Grand Army of the Republic J. R. Fulton Post No.
257 Garden City, Kansas Members 1917

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The following information is a list of members of the J. R. Fulton Post No. 257 of Garden City, Kansas, in 1917. It comes from the book:
Journal of the Thirty-sixth Annual Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of Kansas, held at Salina, May 16, 17, 18, 1917, and Roster of Membership.
(Topeka, Kan. : Kansas State Printing Plant, 1917)
Spelling of names and order of members listed here is the same as it appeared in the book. The names did not appear in alphabetical order in the book and have been kept as is. The abbreviations of the different companies, regiments, etc are not always easy to understand. The book is held by the Kansas State Historical Society.
Barlow, Albert A., -- A, Marion Bat., Mo. Res.
Ballow, Harry -- E, 133 Ind.
Crow, Henry W. -- C, 91 Ohio.
Cook, S. R. -- A, 2 D. C.
Cox, William H. -- B, 91 Ill.
Dunn, James M. -- A, 97 Ill.
Day, George A. -- H, 22 Wis.
Fantroy, Henry -- B, 116 U. S. Col.
Fantroy, Joseph -- B, 116 U. S. Col.
Gingrich, Simson -- C, 208 Pa.
Holmes, Gilbert L. -- I, 2 W. Va.
Horner, Samuel W. -- I, 2 Mich.
Henshaw, Barney C. -- G, 34 Ohio.
Hopper, A. M. -- H, 2 Ill. Cav.
John, William -- E, 97 Ohio.
Keffer, John W. -- D, 52 Ind.
Lee, Miles G. -- D, 52 Ind.
Lucas, William H. -- D, 22 Ind.
Master, Mark -- I, 3 Ind. Cav.
McCormick, James -- D, 65 U. S. Col.
Roberts, Seph -- F, 14 Ill.
Smith, E. F. -- I, 81 Ind.
Slaughter, Taylor -- K, 67 U. S. Col.
Smith, U. J. -- H, 126 Ohio
Steward, W. M. -- [left blank]
Stillwagon, J. R. -- D, 9 Kan.
Thomas, J. T. -- G, 50 Ind.
Trull, William E. -- 58 Ohio.
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