The College Young Men's Christian Association was organized November 8, 1885. It had been previously announced that Mr. C. K. Ober, secretary of the international committee of college associations, would address the students on the history and work of college associations with a view to organization, and on that evening twenty-five young men met in the Congregational church to consider the matter. After listening to Mr. Ober's address and the reading of the constitution recommended by him, it was decided by a unanimous vote to organize an association at the College, adopting the constitution recommended. At the second meeting, held November 13, the organization was completed by the election of G. D. Robertson, '86, president, and C. A. Murphy, '87, secretary.
The regular services were gospel meetings held in the Horticultural Hall each Sunday afternoon. For the first year the average attendance was twenty-five. Two Bible classes were organized the following January, and the work in all lines was increased. The following year, C. A. Murphy, '87, was elected president, and L. B. Parker, '87, secretary. One delegate was sent to the State convention at Ottawa. The work of this year showed an increased interest, the average attendance at the meetings being raised to thirty-two. D. G. Fairchild, '88, was chosen president for the following year, and W. H. Olin, '89, secretary. The next year, 1888-9, D. E. Bundy, '89, was president and W. H. Sanders, '90, secretary.
W. H. Sanders, '90, was president for 1889-90, and H. B. Gilstrap, '91, was secretary. The association this year, published a directory for new students, and organized a reception committee to meet them at the train. The association was represented at the Topeka convention by fifteen delegates.
At present H. B. Gilstrap, '91, is president, and B. H. Pugh, '92, is secretary. The reception work at trains was this year continued with considerable success. The meetings have been well attended, and with good results. At the present time the membership is larger than ever before.
The Young Women's Christian Association of the Kansas Agricultural College, was organized November 17, 1885, with Miss F. Henrietta Willard, president, and Miss Nellie Cottrell, secretary.
The meetings were held in class room 1, at 4 o'clock, P. M., for some months, afterward being changed to the South Society room for the convenience of an organ. The time came when it seemed desirable to hold the meeting in connection with the students' prayer meeting, which then met regularly on Friday evenings, so the Y. W. C. A. became a "twilight meeting." This year, the young women have held their meetings every Friday evening, occasionally merging it into a joint meeting with the Y. M. C. A. To these joint meetings all students are cordially invited.
Lieut. E. B. Bolton, 23d U. S. Infantry, commander. Judd N. Bridgman, Adjutant. George V. Johnson, Sergeant Major. John W. Hartley, Color Sergeant. Harry B. Gilstrap, Captain Co. "A." Robert J. Brock, Captain Co. "F." John O. Morse, Captain Co. "C." David C. McDowell, Captain Co. "B." George W. Wildin, Captain Co. "E." Alfred Midgley, Captain Co. "D." A. A. Gist, Captain of Battery. |
Prof. A. B. Brown, | Director. |
A. E. Campbell, | Piccolo, . . Secretary. |
F. A. Waugh, | B flat Flute, . . President and Leader. |
E. M. S. Curtis, | B-flat Clarinet, |
C. B. Selby, | Solo B-flat Cornet. |
Chas. Lyman, | 1st B-flat Cornet. |
S. R. Moore, | 2d B-flat Cornet. |
A. A. Gist, | Solo Alto. |
F. F. Baxter, | 1st Alto. |
C. R. Hutchings, | 1st Tenor. |
E. L. Frowe, | 2nd Tenor. |
R. A. Clark, | Slide Trombone. |
C. A. Bailey, | Baritone, . . Treasurer. |
W. E. Smith, | E-flat Tuba. |
G. C. Gentes, | Snare Drum. |
F. J. Bartel, | Base Drum. |
Edited by the students and faculty, and published weekly.
Student Editors: Tina L. Coburn, Geo. V. Johnson, and Ben Skinner.
The propriety of organizing a society for individual improvement in the natural and allied sciences, had been discussed and advocated by a portion of the faculty and a number of the advanced students, for nearly a year. In order to take some definite action upon the matter, the following named persons met in the Physical Laboratory, on Friday evening, January 30, 1880: Professors Failyer, Popenoe and Graham, and students D. S. Leach, A. Beacham and W. Knaus. It was unanimously agreed to organize a society for the purpose above named. After some discussion as to scope of the work to be undertaken by the society, the meeting adjourned to meet in one week, with the understanding that the professors present should bring the matter before the faculty, and request its consent to make the society a permanent organization. The next week, the same half dozen met, pursuant to adjournment, and, after some discussion, named the organization the "Scientific Club of the Agricultural College," and adopted a constitution. Professor G. H. Failyer was elected president, and a scheme for future work was laid out. For convenience of work, the club was divided into sections as follows: A, Biology; B, Botany; C, Chemistry; D, Physics; E, Engineering; F, Zoölogy; G, Geology. To this list was added, in the fall of 1890, an Electrical division. The club, although it has labored under many disadvantages, has carried on a vast amount of original research, and aided greatly in disseminating scientific knowledge.
The club meets the fourth Friday of each month, (providence permitting) and is open to both ladies and gentlemen.
Professor I. D. Graham is now president, and Bertha Bacheller secretary.
Tom & Carolyn Ward Columbus, KS |
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