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Obituary of OSCAR SHATTUCK |
Oscar Shattuck was found dead in bed Thursday morning by his family when they
arose from their night's slumber. Death evidently came as he slept and without pain, as he certainly would have aroused the family had he been
cognizant of the fact that the summons had come to him. Funeral services were held Saturday afternoon at the home in the south part of town, and was one of the largest attended funerals in the history of Pleasanton. Almost every resident of Valley township, where he formerly resided, turned out to pay their last tribute of respect to a man they honored and loved as a friend and neighbor. This number was greatly augmented by the citizens and business men of Pleasanton, who left their places of business, in spite of the fact that it was Saturday afternoon, to show the esteem in which they held their departed neighbor. Rev. J.W. Hays, an old friend of the deceased, preached the funeral sermon, and told of his intimate acquaintance with the man whose immortal remains were before him, the highest tribute that one man can pay to another, telling of his lasting fidelity to the bereaved family, who were left to mourn his departure - how he thought his home was the finest place on earth, and how all of his hours when not at work, were spent in that home he loved so well; how he was held in the highest esteem by every person who had the honor of his acquaintance. It was a wonderful sermon, and pointed the way to all to meet again with this grand character. A quartette comprising C.H. Porter, R.C. Bahl, Mrs. J.S. Wright and Zelpha Littell, with Mrs. R.C. Bahl, at the piano, sang appropriate hymns, and eight pallbearers, comprising of his former neighbors in Valley township and his neighbors here bore his remains to the waiting ambulance, after which the procession, a mile in length, wended its way to the beautiful Maple Grove cemetery adjoining Swayback school house in Valley township, where they were deposited in their last resting place in the presence of one of the largest crowds ever gathered in that place. Thus ends the earthly chapter of a man who will be greatly missed from the community, but who certainly lived such a life as to insure him a bountiful entrance into that happier world beyond, where he will await the coming of his loved ones and friends. While awaiting in the yard for the funeral services to commence we heard a prominent business man say that he did not believe Oscar Shattuck had an enemy on earth, as he lived such a life as to preclude the possibility of enmity; always fair in his dealing with his fellowmen and honest to a penny. Oscar Shattuck was born at the old home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Shattuck, in Valley township, July 3, 1869, and died October 19, 1922, aged 53 years, 3 months and 16 days. He was united in marriage with Miss Ida McCauley, October 14, 1896, and to this union five children were born, Rees, Faye, Verner, Fern and Grant, who, with the mother, are left to mourn the departure of a kind and loving husband, a doting father, and a devoted chum and companion. In addition to these there is left to mourn, his aged mother, Mrs. Mary Shattuck, three brothers, Grant, Alden and Clyde; three sisters, Mrs. J.P. Frisbie, Mrs. Dillard Calvin and Mrs. Elmer Calvin. |
Transcribed and Contributed by Irma Shattuck Ward |
Last Updated:
Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:18:49
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