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Biographical Sketch
Charles S. Randolph
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Charles S. Randolph.

Among those who are in the employ of large corporations are found men of industry and enterprise, and such are sure to make advancement, for extensive business concerns demand faithful service and able workmanship on the part of those in their employ, and it is these qualities that have given to Mr. Randolph the position which he now occupies as foreman of the track of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company at Leona. 

He was born in Greene county, Ill., in September, 1855.  His father, William H. Randolph, was a farmer who removed from New Jersey, his native state, and took up his abode in Illinois about 1840.  He married Miss Clarinda C. Randolph, and they became the parents of the following named: Laura, wife of W. P. Cochran, of Severance; Eugene, who is living in Sumner county, Kansas; Belle, wife of J. Cyphers, of Marshall county, Kansas; Hattie, wife of John Kellerman, of Kiowa county, Kansas; Marian, wife of C. C. Gregg, a resident of York county, Nebraska; Grant and Meade, who are living in Barber county, Kansas; Ella, wife of Ed. Gates, whose home is in Sumner county; and William, of Fairview, Kansas.

The father of this family died in Polk county, Missouri, in 1870, but his widow still survives and now makes her home in Medicine Lodge, Kansas.  Charles S. Randolph was a youth of fifteen years when he left his home state, and with his parents removed to Polk county, Missouri, where he acquired his education in the district schools.  On attaining his majority he started out in life as a farmer, and in 1878 came to Kansas and carried on agricultural pursuits in Wolf River township, Doniphan county.

Until 1890 he tilled the soil and worked the fields, but at that time he abandoned the plow to enter the railroad service, becoming a trackman in the employ of the St. Joseph & Grand Island Railroad Company.  In 1895 he was promoted to the position of foreman, and in that capacity has been stationed at Hanover, Seneca and Leona. 

On the 19th of February, 1883, Mr. Randolph was united in marriage to Miss Mollie M. Webb, a daughter of William M. Webb, one of the prominent farmers of Wolf River township.  He came to Doniphan county in 1864, from Grant county, Indiana, where he was born upon a farm May 6, 1840.  His father, John Webb, located in Indiana at an early day, and died in the Hoosier state in 1842, at the age of fifty years.  He was a native of North Carolina, and William M. Webb was the youngest of his nine children.

The latter was married in March, 1863, to Angeline, a daughter of Joshua Small.  Of this union were born two children, Mrs. Randolph and William R.  The son married Miss Ella Hancock, and is now living in Wolf River town-ship.  Mr. and Mrs. Webb came to Kansas with limited means and purchased a small tract of unimproved land near Severance, upon which they have since built a beautiful and attractive home.  They are among the leading citizens of the township, and have contributed in no small degree to the upbuilding and advancement of this section of the state.

Three children grace the union of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph, namely: William Raymond, Edith and Julia. The parents are widely and favorably known in the locality, and have many friends in Leona. Mr. Randolph is a man of marked industry and perseverance, and his success is well deserved.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:06:25

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