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LANE LEADER, 21 August 1890
Uncle Johnnie White was taken worse again last Thursday and died Saturday afternoon about 2 o'clock. His funeral was preached at the Baker church sunday at 2 o'clockby Jacob masters and his remains were followed to the Baker cemetery by the largest funeral procession ever witnessed In this part of the country. He moved to Kansas in 1859 and settled on the farm that he still resided on at the time of his death. He lived to the ripe old age of 75 years and had quite a large family of children settled around him, all being married but three. Uncle Johnnie was a practical christian gentleman having the confidence and esteem of the entire community in which he lived. He always lived in advance of popular sentiments, looking to the bettering of the common
or poorer class of mankind which is so much over-looked in this our age of moral blindness and consequently has been a reformer in his political view for the past fifteen years or more. Always willing to be counted on the minority side (If such need be) to be found on the side of right. His kind actions and advanced ideas for good will live on and he as bread cast upon the waters, and we believe he will take up his abode in a higher sphere of life where he will make advancement unobstructed by material or physical environments.

This community has lost a valuable citizen and the family a kind father, but our loss is his gain.
(Obituary written by Geo. Nofsinger).
John William White was my 2g grandfather.
Transcribed and Contributed by Marysue Eulitz, 10 Feb 2003.

Last Updated:  Saturday, July 20, 2024 16:51:39

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