Organized May 24, 1924
May 18, 19, 20, 1926
![]() Ben S. Paulen Governor. ![]() B. P. Walker State Printer. |
Department President: Attention, sisters. You will please come to order. Department officers take their respective stations. It gives me much pleasure this morning to greet you and welcome you as members of this convention. I trust our deliberations will be harmonious and of benefit to our order.
Let us sing two stanzas of "America," after which we will repeat "The Lord's Prayer."
Sister department guide, you will escort to the altar and place in position for installation the following department officers:
Color bearer No. 1, Nell Cook; color bearer No. 2, Mamie Stark; color bearer No. 3, Bess White; color bearer No. 4, Flo Bartmess; guard, Olive Roadruck; assistant guard, Ruth Hubbell.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sister department guide and colors, you will escort to my station, Past Department President Phloe Young.
Sisters, I present Sister Phloe Young, past department president of Kansas, national color bearer No. 3, who is representing our national president, Estelle M. H. Underhill. (Applause.)
DEPARTMENT GUARD: Mayor Kerr and the American Beauty Sextette are in waiting. (Escorted in by guide and colors.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sisters, allow me to introduce Mayor Kerr and his "beauty chorus." Convention salute.
MAYOR KERR: Now I do not intend to take your time this morning by talking as you will hear me often enough during you stay in Independence; but I am going to have my girls talk, or rather sing for me. (Applause.)
The sextette then sang three selections.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Mayor Kerr and beauties, we thank you and appreciate this visit very much. May your pathway be as sweet as the roses in your sextette. (Escorted out by guide and colors.)
Sister Nell Cook, Tent No. 2, was introduced and responded with an address of welcome in behalf of Ida McKinley Tent, of Independence. Response was given by Mabelle Lane, Tent No. 8, Topeka, in a few well-chosen words.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Department secretary, you will call the roll of officers.
DEPARTMENT SECRETARY: President, Lora B. Stanfill (present); junior vice president, Eula S. Gibson (absent); junior vice president, Mary Wright (present); chaplain, Sallie Martin (present); treasurer, Stella Gump (absent); council members, Nelle McElhinney, Phole Young, Maude White (present); inspector, Gertrude Culp (present); secretary, Aletha Skinner (present); guide, Dollie Lawhon (present); guard, Ollie Roadruck (present) ; assistant guard, Ruth Hubbell (present); color bearers, Nell Cook, Mamie Stark, Besse White, Flo Bartmess (present).
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: The department senior vice president will take the chair while I read my report.
![]() LORAB. STANFILL, President. |
DEAR SISTERS - It gives me much pleasure this morning to greet you, and extend a, most cordial welcome. We are assembled in our second annual convention to receive the reports of the stewardship of those holding positions of trust and to legislate for the best interests of the Daughters of Union Veterans.
We, as lineal descendants of the soldiers and sailors of the War of 1861-'65, are banded together in fraternity, charity and loyalty. Fraternity means brotherhood, sisterhood, a standing together. Charity means benevolence, a kindly feeling one for another. Loyalty, the greatest of these, means fidelity, true to your government, friend, or cause. It is only in organization, in standing shoulder to shoulder, in close cooperation, putting aside our petty jealousies and envious striving, that we can be of real help to our fathers and thereby attain the goal which is our aim.
Throughout the year it has been my desire and wish to be of help to all the tents, and through this striving I have been immeasurably repaid by the knowledge gained. Being a new organization in Kansas, I found we were practically unknown, so prepared a brief history of the Daughters of Union Veterans, which was printed in the Topeka Capital of November 7, and have had several communications, asking for more information than is contained in the newspaper article; so the seeds were sown which will result in some new tents. During the Christmas holidays I received a letter from Governor Paulen commending our order and offering his help in any way possible. Through various channels of advertising I have kept our name before the public, which has been of help to us.
![]() J. W. PRIDDY, Assistant Adjutant General, Department of Kansas. |
Immediately on my return from Salina, I established headquarters in my home at Burden, Kan. This has been a hard year, as anyone who has had the experience of keeping alive a new organization will realize, but from the reports in we have made a good gain in membership. January 1, 1925, our membership was 265; total gain in membership, by new members and charters, 190. Total membership to date, 455. Seven Tents.
Many letters of congratulation and good cheer have been received and greatly appreciated. In addition to two general orders, telegrams and phone calls, I have sent out 450 letters and spent $106.03 in railroad fare. This means too much expense to ask of your president; therefore, I recommend that some way be devised by state council to pay the expenses of your president.
Our national president, Estelle M. H. Underhill; national secretary, Cora Gillis, and national organizer, Glennola Sill, have been especially kind and helpful. The thanks of the department are due Sister Underhill for a gift of $25, to the department organization fund.
My first visit in an official way was June 15 to Julia Hopkins Tent, No. 7, at Winfield, to a called meeting of the department, for the purpose of installing some department officers. A splendid meeting was held in Odd Fellows Hall. The Winfield girls proved themselves lovely entertainers. Refreshments, ice cream and cake.
In September I had the pleasure of attending the national convention at Grand Rapids. It was a wonderful lesson to me, never having seen the ritualistic. work. It was a beautiful and inspiring sight as put on by department officers of California and Michigan. Some changes in ritual and constitution were passed by the convention. Our name was changed to "Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War." I especially urge those who can to attend a national convention. It is well worth your time. Sister Emma La Paz, state chairman of organization, was named on the national committee by our national president.
On October 8, I was a guest of Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, at Wichita. Several other department officers were in attendance, each presented with pink Killarney roses.
October 23, I was entertained by the Clara Barton Tent, at Arkansas City, members of Tent 3 included in the invitation. A 1 o'clock luncheon was served in City Club rooms at quartet tables, followed by business session. A drive to Chilocco Indian School, a courtesy of the Chamber of Commerce, ended a lovely day.
October 27 the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic of Topeka, gave a public reception, followed by banquet, to the state officers, to which I received an invitation to represent the Daughters of Union Veterans. Being unable to attend I sent a telegram of greetings, which was read by Adjutant Priddy of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Made a business trip to Winfield Tent December 8, and returned on January 8 to install officers of Julia Hopkins Tent, No. 7.
January 21, went to Wichita to install officers of Tent No. 6; had a lovely time, meeting for the first time in post rooms in the city hall. Presented the retiring president, Sister White, a past president's pin.
Went to Arkansas City January 22, to install the officers of Clara Barton Tent, No. 4. They are a fine bunch of patriotic girls. We expect a good report from Tent No. 4 this year.
Went to Topeka February 1 to institute a tent. Organization of same was completed on February 3, said tent being named for Susan R. Lowell, an exarmy nurse, who had taught school in Topeka, dying last year in Ingleside. Tent No. 8 closed their charter March 8 with 116 members, the largest so far in the United States.
February 10, went to Independence to confer with state officers of the Grand Army of the Republic, Woman's Relief Corps and Sons of Union Veterans on arrangements for department encampment May 18-20.
To my official family I am duly grateful for their loyalty and help. They have stood ready at all times to respond to my call if help was needed. To my secretary, Aletha Skinner, I am especially thankful for her help and watchfulness. To the tents who have entertained me I wish to again express my thanks and appreciation for the courtesies and gifts received, and in conclusion wish to say I have appreciated the honor of being your department president, have enjoyed it very much, and in the years to come, when you have grown into a mighty host, you will look back on my efforts and say, "She gave her best."
SISTER YOUNG: I move the president's report be accepted. Seconded and carried.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Is the credentials committee ready to report?
SISTER SKINNER: The delegates have not all reported and would like a little more time. (Granted.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Before we adjourn I will appoint the following committees:
Resolutions and Officers' Reports: Mabelle Lane, Tent 8; Kate Groves, Tent 7; Dora Liddle, Tent 2.
Committee to Visit the Grand Army of the Republic: Phloe Young, Tent 2; Jessie Day, Tent 4; Ollie Roadruck, Tent 2.
Committee to Woman's Relief Corps: Myrtle Suit, Tent 8; Emma Leach, Tent 2; Dollie Lawhon, Tent 4.
Committee to Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic: Dorothy Houghton, Tent 6; Ruth Hubble, Tent 5; Kate Groves, Tent 7; Marie Fitzgerald, Tent 3.
Committee to Sons of Union Veterans: Mamie Stark, Tent 2; Nelle McElhinney, Tent 4; Maude White, Tent 6.
Committee to Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans: Emma La Paz, Tent 6; Maud Shanton, Tent 5; Fannie Kelsie, Tent 8; Minta Bond, Tent 6.
Adjournment to 2 p. m.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: You will please come to order.
SISTER YOUNG: As the arrangements for memorial exercises are not complete, I move the memorial be held Wednesday morning at 8:45.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Motion seconded and carried.
The credentials committee reported past presidents present, 7; department officers, 16; delegates, 29. As some of the delegates are also officers, the voting strength of this convention is 33. Signed by Aletha Skinner, Tent 3; Nancy Holmstein, Tent 4; Alice Parker, Tent 6, credentials committee.
Comrades Funk and Ralls, of Wichita, were escorted to the president's station by guide and colors, presented to convention and given seats at the president's left. The comrades are honorary members of Tent 6. Comrade Funk has attended every meeting of the tent and on May 10 Tent 6 gave him a surprise party, being his ninety-first birthday. He helped our musician by accompanying her with his fife.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: We will have the reports of tent presidents of their year's work.
Greetings from Ida McKinley Tent to Department of Kansas, and submit the following report: We have 100 members; lost one by death this year; give two dinners a year to soldiers and wives, remember the comrades with Christmas package; gave a patriotic tea on Mother's Day; had a party and program on Halloween, Thanksgiving, Lincoln and Washington's birthday; donated to all funds; gave $10 to Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic for building at reunion grounds; presented Spanish American Auxiliary with flag; assist on Decoration Day and Memorial Day; send flowers to sick comrades and sprays to funerals. Paid all our expenses of state Grand Army of the Republic encampment; together with Woman's Relief Corps gave reception and ban quet to delegates and Grand Army of the Republic comrades attending en campment.
EMMA LEECH, President.
We have fifty-five members at present time, having lost one by transfer, Jessie Priddy Small, and one by death during the last year. Held a public installation of officers January 19. A box social was held in March which netted $25 for our treasury. Observed patriotic days and Mother's Day; as sist the Grand Army of the Republic on Memorial Day and Decoration Day, furnishing flags to mark graves of soldiers, evergreen wreaths and flower sprays. for decoration; contributed to Southern Memorial, Department Grand Army of the Republic, permanent memorial, and Wichita Drum Corps funds; give a dinner to Grand Army of the Republic comrades, wives and widows once a year; send birthday greetings, Christmas package, and furnish floral sprays for all funerals of comrades.
LORA B. STANFILL, President.
As president of Clara Barton Tent, No. 4, I extend greetings to the Department of Kansas. (Yell.)
Lora Stanfill, you're a wonder, And when we are old and gray, We will all say "O, by Thunder, You were some girl in your day." |
I have loyal, faithful helpers who are always ready and willing to do their utmost for the good of our beloved order. We have gained eighteen new members, and three more have been balloted on; are planning to make a drive for a class of granddaughters in the near future. We have all tent property except officers' badges. Our ballot box was made by the manual training class of our junior high school; contributed $10 to department; expended $27 for flowers; assisted Woman's Relief Corps in making wreaths for Memorial Day; attended services in a body, carrying our flags; wrote to our senators regarding passage of pension bill; celebrated Flag Day with an appropriate program; sent Christmas cards to all the of twenty-eight surviving members of the local Grand Army of the Republic post. We are organizing a drum corps. We are committing to memory the American's creed, to be repeated in unison. We subscribed for National Tribune and under good of the order our patriotic instructor reviews the interesting articles in same; it is then handed to some veteran. Served dinner to district convention of Woman's Relief Corps, realizing= profit. Entertained Tent 3, of Burden, also members of Tent 7, Winfield, with an all-day meeting; assisted the Woman's Relief Corps to en tertain on Grand Army of the Republic Day with a dinner and program. Celebrated Washington's, Lincoln's and McKinley's birthday. On April 23 had a patriotic program and tea for Grant's birthday. We awarded a prize of $1 to the sixth-grade pupil writing the best essay on "Life and Character of General Grant." This was read at our tea; judges were one veteran from the Civil, Spanish-American, and World Wars. We held public installation of officers in January, our department president acting as installing officer. Made donations to southern memorial and department Grand Army of the Republic funds.
We are in our infancy and feel very small and weak, but are growing gradually; have a membership of forty-one and four ready for initation.[sic] Our Tent meets in Odd Fellows Hall first and third Thursdays. We give two dinners a year for the comrades, their wives and widows; also have a com mittee to meet with the post and serve refreshments. The Daughters send boxes of home-made candy to comrades at Christmas; send birthday greetings, flowers or fruit to those who are ill, and send floral sprays for all funerals. Assisted by the Woman's Relief Corps and American Legion Auxiliary in making bouquets for soldiers' graves Decoration Day; assisted the Grand Army of the Republic to place flags on all soldiers' graves in city and rural cemeteries; provided seats at cemetery for comrades during services; donated $10 toward the soldiers' rest room which was erected in Logan Park by the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic. Betsy Ross Tent, No. 5, enter tained Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, at a spring party in April, which was greatly enjoyed by members of both tents as well as by the five comrades who were our guests.
MAUD K. SHANTON, President.
Greetings from Tent No. 7, to the sisters of Kansas Department. We have made no material growth in the year since we were organized, but have kept our membership, having twenty-four on roll. Have met with the comrades in the post room and obligated fourteen. We had cards printed with picture of our badge, which we sent to comrades as birthday greetings. Entertained the department officers in June. At our installation in January our department president acted as installing officer. Donated $3 to department Grand Army of the Republic fund. Have ordered our flags.
KATE GROVES, President.
Organized February 3, 1926, by Lora B. Stanfill. Held public meeting and program February 22. Three public dinners given; attended several funerals of comrades; purchased our flags; was presented with bible from Lincoln Circle, No. 1; assisted posts on May 30 in commemoration of Memorial day. Donated $10 to department Grand Army of the Republic fund and $2 to southern memorial. Present membership 120. Have initiated three candidates and two more ready for our next meeting. Much interest manifested.
MABELLE F. LANE, President.
Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, Department of Kansas:
For Mrs. John A. Logan Tent, No. 6, I can report a slow but steady growth. The other patriotic orders in Wichita being very active, there seems to be little left for us to do but to cooperate with them in all ways that we can, and be ready to take up the torch when it is thrown to us.
Since last convention we have held twenty-five meetings, two adjourned and two special meetings.
The tent joined with the other patriotic orders in observance of Memorial Sunday and Decoration Day. May 28, 1925, we gave a patriotic social in honor of all patriotic orders of Wichita. Open installation of officers was held in January, at which time we were honored by a visit from our department president, Sister Stanfill. We have entertained each of the Grand Army posts with a surprise luncheon at their post meetings, which was greatly appreciated by the comrades.
We have one comrade in our tent whom we all love very dearly and who never misses a meeting. He is Comrade Funk, father of our Sister Parker. On May 10 he celebrated his 91st birthday and the tent gave him a surprise party, with all the comrades and other orders invited as guests. Refreshment's were served, and we just had a happy, little, informal good time. Sister White baked a huge birthday cake on which blazed ninety-one birthday candles when it was presented to him.
We have a splendid ways and means committee who are always on the alert for new ways to make money for the tent. During the past few months we have held a cooked-food sale, at which we made $15.48, a rummage sale clearing $40, and a musicale which netted the tent $101. The tent has gained fourteen new sisters since last convention, lost two by death and one by transfer, leaving us at present eighty-six members. We also have eighteen comrades and brothers on our honorary-membership roll.
Floral sprays have been furnished for twenty-three comrades who have passed on, besides remembering sick comrades and sisters with flowers, fruit and cards. Tent No. 6 meets in the Grand Army rooms in the Sedgwick county court house, the second and fourth Thursday evenings, and extends to each and every member a cordial invitation to meet with them when in Wichita.
GUARD: Committee from the Sons of Union Veterans is in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Guide and colors, retire and escort our brothers to this station.
PRESIDENT: Sisters, allow me to introduce Past Division Commander Wilcox, of Topeka, and Past Division Commander C. S. Nation, of Chanute.
Brother Wilcox made some remarks. Brother Nation responded in his usual genial manner.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Brothers Wilcox and Nation, take back to your commander and brothers assembled our thanks for your greetings. It is our aim to assist the Sons in every way possible to commemorate the deeds of our fathers. I want to present to you one of our badges, which I wish you to wear. (Committee retired.)
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: As the nomination of officers is next in order, and as we are required to use the Australian ballot system, I will make some explanations. Nominations for president are now in order.
SISTER LAWHON: I nominate Sister McElhenney, Tent 4.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for senior vice president.
SISTER SUIT: I nominate Sister Mabelle Lane, Tent 8.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for junior vice president.
SISTER CULP: I nominate Sister Groves, Tent 7.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for chaplain.
SISTER YOUNG: I nominate Sister Stark, Tent 2.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for treasurer.
SISTER HOUGHTON: I nominate Sister Gump, Tent 7.
SISTER LEACH: I nominate Sister Shanton, Tent 5.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for department inspector.
SISTER WHITE: I nominate Sister Houghton, Tent 6.
SISTER BESSE WHITE: I nominate Sister Leach, Tent 2.
PRESIDENT: Nominations for patriotic instructor.
SISTER PARKER: I nominate Sister Maude White, Tent 6.
SISTER LANE: I nominate Sister Suit, Tent 8.
Nominations for delegate to national convention were Sister Cook, Tent 2; Sister Houghton, Tent 6; Sister Parker, Tent 6; Sister Leach, Tent 2; Sister Lake, Tent 8.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Nomination may be resumed at the next session and closed before balloting.
SISTER COOK: To show our appreciation of what Comrade Priddy, assistant adjutant general, has done for the advancement of the Daughters of Union Veterans I move that a committee be appointed to purchase and present a gift to our comrade and brother J. W. Priddy. Seconded and passed.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I appoint as this committee Sister Lane, Tent 8, and Sister Leach, Tent 2.
Adjournment taken at 5 p. m.
A short memorial service for our departed sisters and comrades, in charge of the department chaplain, Sister Martin, was participated in by Sister Culp, Tent 3; Sister Houghton, Tent 6; and Sister Leach, Tent 2. Sister Lawhon deposited the flowers in memory of comrades departed this year.
Reading, "Weaving of the Flag," by Corene Smith, Tent 3.
Adjournment taken at 9:30 a. m. for parade.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: You will come to order and delegates will seat themselves according to tent number.
Department guide, you will take up password.
DEPARTMENT GUARD: A committee from the Woman's Relief Corps and Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans are in waiting.
PRESIDENT: Sister guide and colors, escort our visitors to seats at my left.
Committee from Woman's Relief Corps, Mrs Kinney, Mrs. McCullough,
Mrs. Hulse and Mrs. Fowler, bringing greetings from their president, Cora Shelton, assuring us of their good will and wishing for us prosperity.
Response by Mabelle Lane, Tent 8.
Committee from Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Luden and Mrs. Parsons, bringing greetings from their president, Iva Mayes, assuring us of their interest as a sister organization and wishing us success.
Response by Besse White, Tent 2.
PRESIDENT: Report of committee on resolutions.
SISTER LANE: The committee on resolutions submit the following:
WHEREAS, The Grand Army of the Republic will entertain the gift of oil-painted portraits of Lincoln and Grant, to be placed in the Grand Army of the Republic Memorial Hall on each side of the recently painted pictuure[sic] of Old Glory, provided only that the gift be a joint one from all affiliated bodies connected with the department of Kansas, Grand Army of the Republic, the expense of which must be equally borne by all the organizations, to be determined by a joint committee of all allied orders.
Resolved, therefore, That a committee of one be elected to represent each organization,
WHEREAS, The financial condition of this department is not sufficient to permit the necessary expense of an official visit to our tents, be it
Resolved, That the sum of $5 be paid to the department president or inspector, by the tent, on the occasion of her official visit.
WHEREAS, The financial condition of the department is not sufficient to meet expenses, be it
Resolved, That the per capita tax be raised to 20 cents per member, semi-annually,
SISTER LANE: These resolutions are approved by the committee; approved by the council and I move their adoption. Seconded, carried and so ordered. (Committee discharged.)
Sister Lane was elected member of the committee to represent Daughters of Union Veterans, as provided for by the first resolution.
DEPARTMENT GUARD: Wichita Drum Corps in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Department guide and colors, escort the drum corps to seats.
It was the most pleasing diversion of a warm afternoon, the drum corps played all the old favorites, even singing the song composed by their Spanish-American snare drummers.
Sister Houghton, of Wichita, whose father was one of the original members of the drum corps, responded in her usual pleasing manner.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Are the greetings committees ready to report?
Sister Suit, committee to Woman's Relief Corps; Sister Houghton, committee to Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic; Sister Stark, committee to Sons of Union Veterans; and Sister Shanton, Committee to Auxiliary to Sons of Union Veterans, reported having been received courteously and gladly welcomed into the ranks of Kansas patriotic orders. The committee to the Grand Army of the Republic reported that body had adjourned before their arrival.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Our next business is election of officers.
Sister Lawhon, Tent 4; Sister Bond, Tent 6; and a sister from Tent 5 were named tellers, ballots placed in their hands, and the election held.
SISTER YOUNG: Tent 2 would like to withdraw for a few minutes to anteroom for the purpose of holding a call meeting. Seconded and passed.
Adjournment was taken at 5:30 p.m.
At an evening session held by Ida McKinley, Tent No. 2, the ritual was exemplified by Betsy Ross Tent, No. 5, one of the smaller tents of the order, but they may well be proud of their execution of the floor work.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: You will come to order, and as the tellers are not ready to report we will take up other business.
SISTER SHANTON: I just want to say that the Grand Army of the Republic have decided on Pittsburg for convention next year. (Applause.)
SISTER YOUNG: I have a gift here of $10 for the Kansas department from Comrade Byington.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I also have a $25 gift from our national president for our organization fund.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: The tellers are ready to report: For president, Nelle McElhinney; senior vice president, Mabelle Lane; junior vice president, Kate Groves; chaplain, Mayme Stark; treasurer, Maude Shanton; inspector. Emma Leach; patriotic instructor, Myrtle Suit; council, Lora B. Stanfill, Ruth Hubbell, Maude White; delegate at large, Flo Bartmess; alternate at large, Lillian Wineburner; delegates, Nellie Cook, Alice Parker, Emma Leach, Mabelle Lane, Dorothy Houghton; alternates, Nancy Holmstein, Vance, Gier, Marie Fitzgerald, Bess White.
The department council reported $51.33 in the treasury.
Sister McElhinney, department president-elect, announced the following appointive officers: Department secretary, Nancy Holmstein, Tent 4; press correspondent, Dorothy Houghton, tent 6; department guide, Dollie Lawhon, Tent 4; department assistant guide, Lillian Wineburger, Tent 2; department guard, Grace Ward, Tent 7; department assistant guard, Ethel Brown, Tent 7; color bearer 1, Aletha Skinner, Tent 3; color bearer 2, Flo Bartmess, Tent 2; color bearer 3, Minta Bond, Tent 6; color bearer 4, Ossie Cole, Tent 6; department musician, Jessie Day, Tent 4.
Department president, Lora Stanfill, acted as installing officer; department guide, Dollie Lawhon, as installing guide.
Sister Stanfill was installed as department council No. 1, by Past Department President Phloe Young.
SISTER STANFILL: My dear president, I cheerfully turn over to you this gavel and charter of our department, fully assured of your ability and willingness to serve, and confident of your ultimate success. I wish to again thank the sisters and department officers for their cooperation during the past year, for the many courtesies received, and especially do I wish to thank the sisters of Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, for their hospitality, and whose splendid efforts made this successful convention possible.
DEPARTMENT GUARD: Comrades Priddy and Collins are in waiting.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: Sister guide and colors, retire and escort the comrades to my station. Sisters, I introduce to you our assistant adjutant general, J. W. Priddy, of Topeka, and Comrade Collins, of Lawrence. Convention salute.
Comrades Priddy and Collins each gave a splendid talk.
Sister Leach responded to the comrades and presented Comrade Priddy with a lovely umbrella, in appreciation of what he had done for Daughters of Union Veterans, and in helping organize Tent No. 8.
Department Senior Vice President Mabelle Lane and Department Patriotic Instructor Myrtle Suit, both charter members of Tent No. 8, responded in brief talks.
Bill of $1.50 for printing ballots, and $1.50 for ledger, presented and on motion allowed.
Sister Jessie Day, chairman of courtesy committee, reported the following:
RESOLUTION: In behalf of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War of the Department of Kansas, we wish to extend to the city of Independence our compliments, and wish to convey to its people our sincere 'gratitude for the royal entertainment and courtesies shown us while in this city. Especially do we wish to remember your Mayor Kerr, who so graciously handed our patriotic orders the keys of the city; the Chamber of Commerce, the trustees of Memorial Hall, Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, and Woman's Relief Corps No. 117, whose untiring preparations for our coming and open homes have made our stay in this city a sweet memory.
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I fully appreciate the honor you have conferred on me and shall endeavor during the coming year to promote patriotism and work for the advancement of our order. As this finishes the work of this second convention, we will stand and give the flag salute: "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
DEPARTMENT PRESIDENT: I now declare the second annual convention adjourned sine die.
Call to assembly - Wichita Drum Corps.
Invocation - Rev. W. A. Bosworth.
Introduction of national and state officers by Margaret Grandle, department president Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Phloe Young, representing the national president of Daughters of Union Veterans, and Nellie Rhodes McMillan, past national president Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, responded with short talks.
Address of welcome - Mayor Kerr.
Song, "America the Beautiful" - Encampment.
Response for all organizations - W. H. Stewart, patriotic instructor, Grand Army of the Republic.
Song, "The Heart of the U. S. A." - Junior High School.
Address - Fred Jackson, department commander, Grand Army of the Republic.
Presentation - Lora B. Stanfill, department president, Daughters of Union Veterans: Commander Jackson, officers of the various patriotic organizations, and citizens of Independence, I certainly appreciate the courtesies shown me since I have been in your city and am proud to represent the Daughters of Union Veterans, the infant department of Kansas. In behalf of these daughters, I present to you, Commander Jackson,
Because our fathers fought and died
Old Glory to defend.
You raised her high, her folds unfurled
Sent freedom's shout around the world
And saved our land.
Cora Shelton, department president Woman's Relief Corps, in her usual happy manner, presented a check for $100 to Commander Jackson.
Song, "Marching Through Georgia" - Encampment.
Presentation of Lincoln's picture to Junior High School - Addie Browne, patriotic instructor, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic.
Song, "O Captain, My Captain" - Junior High School.
Presentation of flag to American Legion Home and Junior High School - Zanthia Dix, Woman's Relief Corps.
Balance on hand May 17, 1926 | $15.83 |
Received from national president for organization fund | 25.00 |
Received from Comrade Byington | 10.00 |
Received for Southern Memorial from Tents 4 and 8 | 4.00 |
Received for chaplain pin | .50 |
Total | $55.33 |
Ledger | $1.50 | |
Printing ballots (Free Press) | 1.50 | |
Balance on hand | 52.33 | |
$55.33 |
NAME OF TENT. | No. | Location. | Mem- bers. |
President. | Secretary. |
Ida McKinley | 2 | Independence | 100 | Emma Leach | Phloe Young |
Mother Bickerdyke | 3 | Burden | 55 | Lora Stanfill | Rachel Gatton |
Clara Barton | 4 | Arkansas City | 52 | Nelle McElhinney | Nancy Holmstein* |
Betsy Ross | 5 | Cherryvale | 44 | Maude Shanton | Ruth Hubbell |
Mrs. John A. Logan | 6 | Wichita | 77 | Dorothy Houghton | Alice Parker** |
Julia Hopkins | 7 | Winfield | 26 | Kate Groves | Bess Mendenhall |
Sue Lovell | 8 | Topeka | 119 | Mabelle Lane | Jessie Woodward |
BURDEN, KAN., June 18, 1925.
![]() FRED JACKSON, Commander Department of Kansas, G. A. R. |
I. The first annual convention of Kansas Department, Daughters of Veterans, at Salina, May 12-14, conferred upon me its highest honor by electing me department president. In accepting this office I pledge my untiring efforts and ask the support of every member in the department.
II. The following officers were elected and appointed: President, Lora B. Stanfill, Burden; senior vice president, Eula S. Gibson, Wichita; junior vice president, Mary Wright, Arkansas City; chaplain, Sallie 0. Martin, Wichita; treasurer, Stella Gump, Winfield; inspector, Gertrude R. Culp, Burden, patriotic instructor, Phloe Young, Independence; council, Nell McElhenney, Arkansas City, Phloe Young, Independence, Maud White, Wichita; secretary, Aletha Skinner, Winfield; guide, Dollie Lawhon, Arkansas City; assistant guide, Flo Maskrod, Independence; press correspondent, Alice Grantham, Winfield; color bearers, No. 1, Lynn Stribling; No. 2 Flo Bartmas, Cherryvale; No. 3, Jessie Skillings; No. 4, Mamie Stark, Independence; musician, Lulu Lynn, Independence; guard, Ollie Roadruck, Independence; delegate at large, Gertrude R. Culp, Burden.
III. Department headquarters are established at Burden, Kan.
IV. The first annual convention, Daughters of Veterans, was highly honored by the presence of our national president, Maybelle Plymire. We deeply appreciated her presence and help.
V. A new tent was instituted in Winfield, just before convention, through the efforts of Gertrude R. Culp, Burden, and Bess Mendenhall, Winfield.
VI. The state encampment, Grand Army of the Republic, indorsed the National Alliance, Daughters of Veterans, allowing us to register in their roster. The national convention, Daughters of Veterans, at Grand Rapids this year, will celebrate the silver jubilee of its recognition by the Grand Army of the Republic.
VII. Kansas Department Commander A. Graff asked the cooperation of the Daughters of Veterans, using our influence in the passage of an adequate pension bill.
VIII. Semiannual reports of tent secretaries and treasurers with check for per capita tax made to department treasurer, Stella Gump, must be forwarded to department secretary, Aletha Skinner, Winfield, by July 10, 1925. Be prompt in this matter,
IX. Password accompanies this order.
X. Congratulations are hereby extended to Comrade Fred A. Jackson, McPherson, Kan., upon his election to commander of Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, and pledge loyal support.
XI. May our work together this year be harmonious, ever striving to promote patriotism and advance the interests of the Daughters of Veterans.
The sympathy of the Kansas Department, Daughters of Veterans, is hereby extended to Ida McKinley Tent, No. 2, and the family of Sister Lavinia Minor, whose death occurerd in December, 1924.
By order of LORA B. STANFILL, Department President.
Attest: ALETHA S. SKINNER, Department Secretary.
NELLE A. McELHINNEY, Arkansas City.
Senior Vice President,
Junior Vice President,
KATE GROVES, Winfield.
MAYME STARK, Independence.
MAUDE SHANTON, Cherryvale.
Press correspondent,
EMMA LEACH, Independence.
Patriotic Instructor,
(1) LORA B. STANFILL, Burden.
(2) RUTH HUBBELL, Cherryvale.
(3) MAUDE WHITE, Wichita.
DOLLIE LAWHON, Arkansas City.
Assistant Guide,
Assistant Guard,
ETHEL BROWN, Winfield.
JESSIE B. DAY, Arkansas City.
Color Bearers,
(1) ALETHA SKINNER, Winfield.
(2) FLO BARTMESS, Cherryvale.
(3) MINTA BOND, Wichita.
(4) OCIE COLE, Wichita.
Chairman of Organization,
EMMA S. LA PAZ, Wichita.
On Monday evening a pageant, "Growth of America," was presented, scenes depicting the growth of America from prerevolutionary days till the present time were shown. Floats representing the Revolutionary War, Indian conflict, War of '61-'65, Spanish-American War and World War were realistic and brought cheers from the crowd lining the streets.
Tuesday evening, camp fire at The Battery. Introduction, of national officers and reception followed by address of welcome, by the city manager and response by Commander in Chief Arensburg.
Wednesday morning was parade time, some 2,500 G. A. R. men marching to the music of fife and drum corps and the many bands furnished by the manufacturing concerns of Grand Rapids. One deplorable fact commented on by everyone was the absence of the school children along the line of march.
Immediately following the parade the Daughters of Veterans dedicated a memorial to the "Heroes of '61-'65." This memorial consists of a steel flagpole on a bronze base erected on a plot of ground in city ball square. Address by Leah Simpson, national patriotic instructor, Mary North, national press correspondent, depositing wreath of ivy. It is the plan of the Daughters of Veterans to leave in each convention city such a memorial.
Our silver jubilee banquet was held in the dining room of the Masonic Temple on Wednesday evening, September 2. All comrades were invited as our special guests. Some nine hundred were seated. This banquet was given to celebrate the twenty-fifth anniversary of our recognition by the national Grand Army of the Republic encampment.
Our name was changed from National Alliance Daughters of Veterans to Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War, by a committee from the Grand Army of the Republic, Sons of Veterans and Daughters of Veterans. This change was accepted and ratified in convention. The convention closed on Friday, September 4, to meet in Des Moines, Iowa, 1926.
Transcribed from the "Journal of the Second Annual Convention of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War," Independence, Kansas, May 18, 19, 20, 1926, printed by Kansas State Printing Plant, B. P. Walker, State Printer, Topeka, 1927, 11-5322. Transcribed by Carolyn Ward, April 2002.