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26 May 1882
Probate Record of HENRY KITTERMAN
Elk County, Kansas Probate, May 26, 1882

I, R.M. Ashmore, Judge of the Probate Court within and for the said county do here by
certify that the records in my office show that Henry Kitterman died on the 21st. day
of Dec. 1876 and that James H. Kitterman was appointed administrator of the estate of
Henry Kitterman, deceased on the 3 rd. day of Jan. 1877 and that the said Henry Kitterman
deceased left a widow, Abigail Kitterman, and heirs at law to wit: Phillip Kitterman,
Mary Jane West, Samuel Kitterman, James H. Kitterman, George W. Kitterman,
Christopher C. Kitterman, Elias Kitterman, Lydia A. Clark, Jerome Kitterman,
Lincoln Kitterman and Hester Kitterman and that the said James H. Kitterman made final
statement on the 6th day of July 1880 and that all of said children were of lawful age
and that the widow and 11 children were all legal heirs of the said Henry Kitterman,

Elk County, Kansas

On this 9th day of July 1925 personally appeared before me the undersigned, a Notory Public
in and for the county and state aforesaid, a creditable witness, who being first duly sworn
on its oath, disposes and says: That his name is Elias Kitterman, he is 70 years old, and a
resident of the State of Kansas, county of Elk and his post office address is Longton, Ks.
That the said Henry Kitterman departed this life in the county of Elk, state of Kansas on or
about 21st. day of Dec. 1876, intestate, seized and possessed of the following real property.
S.E.1/4, N.E. 1/4 and E. 1/2, N.E. 1/4, Sec. 10, N.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, N.E. 1/4, Sec. 15 Twp. 30,
range 12.

Furthur that said decedent left surviving widow, named Abigail and that the said survivor hath
not intermarried, that said survivor died Mar. 7th 1892. That said decedent was once married
prior to his marriage to said surviving widow.(Former wife died about 1840) That there was born
to the said decedent, the following children and none other; Samuel born 31 Dec. 1845-intermarried
with Mary O. Wilson, William born 15 Sept. 1847, died in infancy, James H. born 6 Mar. 1849,
George (or G.W.) born 20 Feb. 1851, intermarried to Sallie, Christopher C. (or C.C.) born 27 Jan. 1853,
died about Oct. 3, 1917, Elias born 5 Jan. 1855, Lydia A. born 8 Aug. 1857 intermarried Grant Clark,
Jerome born 20 Jan. 1859, Abraham L. (or Lincoln) born 4 Mar. 1866, Hester born 8 Mar. 1864.

(note) Henry Kitterman was married twice, first wife died about 1841, leaving 3 children;
Mary Jane who married Joseph West, Phillip Kitterman a son, and Middleton Kitterman a son
who died a young man.

Henry is burried in Section "A" Longton Cemetery located at Longton, Kansas. His stone
says " Henry Kitterman Died Dec. 21, 1876--61 Years, 11 Months, 4 days.
Transcribed and Contributed by Christine Pullman

Last Updated:  Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:08:19

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