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Biographical Sketch
A. M. Ricklefs
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

A. M. Ricklefs.

A representative of the agricultural and stock raising interests of Wayne township is A. M. Ricklefs, who is today the owner of one of the fine farms of this locality.  He was born in Doddridge county, now West Virginia, November 30, 1862, and is of German lineage.

His father, Mins Ricklefs, was a native of the grand duchy of Oldenburg where his birth occurred in 1810.  There he was reared on a farm, and in the '50s he joined a little company of emigrants, including the Albers and Ladwig families, and came to the United States, locating first in Virginia.  In the Old Dominion he married Lucenia Albers, and afterward devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits.  He prospered in that undertaking in the east, but in order to avail himself of the opportunities to get cheap land he came to Kansas, where two of his brothers-in-law had previously settled.

He purchased a quarter-section of land in Wayne township, and in this state met with even greater prosperity than in Virginia. He devoted his attention to the cultivation of grain, and as his financial resources increased he added to his real estate holdings until his property interests aggregated one thousand acres.  His homestead was known as the Kent farm, and to it he removed his family in 1865.

He took no active part in public affairs beyond the faithful discharge of his duties of citizenship and cared nothing for the excitement of politics.  His attention was devoted exclusively to business and his prosperity was well merited.  He was a Lutheran in religious belief and a Republican in his political affiliations.  His death occurred in 1894.  His children were Mary, the wife of William Wilkey, of Wayne township, Doniphan county; A. M., of this review; John, who wedded Annie Volker and resides in Doniphan county; and Garret A., one of the enterprising young farmers of South Wolf River township, who married Ellen Bullock.

Mr. Ricklefs, of this review remained on the homestead farm until after he had attained his majority.  To the public school system he is indebted for the educational privileges which he received.  He was only three years of age when his parents came to Doniphan county and here he has since resided, working in the fields through his youth and ultimately becoming one of the representative farmers of the community.  At the age of twenty-two he rented a farm a mile and a half south of Bendena and remained there for three years, after which he purchased the Campbell farm in Wayne township and resided there for three years.  At the expiration of that period he purchased the Van Curen farm, upon which he now resides.

He is today the owner of three hundred and ninety acres of valuable land, and his home property is one of the best in that locality.  He has erected thereon one of the largest and finest cattle barns to be found in the county and he is now extensively engaged in feeding and shipping cattle, having about one hundred and fifty head upon his place.

On the 10th of August, 1885, Mr. Ricklefs was united in marriage, in Doddridge County, West Virginia, to Miss Nora Krenn, a daughter of John Krenn, and to them have been born five children, namely: John, Albert, Emma, Violet and Edward.  In his political views Mr. Ricklefs is a Republican and has served as treasurer of his school district.  In business methods he is very honorable, systematic and progressive, and his marked energy and enterprise have gained him a place among the representative farmers and stock dealers of his adopted county.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:06:26

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