John E. Dickerson
JOHN E. DICKERSON. This gentleman is one of the most prominent and highly
respected farmers living in Neosho township, Labette county, Kansas. He was born
in Harrison county, Ohio, in 1852, and is a son of J. Dickerson. The latter was
born in Pennsylvania, in 1803, and was of German descent. His wife was also a
native of Pennsylvania, and was born in 1807. Their children were as follows:
Samuel, Sarah, Margaret, Jane, James, Susan, Louisa, Joshua, Mary and John E.
John E. Dickerson lived in his native county twenty-seven years when he moved to the southern part of Missouri. There he aplied[sic] himself to carpenter work, which trade he had followed a number of years. He remained in Southern Missouri until 1887, when he located in Parsons, Kansas, in the vicinity of which he has since resided. In 1893, Mr. Dickerson moved to Neosho county, where he farmed until 1900. Mr. Dickerson located on his present farm in Neosho township in 1900. It contains 480 acres. The homestead is situated on the north half of the southeast quarter of section 27, and is famous as the Hopkins farm. There he carries on general farming, in which he has been very successful. He gave up his trade as carpenter after reaching Kansas, with the exception of work done on his own farm. Mr. Dickerson is a man of thrift and energy, and has made many improvements on his farm.
Mr. Dickerson was united in wedlock with Mary L. Uhrich, who was born in Ohio, in 1851. Her father, Jacob Uhrich, was a farmer and miller, who lived in that state, and was a very prominent man. Mr. Dickerson and his wife have been blessed with four children, namely: Lottie, who married a Mr. Boecker, and makes her home in Mexico; Joshua U.; Charles C.; and Ina. Mr. Dickerson is a Democrat, in politics, and takes an active interest in the political affairs of the county, He served one term as justice of the peace of Labette township. Mr. Dickerson belongs to the Anti-Horsethief Association. He is a member of the following fraternal organizations: A. F. & A. M.; Select Friends, Parsons Lodge; and the A. 0. U. W., Parsons Lodge, No. 12. He is a member of the Presbyterian church, in which he is an active worker. Mr. Dickerson is a man of honesty and integrity, and he has many warm friends in the county. Portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson accompany this sketch, being presented on a foregoing page.
Transcribed from History of Labette County, Kansas and its Representative Citizens, ed. & comp. by Hon. Nelson Case. Pub. by Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, Ill. 1901
Name Index
A | B-Bh | Bi-Bo | Bp-Bz | C-Cl | Cm-Cz | D-De | Df-Dz | E | F | G
H-Hd | He-Hi | Hj-Hz | I | J | K | L | M-Mb | Mc | Md-Mz | N | O | P | Q
R-Rn | Ro-Rz | S-Sh | Si-Sp | Sq-Sz | T-Th | Ti-Tz
U | V | W-Wa | Wb-Wh | Wi | Wl-Wz | Y | Z