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Biographical Sketch
Isaac Martin
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

Isaac Martin.

For thirty-five years Mr. Martin has been a resident of Doniphan county, and since 1892 has occupied his present fine farm in Wayne township.  His agricultural methods are in accord with the most progressive ideas, and his well-tilled fields indicate to the passerby the careful supervision of the enterprising owner.

He has always resided in the west, being a native of Clay county, Mo., where his birth occurred September 5, 1832.  His paternal grandfather, Isaac Martin, was one of the early settlers of that state.   His father, John Martin, was a native of Kentucky and during his boyhood accompanied his parents west.

During the Mexican War he entered the service and loyally aided in defending the rights of the United States.  He married Miss Sarah Harrington, also a native of Kentucky, and a daughter of William Harrington, a veteran of the Mexican War.  Her father was born in Georgia, but for many years resided in Kentucky and North Carolina, spending his last days, however, in Missouri, where he died at the advanced age of ninety-seven.

To John and Sarah Martin were born six children, five sons and a daughter, namely: William H., Isaac, Mary Ann, Miles B., Frank and Richard.  All of the sons enlisted in the army during the Civil War, and Richard died of wounds received in battle.  The father, who was born in 1807, died in Missouri, in 1865, at the age of fifty-seven years, and the mother died during the early boyhood of her son Isaac.

In politics Mr. Martin was a Democrat prior to the Civil War, when he became a supporter of the Republican party, casting his ballot for Abraham Lincoln.  Both he and his wife were consistent members of the Christian church.

Mr. Martin, of this review, was reared amid the wild scenes of pioneer life.  In 1836 the family took up their abode about ten miles from St. Joseph, which at that time was a trading post, containing but one dwelling.  He had but little opportunity to secure a literary education, but early learned the lessons of industry, honesty and perseverance upon the home farm; and the habits thus formed in youth have proved of great benefit to him in his business career.

In 1849 he left Missouri, and with General Fremont's party aided in building a fort in Arizona.  He visited California, Mexico and Arizona, and during his stay in the wild western districts had many thrilling experiences.  The plains and forests were the haunts of wild beasts and wilder men, for the Indians were thickly scattered throughout that section of the country.

In 1852, however, he returned to his home, and the same year was united in marriage to Miss Mary Agee, a native of Indiana and a daughter of William Agee, who died in Missouri in 1865.  Eight children were born to our subject and his wife, namely: James, Martha, Anna, Viola, Belle, Alice, Cora and Percy. After his marriage Mr. Martin engaged in farming, but when the Civil War broke out he put aside all personal considerations and joined the Twenty-fifth Missouri Infantry, in which he served four years.

He was made a corporal of his company and on the field of battle he displayed great bravery.  His family was noted for courage and loyalty and four of his brothers and his father fought to sustain the Union.  With an honorable military record Mr. Martin returned to his home and again took up the pursuits of civil life.

Since 1892 he has resided upon his present farm and is today one of the successful and leading agriculturists of Wayne township, Doniphan county.  He votes with the Republican party, which stood by the Union during the Civil War, and which has ever advocated progress and reform along all lines.

For over thirty years he has been a member of the Baptist church, true to its teachings and faithful to whatever he believes to be right.  All who know him esteem him highly for his sterling worth, and he enjoys the warm regard of a large circle of friends.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:05:59

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