The doctor is a personal friend of Governor Foraker. The doctor was informed by the governor that his recent defeat was no surprise to himself and thinks he was defeated for personal satisfaction to a few men in the Buckeye state.
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