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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900. These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!
Joseph H. Sallee, a farmer and stock raiser whose home is in Burr Oak township, Doniphan county, not far distant from the town of Wathena, is one of the enterprising citizens of his locality. He was born in Andrew county, Missouri, November 13, 1849, his parents being William and Josephine E. (Hunter) Sallee, the former a native of New York and the latter of Missouri. William Sallee came west to Missouri in 1833 and settled on a farm in the Platte purchase.
There he married and reared his family and spent the years of an active, useful life. He is now living retired in St. Joseph, Missouri. His wife died August 16, 1879. Their son, Joseph H., the subject of this sketch, passed his boyhood days in Andrew and Buchanan counties, Missouri, receiving his early education in the district and private schools near his home and later attending a private school in St. Joseph.
He remained on the farm until he was nineteen. About that time the mining excitement took many an ambitious youth across the plains in quest of gold, and among the throng that crossed to Pike's Peak in 1868 was Joseph H. Sallee. On this journey he drove a team of eight yoke of cattle. He did not, however, remain long in the mining districts, but returned to St. Joseph, and until 1872 was there variously occupied.
That year he came to Doniphan county, Kansas, and settled upon his present farm of 240 acres, and here he has since devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits. He now has one of the best improved farms in the township. He raises annually large wheat crops and of recent years he has given special attention to fruit, having planted a fine orchard which is just now coming into bearing. For years he has also been largely interested in stock raising, keeping a high grade of cattle and hogs.
On the 7th of April, 1887 Mr. Sallee married Miss Elizabeth Mider, of Doniphan county, Kansas, daughter of Peter Mider, who came here from his native place in Adams county, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Sallee have five children, three sons and two daughters, namely: Jessie, William, Mary, Joseph E. and George. Mr. Sallee has long figured as one of the leading Democrats of Burr Oak township and in a local way has rendered his party valued service.
He was at one time nominee for county commissioner and made
the race for that office, but owing to the large Republican majority in the
county he, with the others on his ticket, was defeated. He, however, was
only thirty votes behind the Republican candidate, which, indeed, was a
compliment to Mr. Sallee. He served three years as clerk of school
district No. 23. Frequently he is a delegate to the party conventions and he has
the reputation of being an enterprising, public spirited, up to date citizen.
Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:06:05
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