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Biographical Sketch
August Mouirguies
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

August Mouirguies.

In connection with the public offices in Wathena appears the name of August Mouirguies, who is now serving as the police judge, a position to which he was elected in April, 1899.  His service has been creditable to himself and satisfactory to his constituents, for he is fair and impartial in the discharge of his duty and true to the trust reposed in him.  A representative citizen of the community, he well deserves mention in this volume and it is with pleasure that we present his record to our readers, knowing that among them are many who are numbered among his friends.

Judge Mouirguies was born in St. Joseph Missouri, in 1854, and is a son of August Mouirguies, who was born in France and was reared and educated in his native land.  When a young man he came to the United States and was married in St. Charles, Missouri, to Miss Mary Polarday, a lady of French lineage.  In 1844 they removed from St. Charles to St. Joseph, Missouri, but afterward returned to the
former place.  The mother died during the early boyhood of our subject, leaving a family of five children, namely: Clementine, who is living in San Francisco, California; Emma, who died in that state; Henry, a resident of Chico, California; May, who makes her home in Oroville, California; and August.

The father was one of the early settlers of Doniphan county, Kansas, where he took up his abode in 1854.  He died at the age of eighty-one years and the community mourned the loss of one of its highly respected citizens.  His political support was given to the Republican party and he took a deep interest in its growth and success, yet was never an aspirant for office.

August Mouirguies, whose name introduces this review, pursued his education in the public schools and came with his parents to this county in pioneer days.  He acted as a clerk in his father's store, which was one of the first mercantile establishments in this locality, and later he engaged in merchandising on his own account, following that pursuit for twelve years with good success.  He now owns the store, fronting on Main street, in St. Joseph, Missouri, and a good farm near Wathena, comprising 80 acres of highly cultivated land.  These properties yield to him a good income and are creditable possessions, for they have been acquired through his own well directed efforts.

In 1881 Mr. Mouirguies was united in marriage to Miss Mary Zeiser, of Wathena, who was born in St. Charles, Missouri, and is the daughter of I. Zeiser, of this place.  They now have four children: Clara, Emma, Edna and Charles.  In his political views the Judge is independent of party ties, preferring to support the men and measures which he thinks best calculated to advance the general good.

He has served in several offices, including that of a member of the town council, and in April, 1899, was elected police judge by a good majority.  In the discharge of his duties he has won high commendation and throughout his public service in this and other offices he has been most true and faithful to the trust reposed in him. He possesses more than ordinary business ability, is progressive and enterprising and has the respect of all with whom he has come in contact.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:06:21

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