One-Way Ticket to Kansas, the autobiography of Frank M. Stahl, as told and illustrated by Margaret Whittemore. University of Kansas Press, 1959. Transcribed by John D. Meredith


-- A --

Abilene, Kansas, 82
[Amity, the, 126]
Apache Hills, 70
Apache Indians, 91
Arapahoe Indians, 106
Arkansas River: bridge, 55; Big Bend, 67; Cimarron Crossing, 67, 68; Little Arkansas River, 67; near Bent's Fort, 71; near Fort Smith, 74, 81, 82; near Howell plantation, 84; wading across, 94
Armes, Major, 100, 101, 102, 103
Army of the Frontier, 81, 86
Arnold, Fate, 85, 86
Ash Creek, 68
Atchison, Kansas, 48
Aubrey, Felix X, 93, 94
Aubrey Trail, 67, 93
Auburn, Kansas: Baptist Church, 44; mill, 46, 47; Michael Stahl moves near, 48; along Santa Fe Trail, 47, 65, 91; boys from, 52, 56; Stahl returns to, 62, 88, 95, 109-110; Stahl buys farm near, 113; prohibition rallies, 116, 117; produced men of distinction, 138-139

-- B --

Backbone Ridge, 76
Baker University, 138
Baptist Shawnee Mission, Miami County, Kansas, 41, 44
Barker, Edgar A., 97, 102
Baxter, Isaac, 44
Bear Creek, 54
Beauchamp, San Juan prospector, 61
Becknell, William, 66
Beckworth, Jim, 54
Beecher, Henry Ward, 23
Bentonville, Arkansas, 73
Bent's Fort, 67, 71
[Big Four, 123]
Big John, 67; Big John Creek, 66
Big Springs, 37, 41, 42
Big Turkey Creek, 67
Bloomington, Illinois, 25
Blue River, 50: Little Blue, 50, 62
Blunt, James G., 76, 78, 80, 81
Breckenridge, John C., 25
Brierly, Tom, 32
Buchanan, James, 25
Burlingame, Kansas, 65, 117, 137, 139, 140; Buttermilk Lane, 139
Butner, Federal soldier, 80


California Road, 45
Cane Hill, Arkansas, 76, 77, 90
Canyon City, Colorado, 61
Carson, Kit, 54, 57, 66
[Carter, Fannie (daughter of John and Elizabeth), 114]
[Carter, John (son of John and Elizabeth), 114]
Carter, John (son of John S. Carter), 138
Carter, John S., 109, 114
Central City, Colorado, 54, 55, 61
Cherry Creek, 52, 55
Cheyenne Indians, 106
Chidsey, Tim, 50
Chiles, H.W., 34
Cimarron Crossing (see Arkansas River)
Cimarron River, 68, 69, 70, 93, 94
Cincinnati, Ohio; the Columbian, 4; home of Harriet Beecher Stowe, 23
Clarksville, Arkansas, 84, 86, 87
Cloud, William F., 72, 75, 77, 92
Comanche Indians, 106
"Committee of Two Hundred," 119, 120
Confederates, 63, 70, 76, 78, 79
Copeland Hotel, Topeka, 129, 130
Council Grove, Kansas, 66, 96
Cove Creek, 76
Cow Creek, 67
Crawford, Samuel J., 96, 97
Cross Hollows, Arkansas, 72
Cunningham, Henry, 21
Curtis, Charles, 118
Custer, George A., 82, 97


Dardanelle, Arkansas, 81, 82
Darke County, Ohio, 1
Davis, Al, 52, 55, 56, 58
Day, Frank, 58, 61
Dayton, Ohio, 19, 27
Dayton, William L., 25
Deadwood, South Dakota, 82
Delaware Indians, 36, 65
Democratic Ticket, 25
Dempsey, Jack, 106
Denver, Colorado, 50-57 passim; 61
Dexter, Supt. Kansas State Temperance Union, 129-130
DeWitt, Missouri, 35
Diamond Springs, 67
[Dickson, Alexander (father of James and Jennie), 88]
[Dickson, Isabel (mother of James and Jennie), 88]
Dickson, James, 88, 91, 95, 109, 110, 114
Dickson, Jennie (wife of Stahl), 88, 110, 112-115 passim; 120, 121, 137
Dighton, Kansas, 49
Donnelson's, 36, 38, 40
Drew, Mayor of Topeka, 120, 134
Dyche, Lewis Lindsay, 138-139


Earp, Wyatt, 82
Eighteenth Kansas Cavalry Regiment, 96, 108, 139
Elkhorn Tavern, 72, 73
Everett, Si, 79


Fayetteville, Arkansas, 81
First Company, Second Kansas Cavalry, 72, 86
Flinn, John J., 139
Fort Dodge, 93, 97
Fort Garland, 57, 59, 61
Fort Gibson, 90
Fort Harker, 96, 101, 104, 105, 106
Fort Kearny, 51, 62
Fort Larned, 97
Fort Leavenworth, 63
Fort Scott, Kansas, 88
Fort Smith, Arkansas, 74, 81, 82, 89
Fort Sumter, 63
Fort Union, 63, 67, 70, 93
Free-Soilers, 24, 26
Fremont, John C., 25, 26, 57, 66
Fugitive Slave Law, 23


[Gault, Annie (daughter of Elizabeth), 42]
[Gault, Eliza (daughter of Elizabeth), 42]
Gault, Mrs. Elizabeth (sister of Robert Simmerwell), 42
[Gault, Robert (son of Elizabeth), 42]
Geary, John W., 27
Gillis House. See Western Hotel
Graham, Lew, 77
Gray, Curley, 54
Gray Back Gulch, 56, 89
Great American Desert, 53, 140
Great Bend, Kansas, 49
Greeley, Horace: editor, New York Tribune, 4, 52; "Tribune Philosopher," 53
Greenhorn, 56
Greenville, Ohio, 19, 25, 26, 28, 137
Greenville Creek, 8, 136
Greever, Mrs. G.W. 117


Hancock, Winfield Scott, 82
[Haney, Samuel, 17]
Harris, Captain, 85, 86
Hays, Seth M., 66
Hays City, Kansas, 82
Heberling, Sylvanus, 79
Henderson, Joe, 79-80
Herron, Francis J., 77, 78
Hickock, "Wild Bill", 75, 81, 82
Hindman, Thomas C., 77, 78, 80, 81
Holman, Absalom, 28, 29, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 41
Holmes, General, 80
Horn Alley, 69, 93, 94
Howell, Helen, 86, 87
Howell, Mrs. (mother of Helen), 84-87
[Hutton (police assistant), 133]
Hybarger, Samuel, 97


Independence, Missouri, 44, 65, 66
Independent Order of Good Templars, 47, 116


Jefferson City, Missouri, 29, 30, 31
Jenness, George, 97
Joaquin, Mexican bandit, 57
Jones, John Tecumseh, 109


Kansas, admitted to Union, 63
Kansas City, Missouri, 24, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 40, 48
Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 23
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 96
Kansas River, 36, 50, 65, 91
Kansas State Temperance Union, 120, 129, 135
Kaw, See Kansas River
Kennedy, James, 32
Kerr, Jimmie, 91
Kiowa Indians, 106
[Klauer (Topeka bar owner), 122]
Kline, Harlow, 58, 62


Lane, James H., 24, 37, 47; "Lane's Army of the North," 24
Larned, Kansas, 92
"Last Chance Store," Council Grove, 66
Lawrence, Kansas, 36, 37, 47, 63, 65, 91
Leavenworth, Kansas, 24, 34, 35, 36, 45, 46, 60, 65, 70, 71, 91, 95
"Lightning Line," 30
Lincoln, Abraham, 25, 63, 139
Lindsey, Henry C., 97
Little Rock, Arkansas, 81, 86
Louisville, Kansas, 49


Marmaduke, John S., 76
Marysville, Kansas, 50, 62, 96
[Martin, Mr.(New Harrison neighbor), 19]
Masterson, Bat, 82
Medicine River, 106
[Meredith, Eva (daughter of Frank M. Stahl), preface]
Mexico, 2, 36, 60, 65
Michigan Territory, 40, 44
Middaugh, Sheriff, 55
[Mike's Place, 133]
Miller, Abe, 2
Mississippi River, 29
Missouri Pacific Railroad, 29, 30
Missouri River, 24, 27, 31, 35, 93
[Moore, Bessie (great granddaughter of Robert Simmerwell), preface]
Moore, Horace L., 97
Moran, Sam, 139
Mormons, 45, 51
Morrison, John, 25-26
Mount Gilead, Ohio, 24
"Muddy Camp," 72, 73
"Murphy's Place," 122


Nation, Carry, 127-128
National Era, 24
Nebraska, 23, 24, 136
Neosho River, 66, 67
New England Emigrant Aid Company, 23
New Harrison, Ohio, 1, 2, 19, 25, 26, 136
New Lucy, 31-35
New Mexico, 65, 93
New York Tribune, See Greeley, Horace
Nineteenth Kansas Cavalry Regiment, 107


Ohio River, 23
Oklahoma, 136
Ottawa, Kansas, 109; Ottawa University, 109


Papan's Ferry, 65
"Pathfinder, The," See Fremont, John C.
Pawnee Fork, 97
Pawnee Rock, 67
Payne, David L., 97
Peacock's station, 67
Pierce, Franklin, 23
Pike's Peak, 52
Platte River, 51, 62
Pliley, Alison J., 104
Pony Express, 52
Poor Man's Gulch, 55, 56
Poteau River, 74, 82
Pottawatomie Baptist Mission, near Topeka, 41
Pottawatomie Catholic Mission, St. Mary's Kansas, 50
Pottawatomie Indians, 40, 41, 114
Prairie Center, Kansas, 138
Prairie Grove, Battle of, 78-79, 81, 90
Price, John, 97, 101
Pueblo, Colorado, 55
Purgatory River; Purgatoire, 71


Quayle, William Alfred, 138
Quindaro, Kansas, 35


Rabbit Ear, 70
Ramsey, George, 58, 60, 62
Raton Pass, 67, 71
Reck, George, 21, 22
Red River, 70
Reeder, Andrew H., 34
Reed's Mountain, 76, 77
Republican party, 24, 25, 63, 115
Rhea's Mills, Arkansas, 77, 78
Rio Blanco, 93
Robinson, Charles, 37, 63
Russell, Majors, and Waddell, 36


Sacramento, California, 52
[Scarritt, Rev. Nathan, 44]
St. John, John P., 116, 117
St. Joseph, Missouri, 32, 52
St. Louis, Missouri, 30, 31
Sangre de Cristo range, 55, 56
San Juan Mountains, 55, 62; expedition, 55, 61; reminiscences of prospectors, 89
San Luis Valley, 89
Santa Fe, New Mexico, 91, 94, 96
Santa Fe Railway, 110
Santa Fe Trail, 36, 47, 65, 66, 81, 92, 140
["Scat Club," 126]
[Schenck, Lena Baxter (great granddaughter of Robert Simmerwell), preface]
Schofield, John M., 81
Second Kansas Cavalry, 72, 76, 78, 86
Shawnee County, Kansas, 115, 119, 138
Sheridan, Philip Henry, 82
[Shurtleff College, 44]
Simmerwell, Ann (daughter of Robert S.), 42, 44
Simmerwell, Elizabeth (daughter of Robert S.), 42, 44, 109, 114

Simmerwell, Fannie  Gravestone
Simmerwell, Robert, 40-44, 109, 138 Gravestone
Simmerwell, Sarah (daughter of Robert S.), 41, 42, 45
Simmerwell, William (son of Robert S.), 41, 44, 46
Six Mile Creek, 42, 48, 114, 138
Smith, Elizabeth, 55, 57, 58
[Smith, Sol, 55]
Spanish Peaks, 67
Spillman Creek Fight, 99
Springfield, Missouri, 77, 88
Stahl, Frank M.: boyhood in Ohio, 2-29; journey to Kansas, 29-36; on Simmerwell farm, 42-45; milling operation, 46-49; prospecting for gold, 50-62; Santa Fe Trail, 63-71, 91-95; military career, 72-90, 96-108; marriage, 112; chief of police, 122-134; superintendent, Kansas State Temperance Union, 135-136; death, 137 n; original verses, "Pioneer Days," 140-142
Stahl, Jerome (brother of Frank M.), 91
Stahl, Michael (father of Frank M.), 1, 12, 13; moves to Kansas, 48; death, 72
Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 23


Tonganoxie, Kansas, 65
Topeka, Kansas, 41, 65, 115, 119, 120, 121, 127
"Tribune Philosopher," See Greeley, Horace
Trinidad, Colorado, 67, 71
Troy, Ohio, 15
Twitchell, Mr., pioneer settler in Burlingame, 139
Tyler, Texas, 89


Uncle Tom's Cabin, 23, 33
"Underground Railroad," 23
Union Pacific Railroad, 107
University of Kansas, 138
Ute Indians, 57


Van Buren, Arkansas, 76
Vivian, Confederate lieutenant, 76


Wagon Mound, 70
Wakarusa River, 92, 109, 110, 116
Wakefield, Mr., free-state settler near Lawrence, 37
Walker, Robert J., 35
Walnut Creek, 49, 67
Wamego, Kansas, 49
Waugh, Colonel, 86
Western Hotel, 34
Weston, Missouri, 30
Westport, Missouri, 94
Whigs, 24, 25
Williamsport township, 42
Wilmington, Kansas 65
Winchester, Kansas, 91
Wind Valley, 70
Women's Christian Temperance Union, 116
Women's Crusade, 1
Wood, Samuel N., 24
Woods, Hamilton, 25


Yeager, Jesse, 139