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Biographical Sketch
George T. Wood
Doniphan County, Kansas


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The following transcription is from a 750 page book titled "Genealogical and Biographical Record of North-Eastern Kansas, dated 1900.  These have been diligently transcribed and generously contributed by Penny R. Harrell, please give her a very big Thank You for her hard work!

Gold Bar

George T. Wood, a fruit grower residing near Troy, Kansas, was born in sunny California, January 1, 1853 and is a son of N. B. and Evalyn W. (Riddle) Wood.  N. B. Wood was born in Boone county, Missouri, February 17, 1829 and died in Troy, Kansas, July 29, 1885.  He was a son of Jesse and Sarah (Murphy) Wood, the former a native of Kentucky, where he lived and died; his wife a native of Tennessee.

At an early age N. B. Wood lost both parents, being four years old when his mother died and eight at the time of his father's death.  He was then taken to the home of his uncle, Louis Wood, of Clay county, Missouri, where his school days were spent.  At the age of fifteen years he started out in life dependent upon his own resources.

He was married, in 1849, to Miss Evalyn W. Riddle, a native of Kentucky and at the time of her marriage was a resident of Andrew county, Missouri, to which place she had removed with her parents when a young girl.  She is a daughter of Benjamin N. and Gilly Riddle.  After their marriage N. B. Wood and wife settled at Savannah, Missouri, where they remained until 1852, when they joined the throng of emigration to California, but shortly afterward returned to Missouri.  Again, in 1857, they went to California, this time spending eleven years in the Golden state, and in 1869 again returning to Missouri.

The same year they moved to Kansas and bought seventy-five acres of land adjoining the corporate limits of Troy.  This tract of land Mr. Wood planted to apple trees.  He was among the first to set out an orchard in this vicinity, and in his pioneer effort his neighbors tried to discourage him, telling him he would never live to realize anything from his planting.  They, however, were mistaken, for he lived to sell thousands of dollars' worth of fruit from his orchard.

He and his wife became the parents of the following named children: Eva, the wife of Walter Johnson; George T., whose name introduces this sketch; Gilly, the wife of Edward F. Hanna; Anna, the wife of Ross Sturgis; and Miss Dixie Wood, who resides with her mother.  About five years ago the old homestead burned down, but was immediately rebuilt by Mrs. Evalyn Wood, the mother, who still occupies it.

George T. Wood accompanied his parents in the various moves made by them as stated above, and was in his teens at the time they located in Doniphan county, Kansas.  Here he attended the district school and lent efficient assistance in the work on the new orchard farm.

When a young man he read law in the office of his father, N. B. Wood, and was duly admitted to the bar, after which a partnership was formed under the firm name of Ryan & Wood, which continued until 1893.  That year Mr. Wood turned his attention to farming and fruit growing, making a specialty of apples, and in this business he is very successful.

Mr. Wood was married in December, 1895, to Miss Georgia Gates, a resident of St. Joseph, Missouri, and a daughter of Colonel Elijah Gates, a man prominent in state affairs.  Fraternally, Mr. Wood is identified with Troy Lodge, No. 55, A. F. & A. M., and also the Commandery of Knight Templars, of which his father also was a member.

  Gold Bar

Last update: Sunday, July 21, 2024 10:05:57

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