KSGenWeb Digital Library
Rooks County, Kansas
Obituaries |
Ambrosier, Donna Marie
Anderson, Patricia Lucy
Axelson, John W.
Baldwin, Ora Otis |
Ballard, William G.
"Bill" |
Ballou, Jennifer Diane
(Freda Desbien) |
Bane, Louria L. |
Banks, Ruth M. |
Barber, Vurferd Lee |
Barlow, Rose (Jones) |
Barta, Bernice M. |
Becker, Pauline M. |
Bedore, Elsie A. |
Belleau, Marilda |
Benoit, Bernard E. |
Benoit, Camilla Marie |
Bigge, Maurice W. |
Bond, Julia E. |
Brown, Jessica |
Brown, Vera A. |
Bruinekool, Neva J. |
Brumitt, Charlene "Charlie" |
Buchneau, America C. |
Burgess, Ivan E. |
Busby, Josephine E. "Jeni" |
Butler, Rose Marie |
Butz, Edith Mary |
Cadoret, Francis C. "Fran" |
Carlyle, Ruth O. |
Carmichael, Leonard Olin |
Christman, Eva B. O'Rorke |
Clarkson, Mathew Flint |
Clapp, Wanda Jean |
Clark, Sundra Mae "Sunnie" |
Cokeley, Dorothy J. |
Colahan, Zilpha M.
"Sis" |
Conn, Glenn R. |
Delzeit, Donald G. |
Denlo, Laura M. |
Desmarteau, Armanoda "Noda" |
DesMarteau, Marie T. |
Dinsmoor, Viva A. |
Dougherty, Larry A. |
Dreiling, Virgil N. |
Edson, Victor Olen |
Eichman, Clarence H. |
Ferland, Elaine A. |
Folsom, Lyle R. Jr. |
Franklin, Bertie E. |
Fross, Orville H. |
Gager, Estel "Pill" |
Garrett, Ruth M. Warren
Ouderkirk |
Gengler, June |
Gibson, Ruth Elinora |
Glick, George F. |
Gordon, James Oscar "Jamie" |
Hagler, Ethel Marie |
Haines, Wanda M. |
Hamel, Marilyn |
Hamel, Stella |
Hamilton, Isabel G. |
Hazen, Albert |
Hilgers, Carl J. |
Hilgers, Jack E., Dr. |
Hogan, Christine C. Boller |
Hrabe, Genevieve |
Hindman, Charles S. |
Hunter, Shonda Lynn |
Hutchcraft, Jim R. |
Jennings, Pauline M. |
Jones, Naomi Gish |
Kaba, Philip J. |
Keas, Jakie Max |
Kelly, Mary J. |
Kenney, Lester C. |
Klein, Henry L. |
Kleinschmidt, Roy H. |
Knight, Donovan R. |
Kreller, Kathleen Ann |
Kriley, Everett A. |
Kriley, Gerald |
Kriley, Marie |
Krob, Bethel M. |
Kruse, Soccorsa Maria Citro |
Kuehnl, Ruth |
Lambert, Kyle M. |
Languein, Dorothy |
Larsen, Gladys V. |
Lindsey, Helen I. |
Locke, G. Marcene |
Locker, Anna F. |
Lumpkins, Marion E. |
Lynd, Donna M. |
Lytle, Edith May |
Maddy, William Lloyd |
Mahoney, Velma C. |
Manion, Eva Maria |
Marshall, Georgia A. |
McCann, Don L. |
McCarroll, Robert L. |
McLaughlin, Jean M. |
McMahan, Pansy Levina |
McMullen, Patrick L. |
McShea, Kit Rea |
Mehler, Leonard W. |
Meyer, Thelda M. "Ted" |
Meyers, Marie E. |
Miller, Ida A. |
Mock, Dianna L. |
Mosher, Thelma H. |
Mowry, Angela C. |
Muir, Marjorie I. |
Nelson, Ethel M. |
Newbrey, Artalee L. |
Newell, Docile S. |
Newell, Ruby |
Nyp, Harley A. |
Oliva, Lela (Miller) |
Ott, Henry P. |
Overley, Gus C. |
Palmer, Dale L. |
Peacock, Mildred Ola |
Pittman, Eva D. "Granny" |
Pooley, Eunice A. |
Post, Terry Matthew |
Propp, Nellie Pearl |
Pruter, Ella May |
Pulec, Ernest L. |
Reece, Paul Richard |
Rempe, Laurene A. |
Richardson, Jennine F. |
Richmond, Evelyn M. |
Richmond, Mary L. |
Richmond, Verland C. "Rich" |
Robinson, Geneva E. |
Robinson, Mary Jo |
Roelfs, Paul M. |
Roskilly, C. Larry |
Rozean, Charles Allen |
Ruckelshausen, Treva |
Russell, Jill |
Sander, John Raymond |
Sanders, Ruby |
Schmitz, Paul T. |
Schooler, Hazel |
Shubert, Beulah M. |
Sell, Esther |
Simpson, Wilda B. |
Smee, Mary Pearl |
Smith, Betty G. |
Sonntag, Blanche McCauley |
Southard, Edith M. |
Springer, Evelyn Mae |
St. Peter, Francis S. |
Stahl, Mary Marcelline |
Stettinger, Esther |
Stice, Wilma "Bill" |
Stithem, Lillian E. |
Stull, Goldie M. |
Stull, Wendell P. |
Thomas, Clifford E. |
Thomas, Erma |
Thummel, Ruth Constance |
Thurston, Muriel B. |
Trarbach, Edward Julius |
Tremblay, Maryrose B. |
Trimble, Evelyn Artis |
Turnbull, Montie E. |
Veatch, Gerrell D. |
Veverka, Goldie |
Vohs, Robert J. |
Waggoner, Loren
"Sam" |
Waller, Lamont B. Jr. |
Walker, Lawrence |
Wanker, Mary Elberta |
Wilkerson, Thomas Earl |
Williams, Karl A. |
Winters, Harold J. |
Wise, Freda Mae |
Zeigler, Mary D. |
Last update:
Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:31:26
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