Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901

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W. M. Kyser

PROF. W. M. KYSER, one of the best-known educators of this section of the state, is principal of the Labette County High School, located at Altamont, Kansas. He has held this position since 1898, and during that period has wrought much-needed reforms, and elevated the standard of the school. He is a man of high educational attainments, and is possessed of considerable executive ability; the manner in which he has discharged the duties of his office has won for him the hearty good will and support of the people of the county.

Prof. Kyser was born in Livingston county, Illinois, July 26, 1862, and is a son of L. W. Kyser, who is a native of Pennsylvania, and now follows the occupation of a farmer in Elk county, Kansas. W. M. Kyser received his primary education in the district schools of Crawford and Neosho counties, Kansas. He then taught for three years in the district schools of Crawford county, and three years in the district schools of Elk county, after which, in the fall of 1887, he entered the state normal school at Emporia. He was graduated from this school with the class of 1890, and then taught for one year in Pittsburg, Kansas. The following four years he taught at Cottonwood Falls, Kansas, and then entered the State University of Kansas, at Lawrence. He graduated from this institution with first honors in the class of 1898, and in the fall of the same year became principal of the Labette County High School, in which capacity he has since served. He has worked to strengthen the course of the institution, and at the beginning of his second year the grade of the entrance examination was raised from 70 to 80. The faculty for 1900-1901 is as follows: W. M. Kyser, A. B., principal and instructor in sciences and criticism; J. E. McDaniel, A. M., mathematics and literature; J. F. Kaho, A B., languages and rhetoric; Mrs. J. E. McDaniel, vocal music and elocution; and Almeda Mickey, shorthand and typewriting. The enrollment for the year is 180 students.

Prof. Kyser was united in marriage, in 1899, with Anna Rockwood, a daughter of William Rockwood, of Cottonwood Falls, Kansas. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and Fraternal Aid; and in the Masonic order has risen to the rank of Knight Templar. He is a member of the State Teachers' Association of Kansas.