Corresponding numerals precede the name of the soldier and the name of relative or friend named by the soldier as the person to be notified in case of emergency.
1. Daniel Ackerman, father, Merriam, Ks.
2. Albert L. Adams. father, 238 E. 30th St., Kansas City, Mo.
3. George E. Adamson, father, 2032 College Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
4. Mrs. Abbie Addy, mother, 808 E. 3d St., Galena, Ks.
5. Mrs. Amanda Adolph, mother, Scranton, Ks.
6. John H. Ahrens, father, R. F. D. 4, Pittsburg, Ks.
7. Erastus E. Aills, 327 N. 7th St., Salina, Ks.
8. Mrs. A. L. Aker, wife, R. F. D. 1, Winfield, Ks.
9. Silas E. Akers, father, R. F. D. 3, Chanute, Ks.
10. Mrs. J. W. Albaugh, wife, 2042 63d St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
11. Joseph Aleksiehes, brother, 535 Northrup Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
12. Winona Allen, mother, R. F. D. 3, Oberlin, Ks.
13. Mildred Barnes, friend, Earleton, Ks.
14. George M. Allison, father, Hoyt, Ks.
15. Aaron S. Altman, father, Lincoln, Ks.
16. Mrs. Eva N. Phillips, mother, Amy, Ks.
17. Roy M. Alvord, brother, Jewell, Ks.
18. Bruce Amos, father, R. F. D. 1, Colby, Ks.
19. Oscar Anderson, father, Clyde, Ks.
20. Mrs. Jennie Anderson, mother, R. F. D. 4, Lyons, Ks.
21. Deck J. Anderson, father, Paola, Ks.
22. -.
23. Nels Anderson, father, box 42, Scranton, Ks.
24. Mrs. Eldore J. Anderson, Bronson, Ks.
25. Mrs. Amanda Anderson, mother, R. F. D. 1, Wetmore, Ks.
26. Robert L. Smith, friend, Hugoton, Ks.
27. John E. Andrews, father, 528 S. 11th St., Independence, Ks.
28. Mrs. Flora Andrews, mother, Leon, Ks.
29. Mrs. Teresa Weber, stepmother, Breezy Hill, Ks.
30. Mrs. Lizzie Kaltenbach, mother, R. F. D. 2, Randall, Ks.
31. Sam M. Armstrong, father, 918 E. Solemn St., Portland, Ore.
32. W. S. Armstrong, father, Centralia, Ks.
33. Otha Arnold, father, 2002 S. Palasado St., Wichita, Ks.
34. Edward Arnold, father, Latimer, Ks.
35. Mrs. Cornelia Asher, wife, 1120 Congress St., Emporia, Ks.
36. Charles F. Ashley, father, Iola, Ks.
37. Mrs. Mary Ashworth, mother, Gardner, Ks.
38. Tom Aslin, father, Vermillion, S. Dak.
39. Mrs. Margaret A. Asplund, mother, 2055 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Ks.
40. John F. Atkinson, father, Diamond, Mo.
41. Manson E. Atwell, father, New Albany, Ks.
42. John W. Aukerman, father, 917 W. 9th St., Winfield, Ks.
43. Leslie Austin, brother, 715 W. 22d St. Cheyenne, Wyo.
44. -.
45. -.
46. -.
47. Mrs. May Bagwell, mother, Tonganoxie, Ks.
48. John Baier, father, Elmo, Ks.
49. -.
50. William Bailey, father, R. F. D. 27, Topeka, Ks.
51. William A. Baird, father, R. F. D. 6, Topeka, Ks.
52. Mrs. Lucina L. Baker, mother, 620 Western Ave., Topeka, Ks.
53. Mrs. Lucy Baker, mother, 105 Columbia Ave., Leavenworth, Ks.
54. Adison Baker, father, Ashland, Ks.
55. Green Baker, father, R. F. D. 2, Pratt, Ks.
56. Mrs. Ada Baker, mother, 1006 Kearney St., Manhattan, Ks.
57. Mrs. Mary F. Balding, wife, 102 S. Iuka St., Pratt, Ks.
58. Mrs. Myrtle Bale, wife, Sparks, Ks.
59. William C. Jones, foster parent, R. F. D. 5, Emporia, Ks.
60. Mrs. Georgiana B. Ball, wife, El Monte, Cal.
61. Charles W. Ball, father, 22 G. E. St., Hutchinson, Ks.
62. Mrs. Annie J. Dodge, mother, 720 Hudson St., Burlington, Ks.
63. Mrs. Ella M. Bankson, mother, R. F. D. 1, Plains, Ks.
64. -.
65. Mrs. H. Bannon, Solomon, Ks.
66. Mrs. Hazel Banta, wife, 3332 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
67. Phillip Banworth, father, R. F. D. 1, Dorrance, Ks.
68. W. H. Barker, father, Rosalia, Ks.
69. Ephrian W. Barnes, father, Smith Center, Ks.
70. Mrs. Margarete Prather, sister, Gypsum City, Ks.
71. John M. Barnett, father, Lucerne, Ks.
72. Miss Alice Barnicle, sister, 1018 Tamm Ave. East, St. Louis, Mo.
73. Mrs. Emma Barr, mother, Holton, Ks.
74. Mrs. Ethel A. Barrett, wife, Downs, Ks.
75. John Barrett, father, R. F. D. 1, Randall, Ks.
76. Mrs. Sophia Barricklow, mother, R. F. D. 2, Paola, Ks.
77. Mrs. Elmer E. Bartell, wife, Zeandale, Ks.
78. Mrs. Ida M. Barton, mother, Chetopa, Ks.
79. Mrs. Leimie E. Bates, mother, Cottonwood Falls, Ks.
80. Mrs. Mary E. Bates, mother, Burlington, Vt.
81. William C. Battersby, father, Salina, Ks.
82. Albert C. Baughman, father, Ellis, Ks.
83. A. G. Baxter, father, Waverly, Ks.
84. Allen R. Bayly, father, Tar River, Okla.
85. Mrs. Marv V. Beach, mother, Manchester, Ks.
86. Mrs. Mark Beach, wife, Clinton, Ks.
87. W. J. Beach, father, Minneapolis, Ks.
88. Mrs. Louie B. Beale, mother, 1208 4th Ave., Dodge City, Ks,
89. August Beam, father, Waldo, Ks.
90. Mrs. Blanche Beaman, wife, R. F. D. 2, Oakley, Ks.
91. Mrs. Edna Beanies, mother, R. F. D. 4, Belleville, Ks.
92. Mrs. Martha J. Beard, mother, R. F. D. 1, Belvue, Ks.
92 1/2. John Beard, father, 1209 W. 5th St., Topeka, Ks.
93. -.
94. Mrs. Rebecca Beaty, mother, 810 S. B St., Arkansas City, Ks.
95. John W. Beaver, father, La Harpe, Ks.
96. John Beek, father, Inks, Ks.
97. Mrs. Alice Powell, mother, 25 N. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo.
98. Mrs. Julia Becker, mother, Lehigh, Ks.
99. Nicholas Becker, father, R. F. D. 2, Great Bend, Ks.
100. John S. Beecher, father, Hill City, Ks.
101. John Beggs, 529 W. 2d St., Junction City, Ks.
102. Mrs. Christine L. Behrhorst, wife, R. F. D. 5, Walnut, Ks.
103. August Beitz, father, R. F. D. 2, Hartford, Ks.
104. James Belden, father, Lebanon, Ks.
105. Mrs. Emma Belin, mother, 1703 7th St., Clay Center, Ks.
106. Mrs. Josephine Belin, wife, Riley, Ks.
107. Miss Almeda Benge, sister, Akron, Ind.
108. Mrs. Emma T. Bennett, mother, Oxford, Ks.
109. Mrs. Mary Bennett, mother, 533 Franklin St., Whittier, Cal.
110. Alfred J. Bennett, father, R. F. D. 1, Cheney, Ks.
ill. Fred S. Bennett, father, 520 S. Washington St., Iola, Ks.
112. Andrew Benson, father, Independence, Ks.
113. Frank Benyshek, father, Cuba, Ks.
114. Mrs. Mary Berentz, mother, R. F. D. 5, Oswego, Ks.
115. Oscar Downing, friend, Danville, 111.
116. Daniel E. Berger, father, 317 S. 9th St., Salina, Ks.
117. Mrs. Eva E. Berkibile, mother, St. Johns, Ks.
118. Mrs. Arthur C. Berquist, wife, 1139 Elm St,, Kansas City, Ks.
119. Mrs. Rubs, E. Berry, wife, 1316 Dirr Ave., Parsons, Ks.
120. Mrs. Margaret G. Berry, mother, 620 24th St., Cedar Falls, Iowa.
121. Fred Beskow, sr., father, R. F. D., Lyndon, Ks.
122. Mrs. Lela Everts, sister, Courtland, Ks.
123. William A. Bevis, father, box 522, Osawatomie, Ks.
124. George R. Beyers, father, 823 H St., Perry, Okla,
125. Mrs. Anna Bichlmeier, mother, R. F. D. 3, Horton, Ks.
126. John Biernaski, father, Minneola, Ks.
127. George Bigham, Fontana, Ks.
128. J. B. Billard, father, Topeka, Ks.
129. C. E. Birch, Haskell Inst., Lawrence, Ks.
130. Willis S. Bird, father, Stockton, Ks.
131. Isaac T. Bishop, father, 2222 Stevens Ave., Parsons, Ks.
132. Mrs. Grace Bivin, wife, 204 E. Elm St., Enid, Okla.
133. Frank Black, brother, R. F. D. 5, Marion, Ks.
134. Mrs. Dora Black, mother, Gorham, Ks.
135. James E. Black, father, 1215 S. Hickory St., Ottawa, Ks.
136. Mrs. Etta Blackburn, mother, Bazaar, Ks.
137. James P. Blackledge, father, Onaga, Ks.
138. Mrs. Helen Helms, mother, Wakefield, Ks.
139. Mrs. Mary C. Blair, mother, Cotter, Iowa.
140. C. G. Blakely, father, Topeka, Ks.
141. Mrs. Madge Blanchard, wife, Corozal, Canal Zone.
142. Mrs. Minnie Bay, mother, Quapaw, Okla.
143. Mrs. M. E. Bleckley, mother, I 11 N. Lorraine Ave., Wichita, Ks.
144. Mrs. Jane Blevins, Bluffville, Ks.
145. Miss Minnie Blevins, sister, 524 2d Ave. East, Hutchinson, Ks.
146. John M. Blevins, father, Linden, Mo.
147. E. H. Blockberger, father, 5th and Chestnut Sts., Leavenworth, Ks.
148. Albert Carter, friend, Lyons, Ks.
149. Mrs. Grayce Blow, wife, Waverly, Ks.
150. Mrs. Nancy Bly, mother, 1734 Topeka Ave., Topeka, Ks.
151. Peter Bodmer, father, Paradise, Ks.
152. Mrs. R. O. Boice, mother, R. F. D. 1, Spring Hill, Ks.
153. Miss Pachite Bondera, sister, Rometa, Mexico.
154. -.
155. Mrs. Ida P. Booze, wife, 1108 S. Hickory St., Ottawa, Ks.
156. Harry W. Borten, brother, Kanorado, Ks.
157. Christian Bosseck, father, Lafontaine, Ks.
158. -.
159. Mrs. Sarah Root, mother, R. F. D. 1, Wellington, Ks.
160. John W. Bottorff, father, Downs, Ks.
161. John Rougher, father, Independence, Colo.
162. James Bowden, sr., 733 Sandusky St., Kansas City, Ks.
168. Wilton E. Bowers, father, Downs, Ks.
164. Mrs. Della Bowers, mother, Drumright, Okla,
165. Mrs. Flora M. Boyle, mother, Lindsey, Ks.
166. Mrs. Matilda C. Boyles, mother, Luray, Ks.
167. Mrs. Ellen Bradfield, mother, 1014 Madison St., Topeka, Ks.
168. Mrs. Mary Cooper, mother, 104 S. Walnut St., Ottawa, Ks.
169. -.
170. Marshall Bradshaw, father, R. F. D. 7, Fort Scott, Ks.
171. Mrs. Mabel Brainard, wife, Fairport, Ks.
172. Eugene F. Breman, father, Rosalia, Ks.
173. Dr. W. B. Kelly, grandfather, 31 W. Myrtle St., Independence, Ks.
174. Allen M. Branch, father, 1021 S. 4th St., Atchison, Ks.
175. -.
176. Mrs. Lucy C. Tubbs, mother, Kiowa, Ks.
177. Mrs. Mary Brannum, mother, 423 S. Sycamore St., Iola, Ks.
178. Mrs. Marie Lupton, mother, 313 N. St. Francis St., Wichita, Ks.
179. Mrs. Dora Hunter, mother, 1424 S. H St., Arkansas City, Ks.
180. Mrs. Fannie Bratton, mother, R. F. D. 5, Iola, Ks.
181. Samuel Bray, father, Zurich, Ks.
182. Mrs. Alice F. Franklin, mother, R. F. D. 2, Springville, Miss.
183. Mrs. Joseph E. Bregar, mother, R. F. D. 2, Pittsburg, Ks.
184. Mrs. Lizzie Breit, wife, Pfeifer, Ks.
185. Mrs. Alma M. Brandle, wife, McCabe, Mo.
186. B. F. Brenton, father, Piedmont, Ks.
187. Mrs. Otto Brewer, mother, 500 S. Hillside, Wichita, Ks.
188. Oscar Brewer, brother, New Ulysses, Ks.
189. Mrs. E. N. Bright, mother, St. John, Ks.
190. John M. Brodbeck, father, R. F. D. 1, Wichita, Ks.
191. Dr. Andrew Brodie, 1039 N. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Ks.
192. Mrs. Mary Brogden, mother, 305 Lawrence St., Topeka, Ks.
193. Myrt Bronson, father, R. F. D. 3, Osage City, Ks.
194. Mrs. Sadie Bronson, 1813 Bunker Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
195. Mrs. Olive Sellenberger, cousin, Sterling, Ks.
196. Mrs. Mary Brophy, mother, 50 New Orbiston, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
197. Mrs. Mazie Broughton, wife, 710 Kansas Ave., Pittsburg, Ks.
198. Delphius Brouilette, father, Scottsville, Ks.
199. Florence Brown, wife, Bennington, Ks.
200. Mrs. Ella Brown, mother, 720 E. Central St., Arkansas City, Ks.
201. Thomas Brown, father, Atwood, Ks.
201 1/2. M. B. Brown, father, Madison, Ks.
202. Miss Mable Wilson, friend, Morris, Ks.
203. Mrs. Lillian V. Brown, wife, box 24, Boston, Mo.
204. James F. Brown, father, Girard, Ks.
205. Mrs. Mary A. Brown, mother, Lebanon, Ks.
206. Mrs. Emma Brown, mother, Goddard, Ks.
207. Mrs. Mary A. Brown, mother, Duquoin, Ks.
208. Albert Brown, father, Great Bend, Ks.
209. Mrs. Rue Brown, mother, Norwood, Mo.
210. John Brown, father, R. F. D. 2, Elk City, Ks.
211. J. C. Brown, father, 505 N. Main St., Atlanta, Ks.
212. William H. Brown, father, Mulberry, Ks.
213. Mrs. Florence 1. Brown, mother, Syracuse, Ks.
214. Joe W. Brown, father, 701 Parallel Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
215. Mrs. L. E. Brown, mother, 1225 Oread St., Lawrence, Ks.
216. Mrs. Florence Brown, mother, Holton, Ks.
217. Prairie F. Brown, sr., father, R. F. D. 7, Garnett, Ks.
218. Mrs. Mattis Brown, R. F. D. 3, Kingman, Ks.
219. Mrs. May Brown, mother, R. F. D. 1, Atwood, Ks.
220. Mrs. Emma Broxson, mother, 339 N. Hydraulic St., Wichita, Ks.
221. Pleas Bruce, father, Hugoton, Ks.
222. Carl Brueckman, father, 2015 E. 8th St., Kansas City, Mo.
223. Henry Brueggeman, father, Palen, Ks.
224. John W. Brullman, father, Louisburg, Ks.
225. T. A. Brumbaugh, father, 816 Colorado Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
226. Mrs. Emily P. Brun, mother, Muscotah, Ks.
227. -.
228. August Brunkow, father, Wamego, Ks.
229. A. J. Brush, father, 422 E. 40th St., Newton, Ks.
230. John F. Bryan, father, Annapolis, Ill.
231. Miss Adaline White, friend, 1401 Buchanan St., Topeka, Ks.
232. Mrs. Flora Stabler, sister, Wilson, Ks.
233. Mrs. Ella Buchanan, mother, 514 E. 8th St., Abilene, Ks.
234. E. S. Buchanon, father, Wakefield, Ks.
235. George W. Buchanan, father, Inglevale, Ks.
236. Edward R. Buck, father, Hooser, Ks.
237. Mrs. Mamie Buckworth, wife, Powersville, Mo.
238. G. F. Budde, father, Weir City, Ks.
239. Mrs. Sophia Buehre, mother, R. F. D. 6, McPherson, Ks.
240. John H. Bullock, father, R. F. D. 1, Maple Hill, Ks.
241. W. W. Junkins, grandfather, Baldwin, Ks.
242. Mrs. Nellie Burbank, mother, Muscotah, Ks.
243. Mrs. Ethel Burchett, wife, 634 S. E. 2d St., Newton, Ks.
244. Duncan M. Burdick, father, R. F. D. 4, Chanute, Ks.
245. Mrs. Sarah E. Burdick, mother, R. F. D. 5, Neosho, Mo.
246. Mrs. Frank R. Burdick, wife, Burlington, Ks.
247. Ed Burghardt, father, Protection, Ks.
248. Mrs. Mary E. Burkhart, mother, 319 Lowman St., Fort Scott, Ks.
249. David J. Burnett, father, 1202 Park St., Dodge City, Ks.
250. Mrs. Mattie Burnett, wife, 723 Locust St., Topeka, Ks.
251. Mrs. Etta B. Burns, mother, R. F. D. 2, Council Grove, Ks.
252. William M. Burns, father, 818 S. Market St., Wichita, Ks.
253. Mrs. Lucy Burns, mother, P. 0. box 470, Baxter Springs, Ks.
254. T. J. Burns, father, 401 Shawnee Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
255. Mrs. Hulda M. Burns, mother, Kentland, Ind.
256. Mrs. Lula Burns, mother, R. F. D. 2, Tonganoxie, Ks.
257. James H. Burrows, father, Hugoton, Ks.
258. Mrs. Ellen Burton, mother, 105 State St., Emporia, Ks.
259. Charles M. Bush, father, Bushong, Ks.
260. Mrs. Clara Bush, mother, R. F. D. 1, Macksville, Ks.
261. John Buster, father, North Branch, Ks.
262. Mrs. Bert C. Buteser, wife, 607 N. Main St., Hutchinson, Ks.
263. Dee Butler, father, Clayton, Ks.
264. Mrs. Angelina Sullivan, sister, Indian Reservation, Horton, Ks.
265. John Call, brother, Valley Falls, Ks.
266. Alvin S. Calkins, father, R. F. D. 3, Colby, Ks.
267. Alva S. Calkins, father, R. F. D. 3, Colby, Ks.
268. Mrs. Emma H. Mann, mother, 842 S. Lawrence St., Wichita, Ks.
269. Tobe Campbell, father, 1020 E. 7th St., Pittsburg, Ks.
270. Mrs. Mary Baker Campbell, mother, LaCygne (via Mound City), Ks.
271. -.
272. Mrs. Sue Campbell, mother, R. F. D. 1, box 19, Wichita, Ks.
273. -.
274. James T. Canning, father, route 1, Munden, Ks.
275. Mrs. Erna Cantrell, wife, Protection, Ks.
276. James W. Capps, father, R. F. D. 4, Arcadia, Ks.
277. Mrs. Minnie Carey, mother, box 384, Towanda, Ks.
278. Andrew Carlson, father, Alta Vista, Ks.
279. Frank A. Carlson,- father, R. F. D. 1, box 53, Jamestown, Ks.
280. Fedell Carmel, father, R. F. D. 2, Pittsburg, Ks.
281. James Carnes, father, R. F. D. 3, Fort Scott, Ks.
282. Leonard Carnes, father, Fort Scott, Ks.
283. Alfred D. Carpenter, father, Oswego, Ks.
284. Mrs. Lizzie Carraway, mother, Weir, Ks.
285. Mrs. Annie Carroll, mother, Frontenac, Ks.
286. Mrs. Della Carson, mother, Smith Center, Ks.
287. Mrs. Anna Carson, mother, Peabody, Ks.
288. James Carter, father, R. F. D. 3, Clay Center, Ks.
289. -.
290. Mrs. Bert Kennedy, sister, 115 Military Ave., Dodge City, Ks.
291. Thomas Carter, father, Howard, Ks.
292. Mrs. Mary Cartwright, wife, 201 E. 15th St., Pittsburg, Ks.
293. William C. Cary, father, Eskridge, Ks.
294. Mrs. Katie Casey, mother, R. F. D. 1, box 8, Glen Elder, Ks.
295. E. W. Cash, father, Auburn, Ky,
296. H. E. Cashman, father, Altamont, Ks.
297. Mrs. Ida M. Cassady, mother, 101 S. Washington St., Fort Scott, Ks.
298. Mrs. Martha Cassel, mother, R. F. D. 1, Beverly, Ks.
299. Mrs. Bertle Cavenee, wife, Cedar Vale, Ks.
300. Mrs. George Ann Ceas, mother, 235 E. 2d St., Junction City, Ks.
301. Mrs. Matilda Chamberlain, mother, general delivery, Parker, Ks.
302. Mrs. Harriet C. Chambers, mother, 425 W. 2d St., Chanute, Ks.
303. -.
304. Mrs. Belle Tressell, mother, R. F. D. 3, Ruston, La.
305. Mrs. Lillian F. Chandler, mother, room 314, Fourth Nat. Bank Bldg., Wichita, Ks.
306. Homer Barton Chandler, brother, R. F. D. 1, Argonia, Ks.
307. Mrs. Bira Chapman, mother, 208 Wisconsin St., Neodesha, Ks.
308. James H. Chapman, father, general delivery, Pecan Gap, Tex.
309. John Baldwin Chapman, father, 910 Stone St., Great Bend, Ks.
310. Napoleon Chaquette, father, Clyde, Ks.
311. Edward Charlton, father, 1545 Rhode Island St., Lawrence, Ks.
312. R. E. Chears, father, W. 12th St., Larned, Ks.
313. John Adams Cheshire, father, 1526 Troost Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
314. Albert Christel, father, 604 Judson St., Fort Scott, Ks.
315. Athanas Christoff, father, 412 N. 5th St., Kansas City, Ks.
316. James E. Clark, father, care Valley State Bank, Syracuse, Ks.
317. Rueben Richard Clark, father, Keytesville, Mo.
318. Ben F. Clark, father, R. F. D. 5, Howard, Ks.
319. Mrs. Edith E. Clark, mother, R. F. D. 2, Pittsburg, Ks.
320. Amos Claxton, father, 1602 Main St., Goodland, Ks.
321. Daniel L. Clay, father, R. F. D. 1, Cherryvale, Ks.
322. Mrs. Mary Henshaw, mother, 2227 N. Mark St., St. Louis, Mo.
323. M. H. Sinclaire, friend, Densmore, Ks.
324. Mrs. Freda Clement, wife, 626 Miami Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
325. Mrs. Grace Clemons, mother, R. F. D. 1, Otego, Ks.
326. Mrs. Kate Clendening, mother, R. F. D. 2, Fulton, Ks.
327. Mrs. Rose M. Cline, wife, Tonganoxie, Ks.
328. Mrs. Emily C. Coate, mother, Trinity, Texas.
329. Mrs. Wilma Cobb, wife, 718 Louisiana St., Little Rock, Ark.
330. W. L. Coberly, father, 2232 Jackson Ave., Wichita, Ks.
331. E. E. Cochran, Whitewater, Ks.
332. Mrs. Malvina Cochran, mother, Fort Scott, Ks.
333. Chant N. Cole, father, R. F. D. 3, Greenleaf, Ks.
334. -.
335. Mrs. Amy Quinn, mother, Smith Center, Ks.
336. Moses Cole, father, R. F. D., Athol, Ks.
337. William S. Coleman, father, Goodland, Ks.
338. Mrs. Sythe Collins, mother, 1501 S. Edith St., Chanute, Ks.
339. Mrs. Lucille Mitchell, mother, 1018 N. Robinson, Oklahoma City, Okla.
340. Enos Comer, father, 618 W. 7th St., Abilene, Ks.
341. John P. Cone, father, 1206 Tenn. St., Lawrence, Ks.
342. Mrs. Lois Congdon, mother, Burlington, Ks.
343. Nathaniel Conner, father, Grisby, Ks.
344. Mrs. Clara Conner, wife, 321 Tennessee St., Iola, Ks.
345. Peter Constantopulos, brother, 302 Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
346. M. E. Cook, father, R. F. D. 4, box 69, Pittsburg, Ks.
347. M. C. Cooke, 523 N. Poplar St., Wichita, Ks.
348. Mrs. Bertha Cookson, mother, Madison, Ks.'
349. John R. Coonrod, Arcadia, Ks.
350. Mrs. Amada Coons, mother, Belleville, Ks.
351. Mrs. Maud Cooper, wife, Arcadia, Ks.
352. John Cooper, father, Lucas, Ks.
353. Mrs. Mary F. Cooper, R. F. D. 1, Humboldt, Ks.
354. Nels G. Corlberg, father, Delavan, Ks.
355. Mrs. Nary F. Corriston, mother, 407 Shawnee Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
356. Mrs. Sarah H. Coughenour, wife, R. F. D. 2, Pittsburg, Ks.
357. Steve E. Coulter, father, Crafts, Ks.
358. William T. Cortney, father, 17 W. 14th St., Lawrence, Ks.
359. Lizzie Courtright, 323 S. Saint Marys St., Caldwell, Ks.
360. Mrs. Ella B. Cox, mother, Cummings, Ks.
361. Mrs. Johanna Cox, mother, R. F. D. 1, Jefferson, Ks.
362. Mrs. Emma Cox, wife, 1404 N. Michigan St., Pittsburg, Ks.
363. Leonard B. Cowles, father, care Armour Company, Kansas City, Ks.
364. Mrs. Thomas L. Crab, mother, Attica, Ks.
365. Charles Augustus Craig, father, 251 N. Mill St., Kansas City, Ks.
366. -.
367. John Craig, father, 200 E. Park St., Hutchinson, Ks.
368. Henry Cramer, father, R. F. D. 1, Wellsville, Ks.
369. Arthur W. Cramer, father, Lebo, Ks.
370. Charles T. Crandell, father, Peru, Ks.
371. William A. Creek, uncle, R. F. D. 1, Rosalia, Ks.
372. Mrs. Ellen Cravan, mother, Axtell, Ks.
373. Miss Mary Brocoe, friend, 911 N. Grand St., Neodesha, Ks.
374. -.
375. William Crook, father, Glascow, Ks.
376. Thomas Crowder, father, 729 Missouri St., Lawrence, Ks.
377. Joseph Cruey, father, R. F. D. 7, Osage City, Ks.
378. John Culp, father, Fort Scott, Ks.
379. Mrs. Pearl Culver, Yates Center, Ks.
380. Mrs. Olive Cummickel, 425 E. Euclid Ave., Topeka, Ks.
381. -.
382. Jim Cummings, father, Morrowville, Ks.
383. Clarence Cunningham, brother, Chapman, Ks.
384. -.
385. Mrs. Mary Cunningham, mother, 135 South Chautauqua St., Wichita, Ks.
386. Eugene C. White, friend, Medical Department, Fort Leavenworth, Ks.
387. Mrs. Mary B. Curran, mother, Abilene, Ks.
388. -.
389. Mrs. Goldie Currier, wife, R. F. D. 3, Belleville, Ks.
390. Mrs. Franklin Curtis, wife, Gaylord, Ks.
391. Mrs. Lyda, Curtis, mother, Valley Falls, Ks.
392. Mrs. Dorothy Curtis, wife, 516 N. 1st St., Arkansas City, Ks.
393. Mrs. Clara J. Curtright, mother, 220 N. 2d St., Lyons, Ks.
394. George W. Cushing, father, Downs, Ks.
695. James G. Cutler, father, 520 N. Broadway, Abilene, Ks.
396. Mrs. Essie E. Dahrens, mother, Hanston, Ks.
397. -.
398. James Daley, father, Earlton, Ks., R. 1.
399. John G. Dalsing, father, R. F. D. 4, Coffeyville, Ks.
400. Mrs. D. W. Danielson, mother, R. F. D. 5, Belleville, Ks.
401. Mrs. Elizabeth Dauber, mother, Burns, Ks.
402. Joseph Davey, father, Beattie, Ks.
403. Pete Thorsen, friend, general delivery, Merriam, Ks.
404. Harry M. Davies, father, 1020 Walnut St., Kansas City, Mo.
405. Mrs. Margaret Davies, mother, London House Duffryn, Merionette, North Wales, England.
406. Fred Davis, brother, general delivery, Studley, Ks.
407. Frank M. Davis, father, R. F. D. 1, Baxter Springs, Ks.
408. John P. Davis, Cherryvale, Ks.
409. John T. Davis, Osage City, Ks.
410. Mrs. Lizzie Jeffords, grandmother, Nickerson, Ks.
411. Mrs. Alice Davis, mother, 1225 E. 27th St., Los Angeles, Cal.
412. John W. Davis, father, Winchester, Ks.
413. Charles Henry Day, father, Rantoul, Ks.
414. George K. Day, brother, R. F. D. 1, Dwight, Ks.
415. Mrs. Josie Day, mother, Blue Springs, Neb.
416. M. A. Dealy, father, Hutchinson, Ks.
417. David. Morgan Dean, father, Lyons, Ks.
418. John R. Debo, R. F. D. 2, Delaware, Okla.
419. Mrs. Minnie Deck, mother, Eudora, Ks.
420. Cornel Dechant, father, Antonino, Ks.
421. Mrs. Fern Calloway Dee, wife, Greenleaf, Ks.
422. Mrs. Johanna Defrees, mother, R. F. D. 1, Ackerland, Ks.
423. George H. Deines, father, R. F. D. 1, Russell, Ks.
424. Juan De La Gena, Mambusas, Capis, P. I.
425. John J. Delzeit, father, Denton, Ks.
426. Fred Demars, R. F. D. 4, Miltonvale, Ks.
427. Franz Demel, father, Claflin, Ks.
428. William Demeritt, father, R. F. D. 17, Richland, Ks.
429. James De Moss, father, R. F. D. 3, Topeka, Ks.
430. Mrs. Sylvia Depril, mother, Scammon, Ks.
431. Mrs. Euphemia Derby, mother, Frontenac, Ks.
432. John Derrick, R. F. D. 2, Hollenberg, Ks.
433. Frank D. Deshon, father, Logan, Ks.
434. Mrs. Ella Dewlen, mother, R. F. D. 2, box 38, Independence, Ks.
435. Jasper W. Dickinson, father, Adams, Ks.
436. -.
437. Mrs. Alice Dilatush, mother, 1913 Kansas Ave., Topeka, Ks.
438. Leviah H. Dillman, father, Atlanta, Ks.
439. Mrs. Elizabeth Shafer, mother, general delivery, Highland, Ks.
440. H. P. Dingus, father, Mound City, Ks.
441. Mrs. Alice Dixon, 10 Hall St., Council Grove, Ks.
442. Alfred C. Dixon, brother, Milan, Re.
443. John Doane, father, Osborne, Ks.
444. Gertrude Doerfer, sister, 1513 Broadway, Goodland, Ks.
445. Mrs. Clara Doerfer, wife, Ness City, Ks.
446. Dan Doerr, father, Barnes, Ks.
447. Mrs. Edna Doidge, wife, 108 W. 12th St., Topeka, Ks.
448. Samuel L. Doll; father, 449 Ave. C East, Kingman, Ks.
449. Samuel D. McVeigh, brother-in-law, 2916 Main St., Parsons, Ks.
450. Peter Donnelly, father, Densmore, Ks.
451. -.
452. Miss Sadie Dorsey, Lawrence, Ks.
453. Mrs. Mary Dotson. mother, general delivery, Neodesha, Ks.
454. Frank Doty, father, R. F. D 1, Rose, Ks.
455. Mrs. Jessie Doty, 330 Fremont St., Manhattan, Ks.
456. Mrs. Rose Lea Doud, mother, Roseville, Ks.
457. E. Douglas, father, Oakland, Ks.
458. Mrs. Nellie Dowty, mother, Route 1, Moreland, Ks.
459. F. 0. Drake, Jewell City, Ks.
460. Charles Emel Drake, brother, R. F. D. 2, Seward, Ks.
461. Mrs. Louise Dreyer, mother, R. F. D. 1, Realiotos, Texas.
462. F. K. Drovetta, father, Rydal, Ks.
463. W. M. Drumm, father, Bigelow, Ks.
464. Mrs. Dorothy Ducret, wife, 3427, S. Burton St., Kansas City, Mo.
465. Mrs. Agnes Dudney, mother, Route 2, Maple Hill, Ks.
466. Mrs. Hattie Dufield, mother, R. F. D. A, Kismet, Ks.
467. Henry J. Duffy, father, R. F. D. 4, Wathena, Ks.
468. Miss Hazel Havender, sister, Whiting, Ks.
469. Mrs. Mollie E. Dunn, mother, R. F. D. 4, Shady Bend, Ks.
470. Mrs. M. 0. Dow, mother, Naponee, Neb.
471. Mrs. Rose J. Dutro, mother, R. F. D. 1, Rose, Ks.
472. Grant Duvall, father, general delivery, Colwich, Ks.
473. -.
474. John K. Dyer, father, R. F. D. 6, box 54, Wichita, Ks.
475. Mrs. A. M. Eaton, mother, R. P.D. 28, South Topeka, Ks.
476. Mrs. Laura M. Eberhard, Alida, Ks.
477. Anthony Eccher, father, general delivery, Liberal, Mo.
478. Mrs. Irene Thomas, aunt, 541 State Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
479. John Eckhart, father, Norcatur, Ks.
480. Mrs. Anna Eder, mother, Eudora, Ks.
481. Mrs. Jane Edgerle, mother, 406 E. 5th St., Cherryvale, Ks.
482. Mrs. Martha Edmiston, mother, 425 East 21st St., Pittsburg, Ks.
483. Mrs. Winifred I. Edmonds, wife, 3113 Colfax Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn.
484. Ether Klipple Edwards, brother, Craig, Colo.
485. Melvin L. Edwards, father, R. F. D. 6, Sterling, Ks.
486. -.
487. Edna Florence Young, sister, 1340 Haskell Ave., Lawrence, Ks.
488. Mrs. Laura Ehlers, mother, R. F. D. 2, Dresden, Ks.
489. John Ehrlick, Marion, Ks.
490. Mrs. Sarah Eilts, wife, Rush Center, Ks.
491. Wes E. Elarton, father, Dexter, Ks.
492. Mrs. L. M. Elkinton, mother, Parker, Ks.
493. John Ellenberger, father, 1010 Merchant St., Emporia, Ks.
494. Mrs. Lena M. Elliott, mother, 725 7th St., Hutchinson, Ks.
495. Mrs. Bertha Ellis, mother, R. F. D. 1, Flush, Ks.
496. Mrs. Laura Ellis, mother, 215 The Drive, Topeka, Ks.
497. Mrs. Ida Ellison (no relation), Jamestown, Ks.
498. Mrs. Honour Ellison, mother, Scammon, Ks.
499. Mrs. Vada Bowman, sister, Wildona, Colo.
500. Mrs. V. Elstum, wife, 1915 Parallel Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
501. John W. Elwick, father, 509 West 7th St., Abilene, Ks.
502. Hans Enburg, father, Weskan, Ks.
503. Mrs. A. A. Engstrom, mother, Oberlin, Ks.
504. Leslie M. Enyeart, father, Alden, Ks.
505. Peter Eresch, father, Beloit, Ks.
506. Daniel Erickson, father, general delivery, Wayne, Ks.
507. Mrs. Ida Erickson, mother, 15 Franklin Ave., Topeka, Ks.
508. Mrs. Adah Esmond, mother, 417 West Jackson St., Iola, Ks.
509. -.
510. J. A. Evans, father, Route 2, Cedar Vale, Ks.
511. John P. Everett, father, Ottawa St., De Soto, Ks.
512. James Middleton, brother-in-law, R. F. D. 1, Woodbine, Ks.
513. -.
514. -.
515. Mrs. Eliza Ewing, mother, 613 Pottawatomie St., Leavenworth, Ks.
516. Byron A. Ewing, father, 732 N. 3d St., Lawrence, Ks.
517. William F. Fairchild, father, R.F.D. 2, Earlton, Ks.
518. Mrs. Matilda Foster, mother, R. F. D. 1, Elmdale, Ks.
519. James D. Farris, father, Norwich, Ks.
520. David Fawcett, sr., father, R. F. D. 1, Norcatur, Ks.
521. Ulysses Grant Feasel, father, R. F. D. 3, Concordia, Ks.
522. George N. Featherkyle, father, Robstown, Texas.
523. Mrs. George A. Fellman, mother, R. F. D. 4, Leavenworth, Ks.
524. Abraham Fenoglio, brother, Mulberry, Ks.
525. Charles Fenno, father, Goodland, Ks.
526. Clarence F. Penton, father, 622 W. B St., Hutchinson, Ks.
527. James Ferguson, father, Eskridge, Ks.
528. Mrs. Amelia Ferguson, mother, Lyons, Ks.
529. Nora Patterson, sister, R. F. D. 2, Grenola, Ks.
530. -.
531. Raymond Fessenden, father, Cherokee, Ks.
532. Thomas Fife, father, R. F. D. 8, Winfield, Ks.
583. David Milton Findley, father, Route 1, Penokee, Ks.
534. Mrs. Mary Finley, mother, 1317 N. 10th St., Kansas City, Ks.
535. John W. Finnell, 610 E. 5th St., Newton, Ks.
536. A. L. Finney, father, Cambridge, Ks.
537. Liugi Fiori, father, Clifton, N. J.
538. Gominico Fiorinzi, brother, general delivery, Gross, Ks.
539. John Fischer, father, R. F. D. 2, Korn, Okla.
540. William P. Fish, general delivery, Skiddy, Ks.
541. -.
542. -.
543. Mrs. Olive Angelia Pitch, mother, Pleasanton, Neb.
544. James J. Fitzpatrick, father, St. Marys, Ks.
545. James T. Fitzpatrick, father, R. F. D. 7, Richland, Ks.
546. John Fleming, father, Atchison, Ks.
547. Mrs. Mary Fleming, Arkansas City, Ks.
548. Mrs. Kate Fleming, mother, 1803 Seward Ave., Topeka, Ks.
549. W. E. Fletcher, father, box 455, Norton, Ks.
550. Mrs. Hazel B. Flint, wife, R. F. D. 1, Milo, Ks.
551. Mrs. Mary Flook, mother, Waterville, Ks.
552. Wurt Folkers, father, Nashville, Ks.
553. -.
554. George R. Ford, father, Noxie, Okla.
555. Richmond V. Ford, sr., 1438 Tyler St., Topeka, Ks.
556. C. J. Forgey, father, Calhan, Colo.
557. Ernest Holm, brother-in-law, general delivery, Lindsborg, Ks.
558. Miss Anna Foresberg, sister, Logan, Ks.
559. Mrs. Elizabeth Forsythe, mother, 506 W. 8th St., Pittsburg, Ks.
560. Morris M. Fosdick, father, Dighton, Ks.
561. Mrs. Dora Fornight, mother, Burlington, Ks.
562. George T. Foster, father, 235 N. St. Clair Ave., Wichita, Ks.
563. Mrs. E. Melvin, aunt, Greenfield, Ill.
564. Mrs. Ella Foster, mother, 216 E. Carpenter St., Hutchinson, Ks.
565. Augustia W. Foulk, father, Calista, Ks.
566. William Fowler, father, R. F. D. 4, Oswego, Ks.
567. Charles E. Fox, father, 238 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Ks.
568. Mrs. Eva L. Fox, mother, Grenola, Ks.
569. Ollie L. Frakes, mother, R. F. D. 5, Paola, Ks.
570. Charles Joseph Frank, father, Irving, Ks.
571. Mrs. Pearl E. Franklin, wife, R. F. D. 1, Morland, Ks.
572. Mrs. Alice Frary, mother, 706 S. Wilson St., Fort Scott, Ks.
573. Mrs. Minnie Fraser, Moundridge, Ks.
574. William C. Frazer, father, Irene, Ks.
575. Mrs. Hattie Freed, mother, Anthony, Ks.
576. Mrs. Ida May Free], R. F. D. 1, Elmont, Ks.
577. Mrs. Mary Freeman, mother, Beloit, Ks.
578. Mrs. Emma Prey, mother, R. F. D. 1, Coffeyville, Ks.
579. -.
580. Nels P. Frost, father, Smolan, Ks.
581. Ralph Fruehling, father, R. F. D. 2, Marysville, Ks.
582. William Frye, father, 515 N. Steuben St., Chanute, Ks.
583. George Fulk, father, Longton, Ks.
584. Mrs. Anna Fuller, 607 N. Catalpa St., Pittsburg, Ks.
585. William Edward Fulton, father, Niotaze, Ks.
586. Mrs. Mary Johnson, guardian, Peabody, Ks.
587. Louise Funks, father, Herkimer, Ks.
588. J. W. Fury, father, Miltonvale, Ks.
589. Ira T. Gabbert, father, 103 S. Market St., Caldwell, Ks.
590. Mrs. Elizabeth Gadow, mother, 2d and Limit Sts., Leavenworth, Ks.
591. Frederick W. Gahre, father, Wilson, Ks.
592. Mrs. Ella Cattron, mother, 929 N. Market St., Wichita, Ks.
593. Miss Lettie Gallins, sister, 215 Garfield Ave., Kansas City, Ks,
594. Thomas F. Gallivan, brother, Colto Armory, Hartford, Conn.
595. George Gano, general delivery, Washington, Ks.
596. W. N. Gard, father, Dwight, Ks.
597. R. P. Garnett, father, Cleveland, Ks.
598. Andrew J. Garrett, father, general delivery, Ottawa, Ks.
599. Mrs. Lissie Garrison, mother, 208 N. Pine St., Pratt, Ks.
600. Mrs. Rosie McCollins, sister, 1122 Splitlog Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
601. Mrs. Eva Gates, mother, Alexander, Ks.
602. Joseiah S. Gause, father, Haviland, Ks.
603. Mrs. Margaret 8. Gay, wife, 332 S. Lawrence Ave., Wichita, Ks.
604. James H. Gear, father, 705 East St., Iola, Ks.
605. John Geisinger, father, R. F. D. 2, Selden, Ks.
606. Ira H. George, father, Linn Creek, Mo.
607. Mrs. Anges Gersic, mother, 266 N. 5th St., Kansas City, Mo.
608. John H. Giager, father, general delivery, Altamont, Ks.
609. Jasper Gibbs, brother, Jetmore, Ks.
610. Jasper Gibbs, father, Jetmore, Ks.
611. George Washington Gibson, sr., Effingham, Ks.
612. Mrs. Grace Olive Burdett, mother, Esbon, Ks.
613. Samuel Clinton Gilbert, father, R. F. D. 3, Emporia, Ks.
614. Reuben Gilbert, father, Lincolnville, Ks.
615. Miss Velda E. Stewart, friend, 1324 Laramie St., Manhattan, Ks.
616. Roy Short, brother, R. F. D. 4, Fredonia, Ks.
617. -.
618. Mrs. Mina Gill, mother, Lyndon, Ks.
619. Mrs. Elijah C. Gillen, mother, R. F. D. 7, Independence, Ks.
620. R. H. Gilliespie, father, R. F. D. 3, Coffeyville, Ks.
621. Mrs. Mints, Gilliland, R. F. D. 1, Maple City, Ks.
622. John M. Gillock, father, Hutchinson, Ks.
623. James H. Gilmore, father, R. F. D. 1, Cuba, Ks.
624. -.
625. Miles Gjonovich, brother, 2216 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Ks.
626. -.
627. William Glockie, father, Havana, Ks.
628. Mae Marsteller, sister, Route 1, Solomon, Ks.
629. -.
630. Mrs. Josephine Goad, mother, Kinsley, Ks.
631. Robert G. Goff, father, R. F. D. 1, Horse Branch, Ky.
632. Mrs. Anna Goode, mother, 3106 Orville Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
633. James A. Goodrich, father, R. F. D. 2, Long Island, Ks.
634. Mrs. Mary L. Goodsell, wife, 2138 Lincoln St., Topeka, Ks.
635. Mrs. Rose Champe, sister, Saxman, Ks.
636. Pink Gordon, brother, Amarillo, Texas.
637. D. H. Hall, Muscotah, Ks.
638. Mrs. Barbara E. Gordon, mother, Belleville, Ks.
639. Andrew J. Gorges, father, It. F. D. 2, Wamego, Ks.
640. J. A. Gormly, father, 126 W. 2d St., Junction City, Ks.
641. Mrs. Katie Gossett, mother, 1437 Wabash St., Wichita, Ks.
642. Mrs. A. W. Lackey, mother, Douglass, Ks.
643. Mrs. Emma F. Gluck, mother, 318 Grand Ave,, Leavenworth, Ks.
644. William Gough, brother, 502 N. Steuben St., Chanute, Ks.
645. Mrs. Anna Graf, mother, Munjor, Ks.
646. Mrs. Dollie Graham, mother, Galena, Ks.
647. Aleck Graham, father, 921 N. Locust St., Pittsburg, Ks.
648. George Grant, father, R. F. D. 1, Parker, Ks.
649. Zachary T. Grant, father, Burlington, Ks.
650. Mrs. Ida M. Vance, R. F. D. 1, Chetopa, Ks.
651. John S. Graves, father, 32d and State Ave., Kansas City, Ks.
652. Mrs. Florence Gray, mother, Jewell City, Ks.
653. William A. Gray, father, Harwood, Mo.
654. Mrs. Letta Gray, mother, 802 N. 10th St., Beatrice, Neb.
655. Frank Greacian, father, Hill City, Ks.
656. Mrs. Lulu Frazer, Independence, Ks.
657. Mrs. Lilly Green, mother, Florence, Ks.
658. Christ Green, father, Newton, Ks.
659. Mrs. Amelia Green, mother, R. F. D. 4, Paola, Ks.
660. Oakley Ross Green, father, Beloit, Ks.
661. W. M. Greene, Centralia, Ks.
662. Mrs. Bertie C. Shaefer, sister, Garden City, Ks.
663. Byron B. Gregg, father, Stockdale, Ks.
664. A. H. Gregory, father, box 34, Oxford, Neb.
665. James W. Grennan, father, Burlington, Ks.
666. John Gress, father, Seneca, Ks.
667. Mrs. Ida Bollinger, mother, Watonga, Okla.
668. Mrs. Alta Griffith, mother, 502 W. 12th St., Coffeyville, Ks.
669. John Groth, cousin, general delivery, Sterling, Ks.
670. Dewey C. Grover, father, Stockton, Ks.
671. Julia May Jacobs, mother, Route 4, Dallas, Texas.
672. Mrs. Viola Lucas, grandmother, 425 Neosho St., Emporia, Ks.
673. -.
674. Mrs. Edna L. Lof. Gryboski, wife, Kinsley, Ks.
675. Mrs. Elizabeth Guggisberg, mother, R. F. D. 1, Burns, Ks.
676. Mrs. Dora Gunston, mother, Hoxie, Ks.
677. John Guntermann, brother, Scranton, Ks.
678. David Gustafson, brother, Cleburne, Ks.
679. Charley Gutschenritter, father, Oskaloosa, Ks.
680. Alfred Guy, father, Muscotah, Ks.
681. Mrs. May Guy, wife, 405 S. Emporia Ave., Wichita, Ks.
682. Elijah L. Guy, father, R. P. D. 3, Osawatomie, Ks.
683. Charles W. Woolwine, guardian, Dodge City, Ks.
684. Mrs. Martha M. Hacks, mother, R. F. D. 1, Greenwich, Ks.
685. Mike Hadachek, father, R. F. D. 3, Cuba, Ks.
686. Mrs. W. M. Hewitt, mother, 1306 Grand Ave., Leavenworth, Ks.
687. Mrs. Susie Hagerman, mother, Medicine Lodge, Ks.
688. -.
689. Charles F. Hale, father, Neodesha, Ks,
690. Frank Hall, father, Russell, Ks.
691. Mrs. Clara H. Hall, mother, 118 S. Kansas Ave., Chanute, Ks.
692. Henry Hallau, father, R. F. D. 1, Shores, Va.
693. John D. Hamil, father, R. F. D. 2, Tonganoxie, Ks.
694. Jake Hamman, father, 352 W. Front St., Cherryvale, Ks.
695. Frank L. Hanawalt, father, R. F. D. 4, Jewell, Ks.
696. Emma A. Hancock, mother, R. F. D. 2, Mankato, Ks.
697. Mrs. Bell Hand, mother, Louisburg, Ks.
698. -.
699. Milton Hankison, father, R. F. D. 1, Wauneta, Ks.
700. Miss Florence Goodwine, cousin, 246 N. Topeka Ave., Wichita, Ks.
701. George W. Hanlin, brother, Osawatomie, Ks.
702. Mrs. Julia F. Hanna, wife, Burlingame, Ks.
703. Mrs. Nettie Jaynes, sister, R. F. D. 1, Alexander, Ks.
704. Swan B. Hansen, father, box 313, McPherson, Ks.
705. Mrs. Hattie Lambin, mother, Wellsville, Ks.
706. Anton Hanzlick, father, R. F. D. 3, Belleville, Ks.
707. Peter Happ, father, R. F. D. 2, Palmer, Ks.
708. Mrs. Emma Harbeson, mother, Dearing, Ks.
709. Mrs. Barbara Harden, mother, Syracuse, Ks.
710. William F. Harding, father, 424 5th Ave., Leavenworth, Ks.
711. Mrs. Bell Hardy, wife, Delphos, Ks.
712. Mrs. Bird Harkey, mother, 110 S. Broadway, Fort Scott, Ks.
713. Mort Harman, father, Fredonia, Ks.
714. Mrs. Emma F. Harmonson, mother, Norton, Ks.
715. Charles M. Harness, father, Mankato; Ks.
716. -.
717. Mrs. Maude Barnum, sister, 161 W. 95th St., New York, N. Y.
718. Mrs. Dora B. Harris, mother, 4472 San Francisco Ave., St. Louis, Mo.
719. J. R. Harrold, father, 343 Ellis Ave., Wichita, Ks.
720. Mrs. Mary B. Hart, wife, care of J. Paul, 315 E. 6th St., Olympia, Wash.
721. -.
722. Mrs. Florence B. Hartshorn, mother, 156 Blk. W, Pueblo, Colo.
723. Mrs. Tillie A. Harvey, mother, Quinter, Ks.
724. J. B. Haslett, father, Paola, Ks.
725. John Hasstedt, father, R. F. D. 1, Piqua, Ks.
726. Mrs. James Haston, mother, Sterling, Ks.
727. Mrs. Susie Hathaway, wife, Anthony, Ks.
728. -.
729. Mrs. Cora Haury, wife, Newton, Ks.
730. Ira Hawkins, father, Jetmore, Ks.
731. French Hawkins, father, Harper, Ks.
732. Mrs. Cora Hawley, mother, Horton, Ks.
733. Mrs. Etta Hayden, mother, Opolis, Ks.
734. Dolph S. Hayden, stepfather, Windom, Ks.
735. Mrs. Mandy Haynes, mother, 608 Steppo St., Kansas City, Mo.
736. James B. Haywood, father, R. F. D. 1, Bushong, Ks.
737. Caleb Heald, father, Goff. Ks.
738. James Healy, Great Valley, New York.
739. Mrs. Margaret Healy, mother, Lincoln, Ks.
740. Mrs. Elizabeth Heffner, mother, Lyons, Ks.
741. Mrs. William Heffron, mother, R. F. D. 1, Lookeba, Okla.
742. Mrs. G. A. Hage, mother, 116 W. 12th Ave., Emporia, Ks.
743. Mrs. Helen Heidle, mother, R. F. D. 6, Junction City, Ks.
744. Ben Heigert, father, R. F. D. 2, Paxico, Ks.
745. Anton Heim, father, St. Marys, Ks.
746. James E. Heintz, brother, Elkhart, Ks.
747. -.
748. -.
749. Max R. Hellstrom, father, R. F. D. 18, Richland, Ks.
750. Mrs. C. G. Helmer, mother, Republic, Ks.
751. Mrs. Florence M. Helsel, wife, Inks, Ks.
752. Mrs. Katie McKictrick, sister, 2449 Stout St., Denver, Colo.
753. William H. Henderson, brother, Louisville, Ks.
754. James M. Hendricks, father, Erie, Ks.
755. Mrs. Elizabeth Hendricks, mother, Axtell, Ks.
756. John Henner, father, R. F. D. 1, Maple Hill, Ks.
757. Louis Hennuy, father, Arms, Ks.
758. Thomas Henry, father, Seneca, Ks.
759. John W. Henry, sr., father, Lorraine, Ks.
760. Mrs. Lillian Dudley, friend, 1032 N. 8th St., Atchison, Ks,
761. Mrs. Rose Hentschell, mother, Richfield, Ks.
762. Mrs. Addie Herd, wife, 828 Mississippi St., Lawrence, Ks.
763. Mrs. Susan T. Herman, mother, R. F. D. 28, Topeka, Ks.
764. Leonard Herman, brother, Selma, Ks.
765. John Herrell, father, Stafford, Ks.
766. George W. Hersh, father, Frankfort, Ks.
767. Fred Herzig, father, Meherrin, Va.
768. Jacob Hess, father, R. F. D. 1, Hill City, Ks.
769. C. D. Hestwood, father, Liberal, Ks.
770. Mrs. Ethel L. Wagoner, mother, Dearing, Ks.
771. Mrs. Willa Hickcox, mother, 225 Hancock St., Topeka, Ks.
772. Mrs. Maimie Stiver, niece, Council Grove, Ks.
773. Charles Hicks, sr., father, Linwood, Ks.
774. Walter S. Higgins, father, box 50, Hayne, Ks.
775. Mrs. Belle Higgins, mother, R. F. D. 1, Hays, Ks.
776. Amos C. Hillegus, brother, R. F. D. 3, Chetopa, Ks,
777. Miss Hazel Hines, sister, Ellinwood, Ks.
778. Frank 0. Hines, father, Ill Main St., Nedoesha, Ks.
779. Mrs. Melissa Hinkle, mother, 410 Brown St., Osawatomie, Ks.
780. Nathan Hinkle, father, Forgan, Okla.
781. William F. Hinkley, father, 1118 Wyoming St., Kansas City, Ks.
782. Carl Hitchcock, father, R. F. D. 3, Jamestown, Ks.
783. Fred Hobson, father, Bartlett, Ks.
784. William L. Hodgson, uncle, Hutchinson, Ks.
785. Fred A. Hodler, brother, R. F. D. 2, Beloit, Ks.
786. Mrs. Harriet Hoeb, mother, Orion, Ks.
787. Michael Hoehn, father, R. F. D. 2, Lenexa, Ks.
788. Joseph Hofflinger, father, Garrison, Ks.
789. Arthur B. Hoffman, father, Reece, Vs.
790. Charles Hoffman, father, R. F. D. 1, Hope, Ks.
791. John Hoffman, father, R. F. D. 1, Nortonville, Ks.
792. James Hogan, sr., father, Natoma, Ks.
793. Mrs. James G. Weeks, sister, 1614 W. 17th St., Topeka, Ks.
794. John Holm, father, Westmoreland, Ks.
795. Mrs. Sadie Holding, mother, St. Paul, Ks.
796. Mrs. Dora Holeman, mother, Selma; Ks.
797. Mrs. Sallie A. Hollingsworth, mother, La Harpe, Ks.
798. Joel Holmgren, father, R. F. D. 2, Bridgeport, Ks.
799. John E. Holm, father, R. F. D. 1, Garrison, Ks.
800. Mrs. Novelle Holman, mother, R. F. D. 1, Weir, Ks.
801. Mrs. Nettie Holmes, mother, Syracuse, Ks.
802. Mrs. Josephine Holmes, wife, R. F. D. 5, Hartford, Ks.
803. Mrs. Olive E. Holmes, sister, Motor Route A, Ness City, Ks.
804. P. E. Holmes, father, Douglas, Ks.
805. Mrs. Josie A. Holmes mother, Langdon, Ks.
806. Evelon G. Hood, father, 514 E. 2d St., Newton, Ks.
807. John Hood, father, Washington, Ks.
808. Mrs. Rosie L. Hoofer, mother, R. F. D. 1, LaCrosse, Ks.
809. -.
810. J. W. Hopkins, father, Lebanon, Ks.
811. Henry Hopp, father, Oronogo, Mo.
812. Stephen A. Hoppas, father, R. F. D. 2, Dresden, Ks.
813. Mrs. Minnie Davis, mother, Vermilion, Ks.
814. Mrs. Blanche Horton, wife, R. F. D. 1, Perry, Ks.
815. -.
816. Alf. Houghton, father, Mound City, Ks.
817. Mrs. Catherine Rhods, mother, Walnut, Ks.
818. Charles P. Hovey, father, R. F. D. 2, Miltonvale, Ks.
819. Mrs. Minnie M. Howard, mother, 727 Ave. B East, Hutchinson, Ks.
820. James Howell, father, R. F. D. 1, Almena, Ks.
821. A. Oscar Hubbard, father, Garnett, Ks.
822. Mrs. Etta Hyes, friend, Atwood, Ks.
823. William T. Asher, brother-in-law, R. F. D. 4, Wetumka, Okla.
824. Mrs. Mollie Huckleberry, mother, R. F. D. 2, Galesburg, Ks.
825. Mrs. Elizabeth Hudson, mother, Oskaloosa, Ks.
826. J. A. Huff, father, 425 S. Oak St., Ottawa, Ks.
827. Simon J. Huffer, father, R. F. D. 4, Elk City, Ks.
828. Jim Huffman, father, Hest (via Ava), Mo.
829. Mrs. Jesse Hughes, mother, Yates Center, Ks.
830. Miss May Hughes, sister, R. F. D. 1, Scammon, Ks.
831. Mrs. Annie Hughes, mother, R. F. D. 3, Norton, Ks.
832. Mrs. Lottie Hughey, mother, 1219 Sumner St., Kansas City, Ks.
833. Rolland Huitt, brother, 1912 W. 15th St., Topeka, Ks.
834. Harry Humble, father, box 235, Elkhart, Ks.
835. Mrs. Henrietta Hundley, 13 Atchison St., Atchison, Ks.
836. -.
837. Charles Hunt, father, 709 Cedar, Ottawa, Ks.
838. Robert Davis, brother-in-law, Buffalo, Okla.
839. Hillaid Hunter, father, 811 Elm St., Lawrence, Ks.
840. Samuel T. Hunter, father, R. F. D. 1, Perry, Ks.
841. Miss Mattie Hurd, sister, Luray, Ks.
842. Dexter Hurlbert, father, box 24, Waco, Mo.
843. Harvey Hutchens, father, Elk City, Ks.
844. Mrs. Elizabeth Hutchinson, mother, box 136, Mulberry, Ks.
845. Bert Hutton, brother, 505 University St., Wichita, Ks.
846. John Ifland, father, Smith Center, Ks.
847. James England, uncle, 112 N. Main St., Neosho, Mo.
848. Mrs. Lillie Ingraham, mother, Belmont, W. Va.
849. William E. Ireland, father, Yates Center, Ks.
850. Henry S. Ireton, father, R. F. D. 8, Winfield, Ks.
851. Charles M. Irwin, father, Le Roy, Ks.
852. Mrs. Jane Irwin, mother, Oskaloosa, Ks.
853, James Irwin, Mulvane, Ks.
854. Nathan Isaacs, brother, Meriden, Ks.
855. Mrs. Alberttnes Isaacson, mother, Courtland, Ks.
856. Ben Van Dalsen, friend, Fairview, Ks.
857. Mrs. Dollie Ison, wife, 1714 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
858. Benjamin H. Jackson, father, Elden, Mo.
859. Hon. W. A. Jackson, father, Atchison, Ks.
860. -.
861. Mrs. Emma James, wife, R. F. D. 2, Putnam, Okla.
862. Andrew F. New, stepfather, R. F. D. 6, Washington, Ks.
863. Elmer James, brother, Madison, Ks.
864. Robert Janne, father, R. F. D. 3, Dorrance, Ks.
865. Miss Sarah G. Barrier, aunt, Eureka, Ks.
866. D. W. Jeffers, father, Centerville, Ks.
867. Mrs. Ella E. Jeffords, mother, 736 Quindaro Blvd., Kansas City, Ks.
868. Charles Pickett, grandfather, 115 N. Main St., Galena., Ks.
869. Mrs. Matilda M. Jennings, mother, Route 3, Waterville, Ks.
870. Ellis Jennings, father, Smith Center, Ks.
871. Mrs. Minnie Jennings, mother, Scammon, Ks.
872. Mrs. Katie Tremer, mother, 513 S. 1st St., Abilene, Ks.
873. Mrs. R. W. Jeromy, mother, Emporia, Ks.
874. Mrs. J. E. Jessen, mother, Mission, Texas.
875. James A. Jessop, father, R. F. D. 1, Lyndon, Ks.
876. Ed. Jewell, father, Canton, Ks.
877. -.
878. Mrs. Mary Johnson, mother, 433 W. 36th St., Newton, Ks.
879. Mrs. May Johnson, mother, Kanopolis, Ks.
880. John E. Johnson, brother, Grainfield, Ks.
881. Mrs. Mary Johnson, mother, 428 Cottonwood St., Emporia, Ks.
882. Mrs. Sarah Johnson, mother, Lingle, Wyo.
883. Mrs. Sarah Johnson, mother, 601 Spruce St., Wamego, Ks.
884. Mrs. Falitha Brown, sister, 108 8. Central Ave., Chanute, Ks.
885. -.
886. Roy L. Johnson, brother, Luray, Ks.
887. Louis Johnson, brother, R. F. D. 2, Fredonia, Ks.
888. Gilbert W. Johnson, father, R. F. D. 2, Redfield, Ks.
889. John Johnson, father, R. F. D. 1, Roseland, Ks.
890. Eric Johnson, father, R. F. D. 1, Herndon, Ks.
891. Mrs. Eliza Ganley, sister, Ringwood, Okla.
892. Mrs. S. J. Johnson, Blackwell, Okla.
893. Charles F. Jones, father, Neosho Rapids, Ks.
894. Mrs. Elizabeth E. Jones, 1508 Tyler St., Topeka, Ks.
895. -
896. Mrs. Linda Jones, 1734 Packson Ave., Wichita, Ks.
897. R. R. Jones, father, 709 Clay St., Topeka, Ks.
898. Ben J. Jones, father, 307 S. Poplar St., Wichita, Ks.
899. Mrs. Laura Jones, wife, Douglass, Ks.
900. H. Llewellyn Jones, father, Meade, Ks.
901. Mrs. Chaney Jones, mother, 416 Michigan Ave., Lawrence, Ks.
902. Frank Jones, father, Netawaka, Ks.
903. John L. Jones, father, Moran, Ks.
904. Mitchell Jordan, father, Yoder, Ks.
905. Mrs. Eva Jordan, mother, W. 6th St., Abilene, Ks.
906. Mrs. Julia Joyce, mother, 214 Osage St., Leavenworth, Ks.
907. Mrs. Sarah Judd, mother, Wathena, Ks.
908. -.
909. Mrs. Katie Kaiser, mother, R. F. D. 4, Phillipsburg, Ks.
910. John F. Karnatz, father, Burr Oak, Ks.
911. John F. Karnatz, father, Burr Oak, Ks.
912. Wesley Kasha, father, R. F. D. 1, Narka, Ks.
913. Herman W. Kastens, father, Route 4, Anthony, Ks.
914. James A. Kaufman, father, R. F. D. 1, Penokee, Ks.
915. Dave Kaufman, father, Roper, Ks.
916. Mrs. Lizzie Kearns, mother, 421 Alabama St., Lawrence, Ks.
917. Adam H. Keck, father, 1916 Steavens St., Parsons, Ks.
918. Mrs. Mary E. Cox, mother, general delivery, New Albany, Ks.
919. Mrs. Alice Keefer, mother, general delivery, Tampa, Ks.
920. John Keeler, father, Hudson, Ks.
921. James E. Keeler, father, Barnard, Ks.
922. Mrs. Mollie Keelin, mother, 800 Wood St., Galena, Ks.
923. George Keeney, father, R. F. D. 3, Onaga, Ks.
924. William Kehr, father, R. F. D. 1, Burns, Ks.
925. Sarah J. Keith, mother, Route 5, Columbus, Ks.
926. -.
927. Mrs. Hanah Parks, mother, Miller, Ks.
928. Mrs. Lottie E. Kelley, wife, R. F. D. 2, Aurora, Mo.
929. Mrs. Louella Nelson, mother, 302 W. 3d St., Paola, Ks.
930. Matt Kelley, father, Oketo, Ks.
931. Mrs. Olive Kelsey, mother, R. F. D. 1, Tonganoxie, Ks.
932. Mrs. Mattie Kelsey, mother, Easton, Ks.
933. James N. Kemp, father, 615 Alma St., Saint Marys, Ks.
934. Robert H. Kendall, father, Delavan, Ks.
935. Mrs. Emma Kennedy, mother, 826 Massachussetts St., Lawrence, Ks.
936. Rev. Charles N. Kessler, father, general delivery, Cheney, Ks.
937. _.
938. George W. Kice, father, 502 New York Ave., Wichita, Ks.
939. Mrs. Sophronia Kile, mother, Cabool, Mo.
940. Sidney B. Kimble, father, Tyrone, Okla.
941. Alor W. King, father, Harris, Ks.
942. Othe E. King, father, R. F. D. 1, Douglass, Ks.
943. -.
944. Arthur S. Kingsbury, father, Smith Center, Ks.
945. Mrs. Mary Kinnard, wife, Williamsburg, Ks.
946. Helena Robbins, sister, 747 S. Water St., Wichita, Ks.
947. Mrs. Mary A. Kirby, mother, N. College Ave., Fort Collins, Colo.
948. Frank Kirkbride, father, R. F. D. 1, Barnard, Ks.
949. Mrs. Mary A. Kirkpatrick, mother, R. F. D. 1, Geuda Springs, Ks.
950. Mrs. Kate Kirschbaum, mother, general delivery, Downs, Ks.
951. Elias Kitterman, father, Longton, Ks.
952. Wesley Klabsuba, father, R. F. D. 3, Belleville, Ks.
953. Mrs. Katie Kleiner, mother, Route 1, Riley, Ks.
954. Mrs. Nellie Kliewer, mother, R. F. D. 3, Newton, Ks.
955. Charles Kline, father, R. F. D. 1, Lucerne, Ks.
956. Samuel R. Kline, brother, box 277, Fleetwood, Pa.
957. Fred Klinge, brother, 304 Leland St., Topeka, Ks.
958. Mrs. Duvall Knarr, mother, Jewell City, Ks.
959. Mrs. Jennie Knitig, mother, Selden, Ks.
960. Mrs. Margaret Knoblauch, wife, R. F. D. 2, Cheney, Ks.
961. John Chambers, cousin, Wells, Ks.
962. Mrs. George W. Knowles, mother, Belle Plaine, Ks.
963. Mrs. Ruth Knowlton, wife, Randall, Ks.
964. Mrs. Katie Knox, mother, Sylvan Grove, Ks.
965. --.
966. Mrs. Mary Ahart, sister, 256 N. 2d St., Salina, Ks.
967. Charles Kobi, father, White City, Texas.
968. Andrew Kocher, father, R. F. D. 2, Mapleton, Ks.
969. Henry C. Kohlmeier, father, R. F. D. 2, Linn, Ks.
970. John Komarek, father, R. F. D. 6, Great Bend, Ks.
971. H. J. Komantz, father, Glade, Ks.
972. Lou Koons, mother, Augusta, Ks.
973. George Korphage, father, R. F. D. 4, Madison, Ks.
974. Mrs. John B. Kosakowski, wife, 308 Ottawa St., Leavenworth, Ks.
975. George Kramer, father, Mankato, Ks.
976. Mrs. Martha Krebaum, mother, Great Bend, Ks.
977. John Krebs, father, Clay Center, Ks.
978. Joseph Kren, father, 607, Altman Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.
979. Henry Krenkle, father, Simpson, Ks.
980. John Krentzel, father, Route 1, box 37, Hudson, Ks.
981. Mrs. Kate Kreps, mother, 234 South College, Salina, Ks.
982. John Kresin, father, Glen Elder, Ks.
983. Mrs. Enrestine Kresin, mother, Route 1, Paola, Ks.
984. Mrs. W. M. Gallon, sister, Fleming, Colo.
985. Nick Krier, father, Route 1, box 128, Belgium, Wis.
986. Mrs. Mary Kubitscheck, mother, Brookville, Ks.
987. Mrs. Mary Margaret Kohler, mother, 1907 N. Michigan, Pittsburg, Ks.
988. William Kuhlmann, father, Hermann, Mo.
989. Mrs. Rosie Kurz, mother, Kendall, Ks.
990. Peter Labarge, father, R. F. D. 2, Clyde Ks.
991. Edward Lacey, father, Corbin, Ks.
992. Mrs. Tillie Overstreet, mother, Ansley, La.
993. J. A. Lahman, father, Winona, Ks.
994. Add Lamb, father, Americus, Ks.
995. W. B. Lamb, father, Esbon, Ks.
996. James A. Lambert, father, Montana, Ks.
997. W. F. Lammey, father, Smith Center, Ks.
998. Charles Lamson, father, R. F. D. 1, Little River, Ks.
999. Mrs. Rosa Rotzenhart, sister, care Geo. Ladner, Onaga, Ks.
1000. Mrs. Emma Landis, 655 Green St., San Francisco, Cal.
Transcribed from KANSAS CASUALTIES in the WORLD WAR - 1917-1919: Regular Army, National Guard, National Army, Enlisted Reserve Corps, Compiled under Supervision of the Adjutant General of Kansas, printed by Kansas State Printing Plant, Imri Zumwalt, State Printer, Topeka. 1921. 8-4185
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