Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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George F. Schmidt

GEORGE F. SCHMIDT, who has been a resident of Howard township, Labette county, Kansas, since 1882, is one of its best known farmers. He was born in Noble county, Indiana, in 1864, and is a son of F. P. and Jenette (Walker) Schmidt.

F. P. Schmidt was a native of Germany, and immigrated to the United States when fourteen years old. He located in Indiana, where he became a farmer. He married Jenette Walker, who was born in Indiana, and they reared but one child, who is the subject of this sketch. Mr. Schmidt moved with his son to Labette county, and died here February 10, 1890. Mrs. Schmidt makes her home on the farm with her son.

George F. Schmidt was reared and schooled in Illinois. He removed from his native county to Ford county, Illinois, and later to Clay county; he lived in that state nine years. October 19, 1882, in company with his parents, he located in the west half of the northwest quarter of section 25, township 34, range 18, in Howard township, Labette county, Kansas. He carries on general farming and has been very successful. His farm is well improved, and shows the thrift and energy of its owner.

Mr. Schmidt was married to Ellen Thomas, who died in 1894. He married, secondly, Mrs. Nevada Ivory, who was born in Iowa, in 1865, They have one child, - Errett. Mr. Schmidt is a Republican in his political affiliations. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias, and belongs to the Anti-Horsethief Association. He attends the Methodist church. He has many warm friends in the county, and is a progressive and well informed citizen.